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  • It's a guy in suspended animation on his way to mars but, they got lost...thus the name.
    To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


    • Lost in Space ?
      Dopeler Effect: The Tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. - Author unknown


      • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
        Well, I finally got a chance to watch the last episode of Life on Mars. It was very good until the last 10 minutes when they "explained it all...

        I am pissed.

        If you don't want to know how it ended, quit reading now.

        It was a fucking DREAM!?!? Are you kidding me?

        They were on a space mission to Mars and it was the main character's dream enroute and the main characters in the show were crewmembers.

        How fucking lazy is that?

        I guess what pisses me off most is that I enjoyed the show, and although it could be a bit cheesy at times, the acting was good and I enjoyed the characters and story line of the "dream"

        I never watched the show so I didn't get emotionally involved in the show like some

        Having it be a dream sequence is pretty lame and lazy on the producers/writers part.

        Also having Harvey Keitel as an astronaut is pretty unbelievable too!

        I buy him as a gangster, FBI agent, cop, business man, weirdo next door. BUT AN ASTRONAUT?!?!?!?!

        That's like me being offered the role as the next Slim Goodbody!


        • Originally posted by YT View Post
          I never watched the show so I didn't get emotionally involved in the show like some

          Having it be a dream sequence is pretty lame and lazy on the producers/writers part.

          Also having Harvey Keitel as an astronaut is pretty unbelievable too!

          I buy him as a gangster, FBI agent, cop, business man, weirdo next door. BUT AN ASTRONAUT?!?!?!?!

          That's like me being offered the role as the next Slim Goodbody!
          Ha! ER anybody?

          Keitel played the police LT in 1973 and Imperioli played a detective. Both were excellent. And yes, I was emotionally involved. I had hoped the ending would have him accept 1973 and stay there, but would have been OK with a different outcome. I just think the "dream" was a cheap easy way out...

          I guess the British version had the Cop return to his own time in the middle of a gunfight. He didn't feel that he belonged in his "own" time and finally jumped off the roof of a building. He then woke up in 1973 again and saved his buddies... Much better ending IMO. I think I am going to rent the DVD, but fear I will disapointed because I liked the characters in the US version so much.
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • I went out of town for a few days and came back to find my DVR had lost its mind and didn't record anything on Sunday. So I did a search to see if the Apprentice was going to be rerun at all and was surprised to find that it was available on demand through Charter. Very cool. I figured I could watch it online, but I'd much rather watch TV in my living room versus sitting in front of the PC.


            • I got hooked on "Fringe" - migrating a file/sql server this weekend and during downtime started watching episodes on HULU
              Got Kneecaps?


              • How about this week's episode of Survivor? That was crazy. Coach is so obnoxious.
                "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                • He totally is. I was reading a blog where some were surmising it's all an act to get camera time. Then someone who supposedly knew him chimed in and said, no, he's really like that. When she had met him, he claimed to have survived a fall from the 17th story of a

                  What a tool!!

                  Really wish they would have punted him last week. Shame on Taj for blowing that alliance.


                  • Heroes really irks me. I still watch the show, but WTF!

                    Magical blood can bring the heroes back to life. But when Nathan is killed they don't do this? Instead they think, "I know! Since Sylar is a shape shifter, we'll have Parkman play his mind game with him and make Sylar think he's Nathan. That will give us our beloved Nathan back!"

                    Yeah, nothing wrong with THAT plan.

                    And if Peter absorbed Sylar's shape shifting abilities, why not have Peter pose as Nathan, if Nathan really was needed for political purposes??

                    And wtf anyway! They can die and be brought back to life. They can travel in time. They can lose or gain new abilities. Sylar's "off switch" moves after being a shape shifter. They keep changing the rules and it makes anything possible and everything meaningless.


                    Meanwhile, Lost was kind of a mind bender. I liked learning how Lost is written...

                    [ame=""]YouTube - Secrets of LOST #10 featuring JJ Abrams Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof[/ame]


                    • I agree Deb. Heroes is totally worthless IMO...
                      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                      • I also agree about Heroes Deb, to me it seems like they had this kick ass idea for a new show and ran out of ideas after the first season. The first season was great then everything after has just been either boring or really lame. The ratings have been really bad since the first season and I don't think it will be back for another.


                        • It's too bad. I think Sylar is my favorite TV character. He freaks me out. But the rest of it, ugh!


                          • I would agree with spdrcr557.

                            Deb, I know what you mean. Actually my boss at work got me watching Heroes and I watched the first season on DVD and was hooked. I quit watching the show about 5 weeks ago but tuned into the season ender to see if things had changed. You said the exact same thing my boss said. It's like no rational person would act the way that the characters are acting. He said he is done with the show as well.

                            By the way, I loved your line "They keep changing the rules and it makes anything possible and everything meaningless." Oh so true.
                            All emotions can be traced back to two basic and fear.


                            • Regarding the Celebrity Apprentice:

                              I no longer like Joan Rivers. I'm not sure how someone can be so terrible to someone else and think they're the one with integrity.


                              • I am really looking forward to the LOST finale tonight.
                                All emotions can be traced back to two basic and fear.

