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  • Originally posted by romster View Post
    Yeah, the question and answer session with the other esp guy (don't remember his name) was nice comic relief.
    "Here (handing Hurley his gun). Just shoot me."



    • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
      Last night was ER's final episode. I enjoyed the retrospective that aired beforehand. I had forgotten how different than anything else on TV it was when it started.

      The final episode was okay. They seemed to want to make it similar to how it started with similar storylines. I didn't understand why we were seeing new doctors in the final episode. That was just weird. It was great to see the characters who had left, though.
      We watched and I agree.

      I was a little disappointed that Carol & Doug weren't in the final and thought it was a bit contrived that Greene's daughter showed up as a potential ER med student. But I guess they were trying to tie in Greene in some way.

      The way they left the relationship between Carter and his wife was also a little weird (They're married and they didn't hug or kiss or touch????). WTF!!!!

      I thought that Benton & Cordey may get back together there at the end.

      And how come Morgenstern didn't make an appearance?

      And what's the deal with the whole build-up with Archie's girlfriend for several episodes and she didn't even show up for one scene in the final???

      But overall it was a pretty good episode. Solid 7 out of 10!


      • Carter had said or implied earlier this season that his marriage was in deep trouble. I liked that they didn't do the happily ever after thing with them, even though they easily could have done so.

        Don't think they could come up with a storyline that would fit everyone back in. At least we saw Morgenstern earlier in the season, along with Doug and Carol.

        Yeah I was kind of disappointed in the final episode because they made it stand alone a bit too much instead of tying up the most recent storylines. Like the adoption storyline, for instance. :(


        • I knew about Carter's marriage being crappy. But to not even show them hugging was a little weird to me.

          Even when I was going through my divorce I still hugged my ex (when we weren't yelling our guts out at each other). Maybe it was out of habit or something else....

          I was happy to see Carol, Doug & Morgenstern in earlier episodes. I guess I was just hoping to see them one last time in the final.

          Another thing that bothered me about the episode where Doug & Carol are featured is that they never find out who the kidney went to. Carol just tells Doug some Doctor in Chicago got it.

          I was just hoping for the sentimental wrap-up with that storyline. :(

          I agree that they should have tied up a few more story lines. But I'm guessing that the writers wanted to leave some loose ends to let the fans' imagination draw their own conclusions or subconsciously send the message that no matter what, life goes on.


          • I pretty much agree with Deb's take on AI.

            Lil Rounds has lost her confidence and fadding fast.

            Adam is all about musical theater and so far has shown restraint in his delivery...he can very easily slip up and go over the top ...that would be his down fall.

            Danny does have a touching story, but he seems to be building up an arrogance that is beginning to annoy me.

            Chris is the only one I see getting better every week, and he is starting to show the cool confidence that David Cook had last year. He is flying under the radar right now as Danny and Adam are the favorites.
            Dopeler Effect: The Tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. - Author unknown


            • ER ????? what's this ER you guys speak about?????

              Another series successfully avoided.
              Dopeler Effect: The Tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. - Author unknown


              • Awww, your loss. That show made me cry many times.


                • I think I saw two episodes (Flood/Storm ? and the live show) for the entire run, and they never caught my attention.
                  Dopeler Effect: The Tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. - Author unknown


                  • Anyone watch House last night? An unexpected and powerful episode.
                    "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


                    • Originally posted by romster View Post
                      Anyone watch House last night? An unexpected and powerful episode.

                      Just finished it, crazy good episode. Spoiler Alert

                      I read that Kal Penn (Cutner) left to work for the Obama administration at the white house as a Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison.


                      • It sure was a surprise. I had no warning.... very powerful.
                        Dopeler Effect: The Tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. - Author unknown


                        • Well, I finally got a chance to watch the last episode of Life on Mars. It was very good until the last 10 minutes when they "explained it all...

                          I am pissed.

                          If you don't want to know how it ended, quit reading now.

                          It was a fucking DREAM!?!? Are you kidding me?

                          They were on a space mission to Mars and it was the main character's dream enroute and the main characters in the show were crewmembers.

                          How fucking lazy is that?

                          I guess what pisses me off most is that I enjoyed the show, and although it could be a bit cheesy at times, the acting was good and I enjoyed the characters and story line of the "dream"

                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Oh brother. Yeah, that would piss me off.


                            • Has anyone else been watching the new comedy on ABC called "Better Off Ted"?? It's kind of insanely funny. Last night's episode was about how the company had replaced its motion-detectors with skin-reflection detectors. The flaw with these detectors was that they could not detect black people. So the black employees had to work in the dark, the water fountain wouldn't work for them, etc. It was so NOT politically correct and very funny.


                              • That show sounds pretty funny Deb. Is it something like "The Office"?

                                I know I said this before but I am happy I didn't give up on Lost. It has really gotten good. I hope it doesn't end like it was all a dream or some childs imagination or something like that.
                                All emotions can be traced back to two basic and fear.

