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Non-football related stuff that really makes your day

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  • Originally posted by DanO View Post
    It was raining here on Wednesday then dropped thirty degrees the next day. HELLO WINTER.

    GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!
    Originally posted by Islair View Post
    It rained here all day on Tuesday, then dropped to -8 with the wind chill. Look at all dat dere Ice on the road!
    Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
    We have been lucky so far. Cold winds gusting to 55 mph. High temp of 22 but just a dusting of snow.
    Originally posted by Sharkbait View Post
    We ended up with 14.5 inches of snow, high temp today 11 degrees, with 20 MPH winds. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Originally posted by Sharkbait View Post
    There are no degrees in Neenah, WI today.
    Looks like Wisco is getting the worst of it.


    • sweet sweet lake effect.
      Rashean Mathis: "I'm an egg guy. Last year we didn't have (the omelet station). I didn't complain, but I was dying inside."


      • Originally posted by bimmer84 View Post
        Looks like Wisco is getting the worst of it.
        Actually Im south of chicago by 2 1/2 hours.....glad Im not up there though....dont like dealing with all of that snow anymore.
        AAL:to be determined

        2011 NFL Draft Wish List:

        1. Patrick Peterson Cornerback LSU
        2. Mark Herzlich Outside Linebacker Boston College
        3. John Moffitt Center Wisconsin
        4. Steve Schilling Guard Michigan
        5. Jeremy Kerley Wide Receiver TCU
        6. Carl Johnson Tackle Florida
        7. Johnny Patrick Cornerback Louisville


        • I don't quite know where to begin. I have really been out of touch. Do any of you have flashback moments? I'm talking about instances when someone says something to you and you immediately flash back to a particular time in your life, and the picture of that moment is crystal clear. Well, I gotta tell ya, Dan V's post about the great experience he had at a game a couple of weeks ago, immediately sent me back to 1956. My dad had four seasons to every Lions game since 1951 and I went to nearly all of them. At the start of the '56 season he bought me a program which features pictures of 22 of the Lions players. Our tickets were in the lower deck of what would have been right field at Briggs stadium. The Lions used to enter and exit the field through the Tigers dugout which was directly across from our seats. I was 12 years old and pretty cocky and every game I would make my way over to the dugout and yell for the players as they came off the field after warmups to sign an autograph.. For the final game of the season, I was missing Dorn Dibble and Bobby layne. I yelled to Doak Walker as he left the warmup and asked if he could help me out. He said he'd see what he could do, and even told the Briggs stadium attendant to let me stay there until he got back. Moments later Dorn Dibble came back out alone to sign and after what seemed like an eternity the Lions all came back. Walker looked and handed me a piece of paper. Layne had broken his leg a week earlier in Chicago. Walker said "Here kid, Bobby isn't coming out, he says you should just tape this below his picture." That was one of my happiest moments in the Lion kingdom. Someone asked how many games we have seen live in another thread. My total is 48. 36 of them came in the 50's, including a championship game against Cleveland. I saw 8 in the 60's, 2 in the 70's and 2 in the 80's. The lions were 39-9 in the games I saw. The last in 84 was an overtime win over Tampa. I missed the winning td however, as i was already out in the parking lot to drive back to Detroit for the 5th and what would be deciding game of the World Series. That's something else I treasure. (Ir should I say used to treasure.) Between my dad and myself, we were in attendance for every world series game the Tigers played in the 20th century. I was mad for them, but I haven't seen a major league game since the last strike. But
          Dan I am sure glad you told that story, it sure brought back great memories for me.

          Let's see now, SLF I am sorry to hear about your pup. I actually cried when I had to put our cocker spaniel down 2 years ago. But you must be elated by the breakthrough in ms. It looks as though we have the close thing yet to a cure with the Liberation treatment. If you haven't heard much, watch the documentary on CTV...

          You might even be able to get your dad into the first treatment wave at the University of Buffalo.

          Dano, I see you sent me a message at Facebook...Thanks for thinking of me...I/m afraid I haven't been available much lately.

          Marko old buddy...congrats to you.....I will be in the same boat by the end of the weekend, My son's wife is being induced tomorrow...We already know it's a girl.

          Sharky that wit of yours is as sharp as ever, you must be feeling well....Way to go buddy. Yeah all this stuff makes my day, although I have missed a lot of
          Rockey's insight in the Red Wings thread.

 holding out okay buddy? Keep the faith. And Drew, keep those women coming. Tiger should've talked to you before messin' around.

          CVGT, I saw a documentary on the perils of work in the Coast Guard. It featured Canadians, but felt it must be pretty similar to what you do. I salute you sir, you have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.
          YT are you gonna stay out west or are you ever planning to come back. I still wear that Lions sweater you sent me buddy.....with pride I might add. It appears to me that we have a competent coaching staff for a change.

          I can't believe you would move from your beautiful digs Deb. I am happy to the move went well. And did you notice? Despite what you said in your original post, not one person took delight in your problem. I can tell you that almost everyone here recognizes you as being the forum. You are the Rock and you are appreciated. Don't ever forget it kiddo. I see Kansas dry wit is as hot as ever, and my gosh, it actually appears as though Gonz is behaving. Although, I confess, I have not had time to read the entire three months of posts I have missed.

          To date I have had two surgeries, (nothing serious really) My neurosurgeon says everything is going exactly as planned. The third and final procedure is scheduled for January 14, which will give me lots of time to prepare for a Superbowl.
          I know I'm missing one or two of you who had nice things happen. My apologies.
          We are two weeks from Christmas. It has been an unsettling time for so many. I say this from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish each and everyone of you a safe and happy holiday. I hope you can all be with family and share life to its fullest.
          Take care
          Last edited by The Cat; December 11, 2009, 11:52 PM.


          • Glad to hear from Bill! Hope all is well with you.

            Not sure if I'll ever move back there, but if the right offer came along........

            Glad you're still wearing that sweatshirt w/ pride. Maybe with you wearing it now it'll turn around the Lions!


            • Great story Bill, not many on here can actually say that they have seen more lion wins than losses
              AAL:to be determined

              2011 NFL Draft Wish List:

              1. Patrick Peterson Cornerback LSU
              2. Mark Herzlich Outside Linebacker Boston College
              3. John Moffitt Center Wisconsin
              4. Steve Schilling Guard Michigan
              5. Jeremy Kerley Wide Receiver TCU
              6. Carl Johnson Tackle Florida
              7. Johnny Patrick Cornerback Louisville


              • Bill, it is nice to have someone on the forum that actually experienced the Lions during their period of greatness. Nice story. Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

                P.S. The strike killed my interest in baseball as well.


                • Good to hear from you Bill. Congrats on the new arrival. They are the cats meow.
                  I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                  • BC,

                    Glad to see you checking back in.

                    I wish you the best of luck through your series of health issues.

                    Happy Holidays!


                    Good thing you haven't had a chance to read too much because you would have been disappointed in me afterall. :twisted:
                    Last edited by Panoptes; December 13, 2009, 12:33 PM.
                    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                    • Bill,

                      may the happiest of holidays belong to you and your family.
                      The only logical explanation is:
                      I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


                      • Hi, Bill. Nice to see read ya. Happy whatever-you-celebrate and good luck.

                        BTW, I went to my in-laws down in Kansas this weekend for a combination Thanksgiving/Christmas. On the way back, I'm cruising down a four-lane at 65 MPH and I'm approaching a pickup that just turned onto the highway. As I caught up to it, I noticed something on the rear bumper and to my complete was a freakin' cat! That poor thing was huddled on the back bumper, and as I approached the truck he stared right into my eyes and went, "MEOWWWWWWWW!"

                        At least that's what I think he said. I'm a pretty good lip reader. I think if he could have he would've given me the classic "frantically wave your arms at the search plane" kind of signals to make sure I saw him. But I'm pretty sure his claws were buried too deep in the rubber on top of the bumper at the time.

                        Anyways, I pull up to the driver, roll down my window and wave my arm to get his attention. He rolls his window down and I yell, "Dude! You got a cat on your rear bumber! A cat!"

                        He gives me one of those "roll the eyes, oh shit" looks and immediately slows down and pulls over. Don't know what happened to the cat. If the guy is a cat lover it probably got a nice comfy ride in the cab all the way back home. If not, the cat is either in survival mode catching field mice for nourishment, or he got a shovel to the back of the head.
                        It's so flat you can watch your dog run away for three days.


                        • Good to hear from you bill and congrats on the new arrival.

                          GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                          GO LIONS "24" !!


                          • Bill! So nice to see you. I've missed your posts around here. Hope that your health is improving.


                            • After a few ridiculous hurdles, I am in my new condo!!!

                              I managed to miss that snowstorm last week by a few hours. The movers picked my stuff up Tuesday and I drove down later Tuesday afternoon. Those poor guys brought my stuff through the snow on Wednesday. They were determined!

                              I had a few interesting adventures in trying to get into my place. The federal government intercepted the money wire that my bank was trying to send to the title agency. Supposedly, it was a random audit to ensure it wasn't terrorist activity! uh...wth?? Honestly, does this kind of thing ever happen to anyone else? I swear I encounter the most bizarre roadblocks....just gotta laugh! Anyway, this prevented the wire from going through till the next day when the bank realized they had to resend it. Since we closed on my moving in day, the sellers could have stopped me from moving in till they got the money. Luckily they didn't do that.

                              I hired a heating/cooling company to perform maintenance on my new furnace. They turned out to be very crooked. The heat was working fine...then they got here and suddenly a $200 switch was out. And they found some other problem that made them recommend I replace the furnace immediately. OMG. I got a second opinion from an old friend who has a heating company in Northville. My furnace is fine. MFers.

                              Also had dealings with a very shady real estate agency, but I'm waiting till their similarly shady title agency records my deed before I spill the beans about them...

                              I'm glad to be here, though!


                              • Your move has been quite the bizarre tale, to say the least Deb. Hope things are much smoother the rest of the trip.
                                Lions free since 6/23/2020

