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  • I agree, Niffla. Hopefully it will improve a bit and stick around a while.

    I thought The Event's second episode was much better than the pilot. It's an interesting premise, although not quite on the same level as LOST, like I think they had hoped it would be.


    • Tom - YES IT DID !!!

      Abrams and Co have really done a good job keeping us guessing. Although it seems that Bolivia's memory transfer to Olivia was successful, I am guessing it was not entirely. And how long until Bolivia's cover is blown? I am glad Charlie Francis is alive in the alternate Universe. I am wondering if the "Watchers" have the ability to crossover? Will that be Olivia's way back home? Looks like they are going to alternate episodes between the universes.
      Got Kneecaps?


      • Part of me thinks that Olivia is faking it in the other world because she knows she has no shot of escaping at the moment but I think that might be wishful thinking. I don't think she could know what their plan is. I am curious about the cab driver. He seemed to know more about hwat's going on.

        The Event's second episode wasn't a whole lot better.


        • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
          I agree, Niffla. Hopefully it will improve a bit and stick around a while.
          Hey Deb, I couldn't get around to watching 187 that night (got it dvr'd, though). How was it? Better than the premiere?
          AAL: KhaDarel Hodges


          • I really like the character of Fitch (played by the guy from the Sopranos). But the main story was pretty weak, I thought. The secondary story was more interesting. I think they'll need to tighten up the crime stories a bit if they want to stick around.

            Loved the line one of the detectives had. Something like:

            "I had to break up with her. The long distance thing just didn't work."

            "Long distance? Windsor is 10 minutes over the bridge."

            "Yeah, but, c'mon. Canada? I shouldn't have to go to another country to get some action."


            The other Detroit references and scenery are very cool.

            Read in the paper that it's getting killer ratings in the Detroit area and has been #2 in its time slot nationally.


            • I thought the first show was terrible, full of cliches and cheesy as hell, but the second was much better. Agree on Micheal Imperioli, Deb. I like like him in most everything he does. He might be able to hold it together, but it is going to have to get better to survive, I think.
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Agree on all counts.


                • I'm glad to see Detroit 1-8-7 is doing well but I just can't see it lasting. I doin't think I'm going to watch it anymore.


                  • tom - What did you think of "The Box" ?
                    Got Kneecaps?


                    • The Box? You mean the 2nd Fringe episode? I thought it was pretty good. At first I thought Feauxlivia went after Peter because of feelings for him but it looks like it's part of a master plan. It seems strange that when Our Gang first went to the other side, Feauxlivia didn't seem to know anything about them but suddenly she's part of this much bigger plan. I guess she's been there a while and has been receiving instructions.


                      • I'm glad to see Detroit 1-8-7 is doing well but I just can't see it lasting.
                        Not surprisingly, its about to get dumped.


                        • I thought it was getting decent ratings.


                          • Ratings continue to slide for 'Detroit 1-8-7'; sites predict cancellation

                            Ratings for "Detroit 1-8-7" took another slight dip this week, dropping to just around eight million viewers -- down from around the 10-million mark the show had been holding onto for the first two episodes, according to TV By The Numbers.


                            • Fringe had a good episode last week.

                              Outsourced is growing on me. I know early on critics were really slamming it but it's not too bad. I do like the Aussie chick. She's cute.


                              • NCIS, Survivor, Top Chef!
                                Memorial Day 2018!

