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  • Here we go! GoT season 7.
    This season, we get a little dose of Jeremy Podeswa. Pretty camera shots, but has f'ed up in previous GoT eps.
    Mark Mylod for eps 7.2 and 7.3... the primary director of Shameless. Really good use of a camera, but again has f'ed up in prior episodes.
    Matt Shakman for eps 7.4 and 7.5... the director of the most "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" episodes. Maybe brought on board for a long shot.
    Alan Taylor for 7.6 ... director of Thor 2, Terminator Genisys, and some seasons 1-2 GoT eps.

    Basically, combine the directors of Shamless, It's Always Sunny in Phili, and some big budget misses.... you get season 7 of GoT. Should be great nonetheless.
    AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


    • Game of Thrones season7! I am sooooo excited!


      • Anyone watch Handmaiden's Tale?

        It was a great first season.


        • Starting up "Mr. Robot" season 2. Loved the first season so much... can't wait.

          Also, GoT has been great so far. First two eps were kind of setups, but the 3rd ep was terrific. Tonight's episode is from the director that gave you the best It's Sunny episode, so intrigued. Gave you this brilliance:
          [ame=""]The Nightman Cometh Special Edition - YouTube[/ame]
          AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


          • I was completely surprised when I pulled up amazon prime on Saturday that they have GoT episodes to rent. Up until now, the only way you could watch it 'legally' was through Hulu Japan which was a season behind. I guess they tanked though and amazon was able to pick it up.

            Call me a sucker, but as with Lions games, I'd rather pay for the official broadcasts if it's available. Speaking of, my NFL Game Pass just renewed for another year. I debated letting it go this year, and I'm sure I'll regret not doing that in another month or two.
            2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


            • I've been saving GoT for when I get home. I can't wait!
              F#*K OHIO!!!

              You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


              • Wow, episode 4 really delivered.
                2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                • Originally posted by LionsFanInJapan View Post
                  Wow, episode 4 really delivered.
                  Yes it did. Decent plot movement maybe slightly slow considering the last season and a half. But man that ending was fanfuckingtastic.


                  • Plot is slowed for sure.

                    Source material waning.


                    • Love that they have been giving us a lot of character moments. With big names meeting up, that's what needed to happen. Kind of like the earlier seasons, but without GRRM's dialogue.
                      Good balance between character moments and being epic.
                      Next three episodes might be even better!
                      AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                      • I'm not sure GRRM cares much about his source material anymore. And can it really be source material if they TV show story is told first?
                        2015 AAL - Ezekiel "Double Digit Sacks" Ansah.


                        • That's the point.

                          Of course he cares, but he isn't outpacing a show that isn't going to stop.

                          More artistic liberties will be taken and his opinion on the matter will continue to mean less.

                          It will dampen how good the series is, but I don't think anything catastrophic.

                          Biggest complaint so far is how obvious plot-armor has become for characters that were envisioned to be pivotal for the end. Especially true when contrasted with how dispensable non-chosen characters have been.


                          • Originally posted by millenwasmyfavorite View Post
                            That's the point.

                            Of course he cares, but he isn't outpacing a show that isn't going to stop.

                            More artistic liberties will be taken and his opinion on the matter will continue to mean less.

                            It will dampen how good the series is, but I don't think anything catastrophic.

                            Biggest complaint so far is how obvious plot-armor has become for characters that were envisioned to be pivotal for the end. Especially true when contrasted with how dispensable non-chosen characters have been.
                            I described this to my sister over the weekend. She knew it was a big cast and didn't want to watch a show that had as many characters she had to learn each season. I told her that's not how GoT works, GoT started with this huge cast and for the most part has whittled the cast down as the show has gone on.

                            Knowing that, we are at the point that what is left is mostly end game players. Things we know, Euron, Cersei, and probably Jamie will die. But it has to be the right time. We pretty much know that Jon will live to fight the dead. Bran/Sam/Spider/Sansa/Tyrion are all basically advisors and won't be in a spot to die. Sansa I have a feeling will control Winterfell by the end.

                            So realistically it's not because the show is afraid to kill them. It's that they are at a point where they are needed to close the plot and if they die they have to die at the right time. Sadly this means the end of last episode doesn't mean what they want you to mean and if it did they didn't need the last movement action. But obviously that character plays a part further down the line.


                            • Right.

                              It isn't a huge deal to me, but it is definitely the largest complaint I hear and can also understand.

                              Big picture, criticisms will be sparse when all is said and done. Even "core" narrative cuts are often overlooked because every episode is so jam packed and done so well.

                              Yes, definitely going to see the political war wrapped up before the existential war. The fever pitch for Cersei's death hasn't quite met Joffrey/Ramsey levels, but I think the writers are smart enough to make that happen before her end.


                              • Originally posted by LionsFanInJapan View Post
                                I'm not sure GRRM cares much about his source material anymore. And can it really be source material if they TV show story is told first?
                                True, GRRM probably doesn't care.
                                My point about the dialogue is how a lot of seasons 1-4 (especially 1) was word per word from the books. Many would say GRRM's writing is stronger than Weiss and Benioff because you get more conversations with deep meaning... excellence at weaving the narrative. Whereas seasons 5-7, a lot of the dialogue is referential. Benioff and Weiss have reportedly had to go off of GRRM notes (macro), doing a lot of writing from scratch (micro). A lot of the major plot points line up with aFfC, aDwD, and the last two books. It makes sense though... Martin had years to write his books and is more knowledgable. Benioff and Weiss have been given less time to come up with a script for the show with a new season every year since 2011.
                                That said, I'm loving all of the epic moments we have had recently. Season 7 has been fantastic so far (minus the setup ep 1 and half of ep 2) and it sounds like the last three episodes will be strong.
                                Episode 7.5 ... another one from Matt Shakman.
                                Episode 7.6 ... THE episode is usually the 2nd to last of a season and Alan Taylor.
                                Episode 7.7 ... It's an hour and a half long, come on now. Can't wait!
                                AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill

