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Non-football related stuff that really makes your day

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  • I don't know that I have ever had the occasion to use it or if it is a term I would use it, but I had no idea that the term "dumb" to describe someone that is mute is offensive.
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
      An apology was enough.

      Some in house sensitivity training would be appropriate too.
      Yep, the mother blew this up though and was on CNN saying she wanted to see someone lose their job. If I were the airline person in charge of dealing with this I would contact the couple, express apologies personally and counsel the individual and if the couple was agreeable arrange for them to meet the individual so they could apologize in person as well. (to the couple only, mom can go take a hike)
      Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


      • yeah they really prefer deaf mute. I'd like to think it was a mistake born from ignorance.
        Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


        • Originally posted by Tony G View Post
          Yep, the mother blew this up though and was on CNN saying she wanted to see someone lose their job. If I were the airline person in charge of dealing with this I would contact the couple, express apologies personally and counsel the individual and if the couple was agreeable arrange for them to meet the individual so they could apologize in person as well. (to the couple only, mom can go take a hike)
          I don't know that I would bother with a face to face. From a PR standpoint, I think that is overkill on what most would see as an innocent mistake. I don't think they have to go that far into damage control mode.
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • It would be tricky. If the guy who was handling the luggage is some min wage guy he's likely to tell them to go fuck themselves. I think that would be the best outcome though to remove their desire for discipline to be meted out.
            Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


            • Re: the driver. If you look there are exactly two trucks in the right lane. Me thinks asshole #1 could have moved over if he wasn't so interested in showing how big an asshole asshole #2 was.
              To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


              • Driver one is a bunghole for videoing while driving. On first view I thought a passenger took the vid.
                Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                  Re: the driver. If you look there are exactly two trucks in the right lane. Me thinks asshole #1 could have moved over if he wasn't so interested in showing how big an asshole asshole #2 was.
                  That was pretty much how I saw it.

                  I think at times we have all been asshole #1.

                  You are cruising along in the left lane, slowly passing some traffic and some guy comes barreling up in the right lane trying to cut in front of you before you get to the truck that you are about to pass. You see him coming and speed up just enough to keep him from getting there. He moves over behind you and tailgates. Now, he's an asshole, so you maybe don't go quite as fast as you might have or don't get over to the right after you pass the truck because, you know, you are going to be passing the next truck in just a minute or two. You slow just a bit and keep the asshole behind you so he can't pass you on the right as you creep up to the next truck. You slowly pass the next truck with the asshole hot on your tail. What a fucker! Tailgating you like that. This could go on for quite a while because the same as the asshole with the camera, you aren't going to speed up. That's dangerous and you can't get over. Hell. There are trucks over there. Finally you get to a break in traffic, you either get over or the asshole behind you zips around to the right and finally passes you with a glare or the bird. You either act appalled at his actions of return his pleasantries.

                  Admit it. You've all done it.
                  Last edited by CGVT; March 27, 2014, 11:30 PM.
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • I laughed my ass off at the redneck road rage video. Brilliant. Agree with CGVT that both are idiots. Also agree that we have all done those things in the past. (Not videoing other drivers though, never done that)

                    One of my own personal occurrences that made me almost uncontrollaby angry was in 2007 when my daughter had been rushed in an ambulance to hospital, diabetes related.
                    I got the call while at work. Back then I had a VW Caddy van, (faster van than I have now) .... So I get in that and head onto the Edinburgh City Bypass bound for the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.... Cruising along in the fast lane, speeding like fk, when I get to the Hermiston Gait junction, (large Glasgow M8 motorway junction) and this complete and utter asshole decides to pull across in front of me, for no reason whatsoever. He had no one to pass. So I'm weaving about behind him trying to pass, all the while thinking about my daughter and the need to get there quick. Just couldn't pass. He was speeding up, slowing down etc etc. Eventually we would come to the Sheriffhall roundabout where there are traffic light control and I had to make a left turn at those lights for the hospital. But we were still six miles away from that and I had made a conscious decision that at those lights, I was going to drag the fucker out of his car and kick his fucking head in. My daughter had severe Ketoacidosis due to a flu virus affecting her insulin levels, she was on deaths door, and this complete fucker was messing with me. Fortunately the lights were at green, he went straight on to Musselburgh, I turned towards the hospital..... Probably if there is a God, He made those lights change, because I was all for killing the cnt.
                    Very memorable because I've never been as angry on the road, ever. But it also made me a better driver in the sense that, unless a family member is dying, nothing on the road should be a problem. Just chill, slow down and let these fuckers go on by.
                    "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                    Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                    • unless a family member is dying, nothing on the road should be a problem. Just chill, slow down and let these fuckers go on by.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Deaf woman hears for the first time

                        [ame=""]Deaf woman hears for the first time - YouTube[/ame]
                        AAL Quintez Cephus
                        If you fall during your life, it doesn't matter. You're never a failure as long as you try to get up.


                        • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
                          Not sure this really "makes my day" but it does appear to be karma at work.

                          Redneck Road Rage / Instant Karma - YouTube
                          Need more info like how fast was she driving in the passing lane? Slowing down to flip her off was stupid but I'm not going to say she's correct in her driving.
                          GO LIONS "24" !!


                          • Is it a passing lane on a divided (but not limited access) highway through an area? She was going 60 on wet pavement BTW
                            Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                            • Originally posted by Tony G View Post
                              Is it a passing lane on a divided (but not limited access) highway through an area? She was going 60 on wet pavement BTW
                              While driving one-handed and filming with the other. Not the best driver right there, either.


                              • agreed, see post 9817
                                Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."

