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Red Wings

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  • Hawks lose 6-2 Barry Melrose just about guaranteed it last night 8) (Thursday)


    • Jackasses!

      Starting to play well then go down by 3 to Columbus?


      Next thing you know they will be losing to the Ducks.......
      I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


      • The Wings don't have the young, vital talent to maintain a high level of play for very long. Every team has their lulls, to be sure, but those lulls are even more pronounced when the core you're counting on is all on the wrong side of 30.

        This is who they are... a middling team that's going to flirt with .500 throughout the season, gonna look great for a couple games before running out of gas and get thrashed by a bottom feeder, finish in the 6-8 range, get trounced in the first round in embarrassing fashion... and for what? To continue a stupid playoff streak? To pray they pull an L.A. Kings at the perfect time?
        Last edited by chemiclord; March 9, 2013, 05:31 PM.


        • I think they just need to get healthy and they'll be fine.
          GO LIONS "24" !!


          • Originally posted by DanO View Post
            I think they just need to get healthy and they'll be fine.
            They haven't been able to get and keep everyone healthy for what... three years?

            What makes you think it's going to start happening now?


            • Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
              Next thing you know they will be losing to the Ducks.......

              [ame=""]Little Fockers - Watching you ; Watching me - YouTube[/ame]
              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


              • LOL!
                I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                • "They haven't been able to get and keep everyone healthy for what... three years?

                  What makes you think it's going to start happening now?
                  Is there some sort of pool of great players players who are guaranteed not to get hurt they, can sign? "Healthy" is a product mostly of luck. Teams who go far in the playoffs manage to get "lucky". The Wings haven't been lucky for a few years. Doesn't mean it can't happen. It's happened before. It's not like they are a lazy team avoiding preparation, fitness, training, and good medical personnel.
                  Last edited by DanO; March 10, 2013, 09:34 AM.
                  GO LIONS "24" !!


                  • Originally posted by DanO View Post
                    "They haven't been able to get and keep everyone healthy for what... three years?

                    What makes you think it's going to start happening now?
                    Is there some sort of pool of great players players who are guaranteed not to get hurt they, can sign? "Healthy" is a product mostly of luck. Teams who go far in the playoffs manage to get "lucky". The Wings haven't been lucky for a few years. Doesn't mean it can't happen. It's happened before. It's not like they are a lazy team avoiding preparation, fitness, training, and good medical personnel.
                    You're right... they're a team of players whose core talent has numbers like these:


                    Those are ages. Hell, even their "hot young prospect" in Brunner is 27, for chrissake.

                    I think Wings fans were spoiled by the likes of Chelios and Lidstrom and think hockey players can play at a high, consistent level without the wear and tear getting them down into their 40s as a matter of rule.

                    It's not. The Wings stars are feeling the strain of age, and it reflects in the team.


                    • I wish the Mule would bust out. He's extremely irritating after that run of playoffs goals several years back. That guy can be Shanny'esque when he wants to be.
                      F#*K OHIO!!!

                      You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                      • Originally posted by Tony G View Post
                        If you go that route, why have divisions and conferences then?
                        For scheduling and creating rivalries
                        Forever One!


                        • Howard got schooled on the shootout. Wings lost again.


                          • Hey, Froot.


                            Where are ya buddy? Where's your mocking posts?

                            Oh... right... because they've been losing lately, Froot's gone AWOL.



                            • Only two teams have more points than the Wings in the Western conference. They're not in horrible shape considering their injuries.


                              • Originally posted by Tom View Post
                                Only two teams have more points than the Wings in the Western conference. They're not in horrible shape considering their injuries.
                                They've also played up to three more games than the four teams behind them in the standings, and have played three more games than the team in 9th (who is only three points behind).

                                They could wake up the morning of the 15th to play Edmonton and be 8th in the conference despite having only played one game in that interim.

