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Non-football related stuff that really makes your day

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  • Originally posted by YT View Post
    What do you do in the military right now?

    Where do you want to live after retirement?

    I know that TSA is always looking for good people and being ex-military can only help.
    I'm open to going anywhere. I am Security Forces, which is the AF's version of MP/Infantry. More MP than Infantry, but were the AF's only ground troops (convoy's, patrols, detainee security ops, etc..) When I get out I will have had 11 years active duty, at which time I'll switch to the USAF Reserves to finish out my remaining 9 years for the Military retirement.
    I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


    • When I elisted back in 83, I picked Security as my AFSC but was told they were too many Security personnel in school and had to pick another job.

      I picked POL since I had HS friends in that AFSC.

      Got to Travis and was assigned to the safety office inside of POL.

      If you are interested in staying in law enforcement/security when you get out, I still have some contacts


      • Awesome, YT! Let us know how it turns out. Best of luck.


        • Good thoughts for you YT. I hope you don't have to move again. (unless of couse you want to)
          <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


          • I would say good luck YT but you don't need luck.

            Obviously your credentials precede you.

            So, I hope you find that miracle you seek.

            <fingers crossed for you to land your choice of places to work for the man>
            19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


            • Originally posted by DanO View Post
              "Just realized that I have been sharing news w/ my facebook friends but not my forum family. So I apologize and here's the latest muck that's fit to rake...."
              -----------------------I've fallen into the same habit YT. Then again I think people on here are probably sick of listening to my whining so it's probably a good thing.

              GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
              Hell no Dano. You say some really funny shit when your exwife and court system has you riled up and pissed off. Whine all you want.


              • LOL. Thanks Yoop.

                GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
                GO LIONS "24" !!


                • Gus Johnson will do play-by-play for Madden 2011!
                  This news really made my day!
                  AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                  • Originally posted by YT View Post
                    When I elisted back in 83, I picked Security as my AFSC but was told they were too many Security personnel in school and had to pick another job.

                    I picked POL since I had HS friends in that AFSC.

                    Got to Travis and was assigned to the safety office inside of POL.

                    If you are interested in staying in law enforcement/security when you get out, I still have some contacts
                    You know thats ironic. My recruiter who was prior POL tried to talk me into it. But alas, I was taken back by the sweet VHS I watched with the camo paint, the machine guns and the ATV's. Needless to say knowhere in that video did it show The Sweet Security Poloce checking ID cards at the gate for 12 hours or standing and looking at a plane for that long. I'm still a few years away from seperating but I would absoloutely appreciate your help when the comes. The Law Enforcement/Security aspect is what I love, but unfortunately the career field is contracting out most of that to civilians now and were more of the" Train then deploy then return then train then repeat" career field. But again I appreciate it.
                    I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


                    • Thanks all.

                      DD, when you are ready, send me a PM and I'll pass along your name & contact info to some of my security friends.


                      • Originally posted by YT View Post
                        Thanks all.

                        DD, when you are ready, send me a PM and I'll pass along your name & contact info to some of my security friends.
                        I really appreciate it, thakns a bunch!
                        I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


                        • No problem. Glad to help.

                          BTW, for all the crap POL'ers take, we always partied harder than anyone else! Plus some of the POL expolits are legendary!


                          • Originally posted by YT View Post
                            No problem. Glad to help.

                            BTW, for all the crap POL'ers take, we always partied harder than anyone else! Plus some of the POL expolits are legendary!
                            I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


                            • Originally posted by YT View Post
                              No problem. Glad to help.

                              BTW, for all the crap POL'ers take, we always partied harder than anyone else! Plus some of the POL expolits are legendary!
                              Like the time they used YT's intestinal gas in an F-15 instead of JP-8 and it broke several long standing flight performance records. Classic.
                              <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                              • Originally posted by Drew View Post
                                Like the time they used YT's intestinal gas in an F-15 instead of JP-8 and it broke several long standing flight performance records. Classic.
                                It was JP-4 and DWT was flying it without a G-suit, helmet or oxygen mask, because he's tougher than Chuck Norris

                                And my intestinal gas is legendary. It's because of all the box lunches, roach coach burritos and midnight chow. Plus the beer.

