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Red Wings

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  • With all the injuries this year, the Wings still finished 7th in the league in goals against. I just don't understand how anyone say the team defense is not good under Babcock. With the new rules in the NHL, this team would be the same with Bowman.


    • Originally posted by FCRhodes View Post
      With all the injuries this year, the Wings still finished 7th in the league in goals against. I just don't understand how anyone say the team defense is not good under Babcock. With the new rules in the NHL, this team would be the same with Bowman.
      A lot of that was Howard playing like the Calder Trophy candidate he became.

      I see what Froot is talking about easily. The positioning on defense isn't there. The rotation between forwards when a defensman pinches is spotty. They are too passive at times letting the puck into the defensive zone.

      The decisions made with the puck, especially in their own zone, is questionable at best. Especially in these playoffs, turnovers all over the place. Opposing forwards getting right on net without a red jersey within ten feet of them.

      They have not been good, at all, for most of the season, and most of these playoffs save a couple games against Phoenix.


      • Chemiclord sees it at least someone sees it and not the cap/bettman/referee bogeyman.

        More attention to things the principles that the left wing lock brought, namely the rotation as chemiclord talks about. They are not disciplined when a defense pinches in, the opposite forward has to stay back and way too many times they aren't. You don't need hall of famers or an unlimited payroll to play disciplined in that respect. Bettman didn't institute rules that eliminated that type of play. The Lidstrom broken stick is a texbook example, someone was too deep. It was hard to tell because there some of the woings aren't close to the picture nowhere in sight on that 3 on 1.5. The game is tied 3-3 and that happens, that was terrible defensively.

        And really, 7th in the league is GA not good enough. You have to be better.

        I see way too many 2 on 1s, the best way to stop two on ones is to prevent them from happening. That means being able to cover if your defenseman pinches.
        Last edited by froot loops; May 7, 2010, 11:52 AM.


        • But they lost the last two games of the Finals last year by being caught out of position.
          That's not why we lost, we lost b/c we really got lucky to in the first 2 games we were so banged up, a healthy team would have won the finals. You have to be lucky with injuries in any sport to win a championship.

          I see way too many 2 on 1s, the best way to stop two on ones is to prevent them from happening. That means being able to cover if your defenseman pinches.
          How many have you seen? Raffy and Stuart like to pinch in, that's their game and it will always be a gamble. Ericksson is young and pick his spots too. Lidstrom broke his stick that caused a 2 on 1 - the coaches fault. Matter of fact if the defense is in perfect position we would never lose another game, how dare them get caught like that! Lets bring back the left-wing-lock and win the Cup every year, its so simple Babcock just don't get it.

          We could very easily be ahead 3-1, but that's hockey you take the breaks and bounces.

          I can see bitching about bad teams and no championships in years, this is a joke. What other coach would you want over Babcock? Names please?


          • No they lost game 6 and 7 due to bad defense. They were up 3 games to 2 and they blew it, plain and simple. Its admirable that you found another excuse to dust off, but the facts are facts, they played bad defensively in those games. You win cups by playing good defense

            You're talking, but you don't know what you're talking about. Its fine for a defenseman to pinch, but the opposite forward has to get back to cover. And you cannot get caught too deep.

            Lidstroms broken stick didn't by itself cause a 2 on 1, it caused a 3 on 1.5. There were no other wings near that play. The score is tied 3-3 late in the 3rd, your forwards should never be in that position where the opposing team can get that kind of a rush. If you are playing good team defense, that crap doesn't happen. Thats the stuff you need to do to win Stanley Cups, you just simply aren't going to win playing the way they are playing defense. Sorry, its the truth.

            I've never said I want Babcock gone, I just don't think his teams are good enough defensively. Thats all, if you everything is great and are willing to blame bettman, the refs, injuries, broken sticks and breaks, then bully for you.

            You only get so many times to compete for a championship. This is the time when the moves should be scrutinized. There is no irrefutable law that says the Wings shall be Cup contenders in perpetuity.


            • We didn't blow anything.
              June 13, Detroit Free Press: Nicklas Lidstrom: He was speared in the testicles by Patrick Sharp during Game 3 against Chicago and underwent surgery on the area two days later. he Missed Games 4 and 5 against Chicago, then returned and played every game of the Cup finals. Rafalski: He ruptured a disk in his back between the first and second round but returned for Game 6 against Anaheim. "It got to the point where he could play again," Holland said, "but if had been the regular season, he would have been out another week or two. He played through the pain of a herniated disk."
              Kris Draper: He missed the first 10 games of the playoffs after taking a stick to the throat that tore cartilage in the neck area, Holland said. "As a precaution, we didn't want him to get hit in the neck and have something go down the air pipe wrong." Draper was out from Game 4 against Chicago to Game 5 against Pittsburgh because of a pulled groin.
              Draper wore the equivalent of a goaltender's throat protector under his shoulder pads for the rest of the playoffs.
              Pavel Datsyuk: Suffered a charley horse when he was hit along the boards and also was hit by a slap shot in his foot during Game 2 against Chicago, causing him to miss seven games. "The charley horse turned out to be more significant," Holland said. "He never was 100% -- he didn't have any thrust. A charley horse can be a 4-6-week injury, but he pushed through to play." Dan Cleary: Played through a groin pull suffered in Game 4 against Pittsburgh. "He was very sore after Game 4, and we didn't expect him to play in Game 5," Holland said. "An MRI showed he had a significant groin injury, but he wanted to play.


              • I've never said I want Babcock gone, I just don't think his teams are good enough defensively.
                Thought so, you can't name a a better coach in the league, but this one (Babs) isn't cutting it.

                You can't have it both ways. Amazing how someone can complain about the best origination in sports hands down.


                • Ah, it would be pure bliss if the Wings came back from this one, and then beat the Blackhawks in the conference finals - it would cement both the Sharks' playoff choker label and the Hossa curse. Alas, I don't see it happening. I'm glad last night happened, so at least they won't go into the offseason on the heels of an embarrassing (even though the first three games were all close) sweep.


                  • Wings have not been swept in the playoffs since 1945. Yes, last nights win keeps that steak alive. :-) I think the next game will be close maybe OT, I can't wait!


                    • They got swept in the Finals by New Jersey :x


                      • When you are up 3-2 in a series, you close it out or you have blown it. Its as simple as that.

                        I want Babcock to make his teams better defensively, he can emphasize it more. Apparently he can't improve.

                        Again, I'm not complaining about the best organization in sports Strawboy. You like to set up them them strawmen. Or you likes yourself some ad hominem attacks. The Red Wings are great, they've been great. But its not always going to be like this. When the iron is hot you strike, they failed last year and their performance against the Sharks this year has left a lot to be desired. Its in their hands, its always been in their hands. It isn't some ref conspiracy or salary cap working against them.

                        Play better defense, its simple really. Occams razor. You can't give up leads in the 3rd. or OT. And its been bad this year. I hope Babcock makes some changes to his philosophy.


                        This kind of give and take does harken one back to the early 90's when you heard the same type of excuses when they were losing.


                        • They got swept in the Finals by New Jersey

                          Oh damn, you had to remind me. I actually have a friend who has that on tape and watches it from time to time. the Wings coach at the time should have stressed better defense that year - who was that coach by the way??


                          • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                            Wings have not been swept in the playoffs since 1945. Yes, last nights win keeps that steak alive. :-) I think the next game will be close maybe OT, I can't wait!
                            They got swept the Quackers about 7 years back. They may have not been swept since you started watching.


                            • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                              Oh damn, you had to remind me. I actually have a friend who has that on tape and watches it from time to time. the Wings coach at the time should have stressed better defense that year - who was that coach by the way??
                              Bowman started shipping out guys who didn't play defense and started playing mind games with Yzerman to get him to start playing defense. Coffey had a rail reserved for him.

                              The Devils schooled the Wings about as complete as could be. They got to the finals but they weren't close, it took Bowman a few years to get them to


                              • Originally posted by chomansup View Post
                                Ah, it would be pure bliss if the Wings came back from this one, and then beat the Blackhawks in the conference finals - it would cement both the Sharks' playoff choker label and the Hossa curse. Alas, I don't see it happening. I'm glad last night happened, so at least they won't go into the offseason on the heels of an embarrassing (even though the first three games were all close) sweep.
                                They just need to get it to a game 6.

