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U of M thread (in the Lions Forum) :)

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  • We prefer the term passionate
    F#*K OHIO!!!

    You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


    • Originally posted by jaadam4 View Post
      Harbaugh is hilarious the way he handles the media. They love him because he can be so quotable but a real piece of crap to them when he gets aggitated and ends interviews.

      Either way it's funny watch
      GO LIONS "24" !!


      • "He was extremely cold and dismissive in ONE interaction towards me when I was an intern with the Freep in 2000. The only real significant interaction I ever had with the guy."
        ------------------------------------------Did you ever consider the fact it might be because you're a complete fucking asshole????

        "I wasn't good enough to make the cut in a rapidly collapsing market."
        --------------------------------------DUDE, you weren't good enough. Just admit it. You have to throw out excuses to make yourself feel better. You SUCKED dude. If you were any good you would have been hired. Collapsing market. LOL. YOU SUCKED!!!
        Last edited by DanO; August 17, 2016, 11:45 AM.
        GO LIONS "24" !!


        • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
          He smashed your dreams of being a sportswriter. He found you unworthy.

          It taints your view of Michigan and fuels your unreasonable hate of Michigan (Spartans have a legitimate reason)

          It is human nature and in your case is so obvious that your denial is laughable.
          GO LIONS "24" !!


          • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
            It was more the job market that smashed my dreams of being a sportswriter, but hey... if that's what you want to believe. I wasn't good enough to make the cut in a rapidly collapsing market. Does that make you feel better, to hear me declare myself a failure? Because, ya know, I've done that a lot. It shouldn't be news.

            And I don't "hate" Michigan, no matter what you say. I don't know how many times I've said it's a great school with top of the world academics. I can't even throw shade at it's athletic department lately after it cleaned house.

            Harbaugh made a big deal out of something he probably had no reason to make a big deal out of by getting all indignant and defensive. That's hardly unique to him, as I've mentioned before. Saban's done it. Dantonio's done it. Izzo's done it. Belein's done it. What's different now is that there have been some very dark examples of what colleges consider "handling things internally," and it was a pretty dumb move on Harbaugh's part to play that card in the shadow of transgressions done by Baylor, Penn State, Florida State, North Carolina, Florida, etc. He might as well have shined a huge spotlight saying, "LOOK AT ME! I'M HIDING SOMETHING!"

            But keep living in your twisted world where you've got your finger on the pulse of everything. I must simply hate Michigan.
            Sorry your dream of being a sports writer didn't pan out. I hope you find passion in whatever life work you pursue. It sounds like you are still pretty young and have plenty of time to pursue new dreams.

            Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
            "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution everybody can understand."
            Colin Powell


            • Originally posted by LionsNC View Post
              Sorry your dream of being a sports writer didn't pan out. I hope you find passion in whatever life work you pursue. It sounds like you are still pretty young and have plenty of time to pursue new dreams.

              Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
              I'm doing fine, for what it's worth. Creative fiction has been enough to pay the bills for now along with a part time job for spending money/investing. I'm not in great shape, but there's a lot of people in this economy doing a lot worse.

              And, in full disclosure, I know exactly why fans get their rankles up when I post. It's a relic of said sportswriting days, where I gotta kick the hornet's nest with the "hot take" (I learned a TON of bad writing habits in that attempted career, that is one of them). I don't even realize that I'm dipping into that well half the time.

              The idea that I'm some bitter, broken shell of a man because I failed at landing a career in sportswriting? Not at all true. I gave it a shot, I didn't succeed, I have no regrets.
              Last edited by chemiclord; August 17, 2016, 12:30 PM.


              • ^BULLSHIT!!! You're a loser.

                Very philanthropic of you LionsNC. Can't support a pompous, egotistical, narcissistic, bitch.
                GO LIONS "24" !!


                • Oh wow DanO. How do you really feel.
                  F#*K OHIO!!!

                  You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                  • I just love that CGVT uses an old timey term like cub reporter. Most old folks try to refrain on using old terms like that in fear of dating themselves. CGVT seeks out those terms.

                    You'll never go wrong beating up on the media.


                    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                      You'll never go wrong beating up on the media.
                      they're almost as bad as starving artists that write fiction and hang out in Lions forums. :shock:
                      F#*K OHIO!!!

                      You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                      • The thing is when somebody rightfully asks questions to Nick Saban and he gets all pissy for legit questions he is called a jerk. I guess it all depends on who the guy is coaching for.

                        Chemiclord has jumped two or three bridges to get to the worst case scenario, the Penn State or Baylor scenario. This is small time, a couple freshman getting suspended is a hair above dog bites man news. It happens all the time, but the press has to ask the questions. The worst thing you can have is a media contingent afraid to ask the most basic questions.


                        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                          The thing is when somebody rightfully asks questions to Nick Saban and he gets all pissy for legit questions he is called a jerk. I guess it all depends on who the guy is coaching for.

                          Chemiclord has jumped two or three bridges to get to the worst case scenario, the Penn State or Baylor scenario. This is small time, a couple freshman getting suspended is a hair above dog bites man news. It happens all the time, but the press has to ask the questions. The worst thing you can have is a media contingent afraid to ask the most basic questions.
                          I didn't intend to make it seem like a jump to the worst case scenario (and my initial posts did come off that way, so it's not unfair to have gotten that reaction). I did try to follow it up by acknowledging the most likely scenario is that these are relatively benign suspensions. But when Harbaugh became indignant and defensive it gave speculation legs. That article gets no play (much less spread around the media cycle) without Harbaugh flipping out on the reporters.

                          We've heard that "we're handling this internally" line before in every single one of those worst case scenarios, and in that light it was a really bad response on Harbaugh's part.
                          Last edited by chemiclord; August 17, 2016, 02:41 PM.


                          • Originally posted by jaadam4 View Post
                            they're almost as bad as starving artists that write fiction and hang out in Lions forums. :shock:
                            I could probably do with starving a little bit, honestly. On the wrong side of 260 right now...

                            Yep. I'm fat too. There's some more ammunition.


                            • You're right that the article gets no play and that may be the method to the madness
                              . Flipping out wins him a news cycle.


                              • That was hardly a flip out. Wouldn't even be anything if it were during the season.

                                2 kids that weren't arrested are suspended, shut it down.

