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Red Wings

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  • Hopefully it won't get to this point

    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • LET"S
      GO LIONS "24" !!


      • It's not that far now CGVT. And you got the color right.


        • I might have to make a road trip to Nashville if I can fit it into my schedule.
          Lions free since 6/23/2020


          • Saw Harry Boil the other day, he is sporting a playoff beard. Or whiskers. Or stubble. Or something.
            "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


            • Bah!
              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


              • Nice 3 on 5 penalty kill!


                • Come on boys.. Gotta win game 2!!
                  F#*K OHIO!!!

                  You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                  • Helm is out for the playoffs due to surgery on the severed tendon in his arm from the first period last night when Radulov's skate came up and cut him after Helm hit him into the boards.

                    Talk about unlucky, misses the last 10 games and works insanely hard to get back in time for game 1 and he was flying out there...then this fluky shit happens.

                    Oh well, and Weber only got fined 2,500 for slamming our star players head into the boards after the game was over...real good consistency NHL. Tortarella gets fined 20,000 for calling Malkin and Crosby whiners in a post game interview and Weber only gets 2,500 for this bullshit.

                    No Excuses! WIN IT FOR HELM BOYS!!!!!!!
                    2013 2014 AAL: Glover Quin #27


                    • Win it for Helmer!!!
                      GO LIONS "24" !!


                      • Fuck me. That's a huge loss. Sorry but this isn't our year.
                        F#*K OHIO!!!

                        You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                        • Craig Custance Blog

                          Analyzing the NHL's Weber decision

                          April, 12, 2012Apr 12
                          PM ET

                          NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- There was dizziness the moment after his head hit the glass. The impact was enough that Henrik Zetterberg's helmet cracked. The hit from Shea Weber was severe enough that the Detroit Red Wings' star forward needed to pass a baseline test after the game.
                          In the NHL's eyes, it wasn't enough to suspend. There was relief in the Nashville dressing room that Weber was only fined, and not much surprise in the Red Wings' room.
                          "Not really," said defenseman Brad Stuart. "Hank wasn't hurt, thankfully, so I wasn't completely surprised. I figured he would get some kind of fine. You'd like to see those type of things taken out of the game. But I don't know, I'm not going to question the judgment calls [of the] guys making the decisions."
                          The message from the NHL and disciplinarian Brendan Shanahan in fining Weber rather than suspending him makes it clear that the threshold for earning a postseason suspension is much higher. One playoff game probably would have been enough.
                          During the regular season, it probably would've been closer to three or four games. But during a time in which the NHL has constantly focused on removing head shots and still has stars missing time with concussions, hits like this don't look good.
                          The Red Wings took the high road, but the move surprised some.

                          Said one NHL source simply: "What a joke. What a joke."
                          Another source was a little more understanding: "It's the Stanley Cup playoffs. Everybody understands the intensity of the moment."
                          That was the message coming from Weber on Thursday. In a Game 1 in which the two least-penalized teams in the NHL combined for 17 penalties, discipline will be key in Game 2.
                          "The playoffs -- everyone is excited and ramped up. I think emotions got the best of everyone," he said. "We expect a lot more discipline and barely any penalties tomorrow."
                          Give the Red Wings credit in how they handled this. Coach Mike Babcock had two opportunities to criticize the hit and passed on both. On Thursday, he said he took a jog and got rid of any negative feelings he had about the league's decision. Maybe it's an offshoot of some of the criticism that has come the Pittsburgh Penguins' way for their outspoken stance on head shots, but there was no politicking coming from the Red Wings.
                          They also made it clear from the outset that Zetterberg wasn't hurt, rather than drag that news out while the league investigated the hit.
                          "I couldn't pretend that long. There's a game tomorrow," Zetterberg said. "I think that would come back to haunt you in the end."
                          But even if he's fine now, there's no guarantee that Zetterberg doesn't wake up Friday morning with a headache. Or maybe it'll be a hit in Friday's game that does more damage, beyond any damage done by Weber's hit. Blackhawks center Jonathan Toews said he played in a number of games before he realized the seriousness of his recent concussion.
                          That's the risk in tying supplementary discipline to an injury. With head injuries, the results aren't always clear.

                          "They made a decision," Zetterberg said. "We have to move on from there."
                          Benny Blades~"If you break down this team man for man, we have talent to compare with any team."


                          • The penalties called on both teams were attrocious. The two least penalized teams in the league combine for 17? Are you kidding me? I thought the refs swallowed their whistles a bit come playoff time. Both teams were hosed by the officiating. Just bad ticky tack calls.

                            I'm happy Zetterberg is alright but not so happy about Helm. What a freak accident that was. I still think the Red Wings have a chance and it will be a long series. No reason to write them off after one game. Sure they came out slow but picked it up as the game went on. The Predators can't rely on those wacky deflections (two of them in this game) to last for the series. The Red Wings had their chances as well but the puck just didn't bounce right. What concerns me is how slow on the back end they looked and how often than not, they seemed slow and were out hustled to the puck on defense. That needs to change.

                            One thing I did love was seeing the Flyers come back to beat the Penquins.

                            I was also surprised at the $2500 fine. In a league that supposedly is concerned about head shots and concussions, they really layed down the hammer <sarcasm there>. I wonder what he would have gotten had he pushed Zetterbergs head into the glass, called him a whiner and dropped a few f-bombs (ala Tortorella) maybe $25,000. We wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings now, would we?
                            All emotions can be traced back to two basic and fear.


                            • There's been a dandy of a game tonight between Boston and Washington. No score and in overtime. Lots of scoring chances too, Tim Thomas and whoever this goalie for Washington is are playing out of their minds.

                              And as I was typing this Boston just won it. Still a helluva game.
                              Lions free since 6/23/2020


                              • $2500 fine for a blatent intent to injure?

                                Even more outrageous was the act was clearly illegal and not within the confines of the game.

                                That is just wrong.

                                How can they justify fining someone 20K for making a comment and only 2.5K for bashing someones face into the glass?
                                I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.

