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  • Tom - I liked episode 3 as well. Think we know enough now that Olivia hasn't been brainwashed and it sounds like she will Retain Bolivia's memories while returning to herself. At some point they will obviously begin trying to obtain from her information on the Cortexifan drug trials and the ties to her ability to both recognize the alternate universe and travel to/from it.

    And just like Bolivia in our universe, how long until Francis, Broyles, or Walternate detect that the memory injection did not work?
    Got Kneecaps?


    • I'm really enjoying this season of Fringe. I'm a little bummed that there won't be a new episode until November.


      • crap ! hiatus again?

        It seems Fauxlivia was on the verge of maybe being caught last episode...
        Got Kneecaps?


        • I've been digging this season of "Sons of Anarchy" and I really love "the League"
          I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


          • ABC has just ordered 5 additional episodes Detroit 1-8-7, just hanging on. I watch the show since its filmed in Detroit, don't really think it that good though. Blue Bloods is much better.


            • I think it has improved with each episode but still has room to get better. As a Detroiter, I just love see the scenery and trying to pick out landmarks. Only watched Blue Bloods once, so I can't really compare the two.


              • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                ABC has just ordered 5 additional episodes Detroit 1-8-7, just hanging on. I watch the show since its filmed in Detroit, don't really think it that good though. Blue Bloods is much better.
                Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
                I think it has improved with each episode but still has room to get better. As a Detroiter, I just love see the scenery and trying to pick out landmarks. Only watched Blue Bloods once, so I can't really compare the two.
                I kind of like it. It seems to be getting better, although it is still pretty cliche'. Maybe the extra episodes will allow the characters to develop a bit and save it.

                I watched the Blue Bloods pilot and didn't care for it.

                I watch Hawaii 5-0 Just for the schlock factor. It is mindless entertainment. Pretty good chemistry between the two main characters.
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • This week's Detroit 1-8-7 wasn't bad. One thing that bugs me is the constant looks between Fitch and the hot female detective.


                  • Haven't watched it on TiVo yet but I love Fitch and his quirkiness. The looks and his weird mannerisms are all because of something...hope the show stays on long enough to find out what.


                    • The girl who the DA is a terrible actor.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • I'm pissed because NBC pulled a show that I felt had a lot of promise and that I was really getting into.....Undercovers.


                        • Anyone watch Storm Chasers on Discovery? Last weeks episode was so....powerful....emotional.
                          "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                          • Alright. Then I?m going to tell ya?ll about it. One of the main guys in Storm Chasers is Sean Casey who invented the Tornado Intercept Vehicle (TIV) ? a vehicle that can sustain being in the center of a tornado. He is making an IMAX film about tornados and searches for shots he can get inside a tornado. Doesn?t happen often but they chase all season (in the spring). Last season, Matt Hughes, a meteorologist, joined Sean?s team. He rode in separate vehicle and tracked storms and worked to get the TIV in the path of a tornado. This season Matt got promoted to riding in the TIV.

                            Fast forward to last week?s episode. At the beginning, text on the screen says something like ?This is in memory of Matt Hughes. His family respectfully requested we show his last chase.? So immediately it?s a hit to the gut?Matt is dead. How did he die? Well, during the episode, he positions the TIV into the path of a tornado. Mind you, it?s rare during this show that they actually get inside a tornado. Cameras are mounted on the dash and catch Matt?s reaction while the tornado is passing over them. He is ECSTATIC. ENTHRALLED. It was so dramatic to witness the joy on his face knowing he?s no longer alive and not knowing how he died. Was something going to suddenly happen during this scene to take his life? No. It didn?t. Btw, this was his first time being inside a tornado.

                            At the end of the episode, text on the screen says something like ?The following weekend after that chase, Matt suffered a fatal accident at his home. He died 10 days later surrounded by friends and family.? What?!

                            So I take to the internet to find how he died. Suicide. According to TMZ he hung himself but was still breathing when the paramedics got to him and he died days later in the hospital.

                            I can?t get over seeing the look of ecstasy on his face from being in the tornado to his being so depressed he killed himself days later.
                            "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                            • I gotta be honest my absolutely favorite show is usa's Psych. Sean and Gus are the best. They gear exactly towards my sense of humor!
                              I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


                              • Is anyone watching "The Big C"? While the subject matter may not be appealing, the show is actually quite funny and Laura Linney has surprised me. I think she deserves an award for her work on this show.

                                Parenthood remains a favorite of mine.

                                Still just love watching Detroit 1-8-7. I thought it was too cool that I just saw that bus depot Monday night on the way to the Hard Rock Cafe and then there it was, a main location in the show on Tuesday. I hope it manages to stay on a few seasons.

                                Survivor has been kind of boring this season. Russell spoiled me I guess. Jane is a crazy woman and her diatribe about how evil Marty is was unwarranted. She is mistaking the game for real life. Every time they show a shot of her, she looks stark raving mad.

                                I think Community is my favorite comedy right now, right up there with Modern Family.

