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Non-football related stuff that really makes your day

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  • for the first time in my LIFE, I had the foresight to wrap all of the presents tonight instead of waiting until Christmas eve. It took me 2 hours, but it was totally worth it. So tomorrow all I have to do is a little housecleaning, a couple of errands, and then I will have a blissfully peaceful Christmas eve to revel in. Now if the four concert DVD's I ordered for Mr. Kayrone would just show up tomorrow, everything will be PERFECT!
    "I ain't the type to bitch, I ain't the type to cry, I will sit at your red light and wait for your shit to go by."


    • Congrats kay. Feels good to be finished up.
      AAL:to be determined

      2011 NFL Draft Wish List:

      1. Patrick Peterson Cornerback LSU
      2. Mark Herzlich Outside Linebacker Boston College
      3. John Moffitt Center Wisconsin
      4. Steve Schilling Guard Michigan
      5. Jeremy Kerley Wide Receiver TCU
      6. Carl Johnson Tackle Florida
      7. Johnny Patrick Cornerback Louisville


      • having friends, especially the ones here....really makes my day... A Merry Christmas Season to all...
        If you keep shootin, you can turn any piece of meat into burger


        • Merry Christmas all


          • Merry Christmas and may Santa bring your deepest desire.


            • Agreed, Merry Christmas all, uncle same gave me the ok I'll be in MI Jan 14 - 26!
              I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


              • "Now if the four concert DVD's I ordered for Mr. Kayrone would just show up tomorrow, everything will be PERFECT! "
                ------------------------Still waiting on my oldest sons present as well. Hope it arrives.

                Merry Christmas everyone.

                GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
                GO LIONS "24" !!


                • Merry Christmas Everyone!

                  Kay, what DVD's did you order? The Wiggles? :D


                  • The Wiggles are a cult!


                    • Bummer, they didn't come. Oh well, we never exchange gifts or anything so it isn't that big of a deal.

                      YT, they are 4 world musicians that were recommended to us by a Sengalese guy we met this summer - Baaba Maal, Salif Keita, Youssou N'dour, and Toure Kunda. No Wiggles.
                      "I ain't the type to bitch, I ain't the type to cry, I will sit at your red light and wait for your shit to go by."


                      • Originally posted by kayrone View Post

                        YT, they are 4 world musicians that were recommended to us by a Sengalese guy we met this summer - Baaba Maal, Salif Keita, Youssou N'dour, and Toure Kunda. No Wiggles.
                        Very cool. One of the things I missed living in the bay area (esp. Berkeley) was the diversity of the cultures there. From the music to the food to the people......great place to be exposed to.


                        • I ditto Stees remarks.

                          Merry Christmas to all and I hope you get everything you wanted and want everything you get.
                          I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                          • i just got rib in the oven, family all getting together and the sun is shining...Merry Christmas
                            If you keep shootin, you can turn any piece of meat into burger


                            • Enjoy STEE.

                              "Bummer, they didn't come. Oh well, we never exchange gifts or anything so it isn't that big of a deal."
                              -----------------------My sons didn't come either. At least he's prepared for that possibility.

                              GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
                              GO LIONS "24" !!


                              • This past Thursday I made the painful decision to have my elderly cat Cosmo euthanized. I'm posting in this thread instead of the pissed off thread because I want to celebrate the joy Cosmo brought to my life and the way in which he lived out his last hours.

                                I think Cosmo was around 19 years old, probably older. I found him 16.5 years ago starving to death in the gutter of the parking lot of the apartment building I was living in at the time. After coaxing him out with a can of food, I took him to the vet and discovered he had been fixed and his front paws declawed and was approximately 2 years old. He had ear mites and was severely malnourished but otherwise ok. I ran an ad in the paper for 2 weeks hoping his owners would claim him. I assumed he was lost or maybe abandoned. No one called so I kept him. Soon he was a healthy weight and grew back the hair he lost from being malnourished.

                                Cosmo was a fearless cat and quite social, friendly to all people and other animals. He endured 8 different moves with me and when one of the moves landed me for the first time without roomates, I adopted another stray to keep him company (Aiko is now 13).

                                Cosmo's age had been getting the best of him for quite some time. He was half deaf and more than a little senile. His kidneys began their long journey toward close to failing a couple years ago. He had lost a lot of muscle mass and was increasingly thin. Within the last few weeks something had obviously gone wrong with his brain resulting in damage to one of his eyes. The vet said it might get better but probably would not. He was eating very little...less and less with each day despite my trying every type of cat food on the market. In the last days he developed a tick that looked like he was experiencing electric shocks. I was in a sort of denial up until Wednesday night when it occured to me with Christmas a few days away and presumably no access to a vet, I had to do something quickly. He was in obvious discomfort.

                                My best friend was flying in that night and planned to have dinner with me Thursday when I got off work before driving another 3 hours to be with her family on Christmas eve. I woke up Thursday hoping a miracle had changed him in the night but it hadn't. So I showered and dressed and sat in my TV viewing chair with him in my lap at 7 A.M. waiting for the vets office to open and to call work to say I wouldn't be in. I spent the next 7 hours with Cosmo in my lap, petting him and reminiscing, and crying off and on knowing his appointment with death was at 2:30 P.M. I'm so grateful for those 7 hours. And fortunate were we that my best friend who lives 3,000 miles away would be the one to drive us to our appointment. Normally I tote Cosmo to the vet in his carrier and he cries the whole way. This time he was in my arms and calmly looked out the window, checking out the scene around him. The vet had to inject him twice because apparently his blood wasn't traveling to his heart very well. As the vet prepped his other leg for the second shot, Cosmo was none to happy and as the assistant held him, I petted his head and looked in his eyes telling him it was all ok and that I loved him. At 2:43 he was gone.

                                It's strange how empty the house feels without him. He was always at the door waiting for me when I came home. As soon as I woke he greeted me in the kitchen waiting to be fed. If I went to the basement he followed me and then annoyingly wouldn't follow me back up the stairs, staying behind to curiously sniff around, sometimes falling asleep on a heap of dirty laundry. If I was sitting down he would eventually jump in my lap. Meanwhile, Aiko spends 22 out of 24 hours on my bed. Heh.

                                I'm having Cosmo creamated and will bury his ashes in my flower bed out back.

                                He was a great cat.
                                "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."

