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Red Wings

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  • The Coyotes played a near perfect game for two periods. They had really taken the crowd out of it and at times, the Wings looked lifeless.

    Howard played well but he still scares me because he doesn't look that confident. Still, I hope this shutout boosts his confidence and gets him rolling.


    • Originally posted by Tom View Post
      The Coyotes played a near perfect game for two periods. They had really taken the crowd out of it and at times, the Wings looked lifeless.

      Howard played well but he still scares me because he doesn't look that confident. Still, I hope this shutout boosts his confidence and gets him rolling.
      On the contrary, the Coyotes looked good defensively, which you would expect from one of the best defensive teams in the league.

      On offense, they were completely discombobulated. They were looking for the lucky scrum or bounce because they could barely get any control in the offensive zone. The Wings would love to play that game every game, because they're confident they'll crack any defense given time.
      Last edited by chemiclord; April 20, 2010, 08:54 PM.


      • I missed the game because the AFN pukes had the Pens game on instead but I sure like the outcome.

        I hope Howard takes this and rolls with it. I agree with chem in that Jimmy needs to look more confident in net. Giving up 4 goals a game whether you blame the goals on him or not won't get us far.

        I have a feeling the Coyotes really missed Doan this last game. He'll have to be severly screwed up to miss game 5. It's def a big one.
        F#*K OHIO!!!

        You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


        • .....about game 4

          The Good: A shutout! Refreshing alternative to the prior goal fest allowed.
          Good hitting and better yet, someone was challenging the Coyote puckhandler when they were in their own zone.
          Officials correctly allowed goal touched by Zetterburg with an elevated stick. (notice I said elevated. As explained before, they way they judge high sticks is if you are in front of the goal, the crossbar is the standard, if you are out on open ice, the shoulder is the standard. Zets stick was clearly higher than the crossbar but under his shoulder. He was in the middle slot just high enough to be considered in open ice and not in front of the goal, correct call)
          FTR, I thought the first supposed goal that was considered not a goal and play allowed to continue was also correct. The way I saw it was the puck rolled along the goal line never fully getting behind the line.

          The Bad: They do not bring this kind of energy and urgency to every game they play.

          The Ugly: Me. I am reminded every time I look into a mirror. I am contemplating removing all of the mirrors from the house but have not figured out how I will comb my hair.
          I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


          • Wings played with more energy last night. Still can improve on that however.

            "Are you really lecturing the best defenseman of his generation on how to defend an odd-man rush? "
            --------------Of course he is. Chemi thinks he's a hockey pundit who knows more than anyone actually involved in hockey. Haven't you been reading his posts. He's a hockey God.

            GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
            GO LIONS "24" !!


            • The weird thing about the Lidstrom bashing is it seems like people have forgotten he's had bad series in the past. It seems like all the Norris trophies have glossed over the fact that even the best defenseman can look like out of place chumps if the opposing team is playing well. Phoenix is pushing the issue a little bit. And they have very young fast defense core that is able to move the puck pretty well. That puts a lot of pressure on the Wings D because the Wings are dominating in TOP.

              One of the things about guys like Lidstrom and Rafalski is they excel when they are pushing the puck and their forwards own the puck. They aren't the same if they aren't doing that and forced to play more of a hitting, trapping style.

              Athletes who get to the level he has and reached the age he has you have people looking for the first sign of age.


              • Very astute Loops.

                GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
                GO LIONS "24" !!


                • Lids has been my favorite Wing for years but is seems when he got his nuts split, he started playing a different game.
                  I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                    The weird thing about the Lidstrom bashing is it seems like people have forgotten he's had bad series in the past. It seems like all the Norris trophies have glossed over the fact that even the best defenseman can look like out of place chumps if the opposing team is playing well. Phoenix is pushing the issue a little bit. And they have very young fast defense core that is able to move the puck pretty well. That puts a lot of pressure on the Wings D because the Wings are dominating in TOP.

                    One of the things about guys like Lidstrom and Rafalski is they excel when they are pushing the puck and their forwards own the puck. They aren't the same if they aren't doing that and forced to play more of a hitting, trapping style.

                    Athletes who get to the level he has and reached the age he has you have people looking for the first sign of age.
                    Haven't got a single problem with this post at all.

                    And no, I'm not ignoring his body of work in the slightest. But he had not played well the first handful of games in this series. None of the Wings defenders had.

                    And Lidstrom's attempt to break up a 2 on 1 in Game 2 was absolutely horrible. I have no doubt he'll do better (and did). I expect him to.

                    So, yeah, all the jackasses who bitch about me can just... either deal with it or put me on ignore. Either way, you'll all stop crying like little girls.
                    Last edited by chemiclord; April 21, 2010, 03:58 PM.


                    • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                      Haven't got a single problem with this post at all.

                      And no, I'm not ignoring his body of work in the slightest. But he had not played well the first handful of games in this series. None of the Wings defenders had.

                      And Lidstrom's attempt to break up a 2 on 1 in Game 2 was absolutely horrible. I have no doubt he'll do better (and did). I expect him to.

                      So, yeah, all the jackasses who bitch about me can just... either deal with it or put me on ignore. Either way, you'll all stop crying like little girls.
                      Hmmmm. What is worse, crying like little girls or bitching like a woman?
                      I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                      • I have never complained about how someone posts.

                        I may gripe about the content, and if that's what people want to take me to task on, then let's go ahead.

                        But I am damn sick and tired of the complaining that I'm too negative or a know-it-all or whatever the fuck the complaint of the day is. I'll gladly trade opinions like the one Kstat had about Lidstrom, or what Froot had to say.

                        Contrary to popular belief, I don't think what I have to say is any better than anyone else here. You wanna disagree, great! Let's discuss why!

                        But if all you're going to say is that you don't like how I sound too negative, then well... too fucking bad. Deal with it. I've explained my take on why that is enough times already; if you weren't paying attention/didn't care/etc... that's not my problem anymore.


                        • If we go to a game 7 OT, and the Coyotes are coming into our zone with a 2 on 1, I sure hope the 1 is Lidstrom.


                          • Ice on Fire: Stanley Cup Playoffs Up 21% on Versus

                            Viewers are tuning into the Stanley Cup Playoffs on cable in numbers not seen in eight years.

                            The first five nights of the 2010 Stanley Cup Playoffs averaged 543,000 viewers on Versus, up 21% from last year (447,000).

                            This is the highest average for the first five nights of the Stanley Cup Playoffs on cable since 2002.

                            Versus' top game so far was Saturday's Canadiens/Capitals Game 2, which drew 731,000 viewers -- making the game the most-viewed first round Stanley Cup Playoff game ever on the network.


                            • Just cable?

                              What about the other feed types, i.e., over air, satellite, etc..

                              Do they count me if I just DVR it from my satellite?
                              Last edited by Panoptes; April 21, 2010, 06:19 PM.
                              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                              • 3OT win by Ottawa over Pittsburgh! Leclaire was unreal in goal 56 saves. Game six in Ottawa should be a blast. Crosby right after the final horn sounded - ran over to the refs and started whining.

                                Sharks finding their groove? Fuck the AVS!

