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Non-football related stuff that really makes your day

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  • LOL.

    Every time I hear stuff about the plane crash from yesterday I feel the urge to get choked up. Can't say enough what an awesome, awesome story.
    "And I'm a million different people from one day to the next..."


    • I had tears this morning. It is amazing. And one of the folks interviewed this morning actually said they tried to open one of the doors at the rear of the plane (which everyone has said would have flooded the plane and likely caused a lot of loss of life) but they were unable to get it open. Thank goodness! Just an amazing set of circumstances.


      • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
        I had tears this morning. It is amazing. And one of the folks interviewed this morning actually said they tried to open one of the doors at the rear of the plane (which everyone has said would have flooded the plane and likely caused a lot of loss of life) but they were unable to get it open. Thank goodness! Just an amazing set of circumstances.
        I heard the captain (or his crew) purposely sealed the plane via switches near him for the purpose of keeping the plane bouyant (sp?). Its the same controls used to control cabin pressure while in flight.

        The Captain is worthy of all of the accolades he is receiving, but I really would like to see his co-captain and flight engineer(s) get their kudos as well. They were certainly helping too. Just as much as the captain was in their own way, just as they were trained.

        Btw, the Captain looks just like the host of the 3 day seminar I am currently attending. A co-worker and I told him we thought he was the pilot and he laughed his blimey old British butt off. His 32 yo daughter is a Southwest pilot, so the topic was big for him today.

        Also, in listening to some "crash experts" this morning while getting ready for work, I heard these interesting airline crash interesting facts:

        1) If a plane catches fire during a crash, you have only 90 seconds or less to get off the plane. 90 seconds is your time frame because thats how long it takes for jet fuel to burn through the aluminum hulls.

        2) Statistically speaking, 2/3 of all plane crash victims SURVIVE. (I found that one very easing)

        3) While traveling by plane, note the 3 + 8 rule. Statistically speaking, plane crashes generally happen within the first 3 minutes of flight or in the final 8 minutes. BE MOST AWARE DURING THOSE TIMES.

        4) Unlike movies, survivors of plane crashes do not trample and go all chaotic trying to exit the plane, its most often described as controlled chaos. People pushing towards exits and helping one another whenever possible on the way out.

        5) In the "controlled chaos", it has been noted that many a crash survivor forgets they are traveling with a spouse and children and attempt to flee without the other family members. :(

        I can sort of attest to #5. During the 7.2 Landers earthquake I lived through in the early 90's, I was living with a friend from Wisconsin, his wife and their newborn (<1 yo) and when the quake struck at about 4am, all of the adults ran out of the house and it wasn't until we were all out there freaked out did we all realize we left the baby behind.

        Fight or flight in action, big time.
        Last edited by Panoptes; January 16, 2009, 10:07 PM.
        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


        • Since you quoted me, I will respond. Firstly, go to the Miracle Thread. Secondly, I didn't call it a miracle. I do think it's an amazing set of circumstances, though. And I think the pilot is a stud.


          • Just for personal curiosity, I'd love to know what kind of F-4 pilot he was (mission wise).

            Being an F-4 pilot is pretty awesome in of itself, but if he flew Wild Weasel missions, he definitely has giant balls of steel.


            • There are other crew members who deserve some praise as well. But, to me, the icing on the cake is the fact the pilot searched the entire aircraft twice for passengers who may have been left behind, before exiting himself. I know that's part of the job, but doing it twice? To me that is a fine definition of heroism.


              • I figured this would be a good place to put this, rather than start a thread about it or something -

                There was an argument in a thread the other day about "thread police" and "newbs" (i have to say i fuckin hate that word) and shit like that. and i did want to personally say in the time i've read this forum (and participated, albeit sporadically), i can say that there's some solid people here... i came home today after 12 hours of work and just read a few posts, laughed a decent amount, and it kinda got me out of a funk.

                so, pointless post kinda, but (for better or worse) you guys have built a pretty damn good place to hang out on the interweb. thanks.

                too bad bars arent like this, i would start drinking...
                knowledge reigns supreme over nearly everybody


                • Aesop, what a nice post. Glad your day is better.


                  • Aesop, good comments. I guess there are many electronic neighborhoods like this in cyberspace, but I haven't taken the time to look. This one is so diverse. It's an amazing collection of personalities, views, and backgrounds. When I'm here I feel like I have finally made it to the big box of crayons.


                    • Originally posted by Aesop View Post
                      I figured this would be a good place to put this, rather than start a thread about it or something -

                      There was an argument in a thread the other day about "thread police" and "newbs" (i have to say i fuckin hate that word) and shit like that. and i did want to personally say in the time i've read this forum (and participated, albeit sporadically), i can say that there's some solid people here... i came home today after 12 hours of work and just read a few posts, laughed a decent amount, and it kinda got me out of a funk.

                      so, pointless post kinda, but (for better or worse) you guys have built a pretty damn good place to hang out on the interweb. thanks.

                      too bad bars arent like this, i would start drinking...
                      Since it is safe to assume that it was MY posts that brightened your day, I will say your welcome.....newb.
                      Your right! Matty Boy will save us all!!


                      • He said "solid", not sordid.


                        • Originally posted by bimmer84 View Post
                          He said "solid", not sordid.
                          Stop pissing in my corn flakes
                          Your right! Matty Boy will save us all!!


                          • Originally posted by bimmer84 View Post
                            When I'm here I feel like I have finally made it to the big box of crayons.
                            But most of the crayons are broken! :-D


                            • Originally posted by Aesop View Post
                              I figured this would be a good place to put this, rather than start a thread about it or something -

                              There was an argument in a thread the other day about "thread police" and "newbs" (i have to say i fuckin hate that word) and shit like that. and i did want to personally say in the time i've read this forum (and participated, albeit sporadically), i can say that there's some solid people here... i came home today after 12 hours of work and just read a few posts, laughed a decent amount, and it kinda got me out of a funk.

                              so, pointless post kinda, but (for better or worse) you guys have built a pretty damn good place to hang out on the interweb. thanks.

                              too bad bars arent like this, i would start drinking...
                              I agree Aesop...I'm glad to hear that a "noob" sees that too.

                              btw, until you see the bucco bruce picture, I'd wait too declare it too good a place.
                              To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                              • hahaha... yeah, i wasnt trying to gush or anything... gotta keep up the image and all ;) but honestly, i dont get a chance to 'talk shop' or what have you with anyone who's remotely knowledgeable about football, so its a good place to vent, get my mind off of shit, speak my mind about shit... etc.

                                glad you guys can appreciate some sincerity as well as you do getting ripped for your opinions :D

                                i wouldnt have it any other way
                                knowledge reigns supreme over nearly everybody

