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Red Wings

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  • San Jose Olympic Diving Team



    • I am telling you that the officiating wasn't slanted or one-sided.

      It was simply bad. It's been bad for years.

      It's an issue now because this time, the Wings were beat at their own game. Now you know how fans of other teams for a decade felt when they were getting sent to the box six and seven times a game while the Wings got power play after power play.

      And guess what? Players dive. They've been diving since the early days of the sport. They're going to keep diving. And guess what... the Wings dive too! Deal with it, because it's never going to change.


      • And I raise you a bullshit Bertuzzi goalie interference with an even worse bullshit interference call...

        ... and *gasp* it was called on the San Jose Sharks! How can that happen! I mean, the officials were conspiring against Detroit, right???



        • [youtube]pWjmgdu87dQ [/youtube]


          • [youtube]027nbZaLf-E[/youtube]


            • And guess what? Players dive. They've been diving since the early days of the sport. They're going to keep diving. And guess what... the Wings dive too! Deal with it, because it's never going to change.

              Look how often a Red Wing player felt he had to raise his arms in innocence. SJ players didn't do that-for a reason. They didn't feel subconsciously as if they had to. We all know Darren Helm has poor balance and is sometimes too fast for his own good. Yet of all the players in 12 games between Detroit, Phoenix and SJ....Helm was the only one called for diving? Are you fucking KIDDING?! Not one Shark was called for that? That was the biggest display of diving I've seen since the lockout, and I'm not kidding. Setoguchi should have his pansy ass sent away from hockey if he's going to keep disrespecting it. He's the worst of them all. My gripe, is for all the soft garbage calls against us, not one diving call was called on a team where they were clearly instructed to dive like pussies for 5 games


              • That's the spirit Wingsfan!

                Make excuses! It can't be that the Wings were beat... it has to be a mass conspiracy against the Red Wings!

                The Wings got beat by the better team. Deal with it.


                • I get some people don't want to appear as a whiner or a "Mulder" , but personally, being honest is more important to me and I know what I saw. Detroit didn't play amazing, but neither did SJ. Clearly there were two different sets of rules for one team in blue and one in red. I used to be a big fan of the NBA (where Asshat Bettman came from), my biggest fear is this great sport is becoming (*puke*) the NBA! Tell me their not fixed? Oh wait, ..... please don't bother..


                  • Actually, I thought the Wings played pretty well for most of the series.

                    Fact is, the bounces did not go their way and the D allowed too many quality shots on goal.

                    I will not get into the officiating because good teams know how to get around bad officiating.

                    Wings lost too many playmakers last year and it cost them.

                    Season over.

                    Let the boys get a little rest and let's go at it again next season.
                    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                    • Did you guys ever think that maybe the Wings just weren't that good?
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • The writing was on the wall when they struggled against a weak offensive team in Phoenix.


                        • I think the writing was on the wall when the struggled to get into the playoffs...
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Did you guys ever think that maybe the Wings just weren't that good?
                            No, I don't have a problem admitting when our players screwed up or the other team is better. Against Edmonton, we were just lazy and didn't feel like breaking through the trap. Against Calgary we had too much dead weight and they played harder. But it's series like the ones agaisnt , Pittsburgh and SJ where we were just bent over and given a dose of Gary's Own.


                            • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                              I think the writing was on the wall when the struggled to get into the playoffs...
                              Yeah this is pretty much why I wasn't that upset. And the Sharks were the top seed for a reason as well.

                              Losing this series the way we did is not that big of a shocker.
                              AAL: KhaDarel Hodges


                              • The stuff they let go, and the stuff they don't, can help a team beyond just the 2 minute penalty. It tires some players out, puts a kink in all of the lines and makes changes tougher. It scrambles everything up and possibly the biggest thing of all-it can swing momentum on a dime. Poor officiating goes far beyond just sitting for 2 or less. Those 2 5-on-3's were total bullshit. Would we have won if they didn't get them? Who knows, but our chances would've been alot better. If we would've won, no one would've mentioned for a second that we were playing as poorly as some people claim we were. Winning does that. Their GWGs came directly from poor calls. If those calls don't happen, we're not in the scenario to make a mistake and our mistake doesn't exist.

