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  • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
    I caught myself doing that, and it isn't right. Whether or not you think it's a soft goal doesn't take away the fact that the guy was spectacular in a game where the Wings needed him to be spectacular.

    All in all, he's only had one questionable game these entire playoffs (Game 4 against Columbus), and one somewhat shaky period (First period of Game 3 against Chicago, partially forgivable since the Wings were in PK mode nearly half that period). All things considered, that's a playoff performance any team would gladly take, even teams with the likes of Brodeur in net.

    And finally the Penalty Kill locked down... helped by the fact that they didn't take any bad penalties at all; the closest was Holmstrom's trip, but even that only negated a power play rather than put the Wings down a man.

    And in conclusion, I don't think I was out of line with my worry the defense was tired out. The players themselves acknowledged that after the game. They countered that by dominating the offensive zone and putting the game away quickly.

    Anything else I need to address? Or can we start talking about Pittsburgh now?
    Heh heh, I think you covered it all except that Holmstroms penalty was not a bad call. They called a trip. I would have called a slash or (not being totally familiar with the rules book, a call that was misuse of the stick with the intention of injury). He chopped at the knee and that is not acceptable.......understand of course, he get chopped at with a stick so many times, he has to have additional padding on the back of his legs to prevent injury.
    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


    • Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
      Heh heh, I think you covered it all except that Holmstroms penalty was not a bad call. They called a trip. I would have called a slash or (not being totally familiar with the rules book, a call that was misuse of the stick with the intention of injury). He chopped at the knee and that is not acceptable.......understand of course, he get chopped at with a stick so many times, he has to have additional padding on the back of his legs to prevent injury.
      If you look, it wasn't the stick that made contact, but Holmstrom's knee kicking out his opponent's leg, or at least that's what I'd guess the official saw. That's why it was a trip.


      • .
        My hipocracy goes only so far.


        • Honestly, what was so frustrating about the Wings was their play behind the net at times. They had far too many hooking, holding, slashing type penalties called back there.

          The dude isn't going to score from back there. If you can't body him up, get in the passing lanes and let him go, and get him when he comes out. Those are just stupid penalties to take.


          • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
            If you look, it wasn't the stick that made contact, but Holmstrom's knee kicking out his opponent's leg, or at least that's what I'd guess the official saw. That's why it was a trip.
            I did and I was going to call it knee to knee but usually those infractions are done head on, not from behind.

            However, technically, it was a knee to knee. Which is more severe infraction.....
            I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


            • That's the thing that's TRULY lost when guys like Lidstrom, Drapes, and Datsuk (sp?) go out. They are very disciplined players. The replacements (except fro Chelly) can probably skate and shoot just as well, but are as undisciplined as the young Hawks in some instances.

              Homer just got caught trying to get away with a veteran move. He might have gotten away with it if his name was Pronger....
              My hipocracy goes only so far.


              • Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
                Wow. What a great game.........

                I have mixed feelings about moving the starting of the Cup series by the NHL. I am not a proponent of long lay offs but, I do not like the idea of back to back games in the most difficult series in sports. These guys spend a lot of energy during a game and they need more than 20 hours to refresh.
                Hockey should not be played on consecutive nights, not even in the regular season.

                Originally posted by Rocky Bleier View Post
                I've watched the replay several times, and I'm not sure that Helm actually put it in. Seems that he missed it, and the Blackhawk defenseman put it in his own goal.
                Helm didn't get a great chunk of the puck but it was definately him.

                Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                If you look, it wasn't the stick that made contact, but Holmstrom's knee kicking out his opponent's leg, or at least that's what I'd guess the official saw. That's why it was a trip.
                That's the way I saw it too, and it was the back of Kane's leg, so it wasn't knee to knee. On the replay, it looked like Homer did it purposely.

                Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
                I did and I was going to call it knee to knee but usually those infractions are done head on, not from behind.

                However, technically, it was a knee to knee. Which is more severe infraction.....
                Either way, it's two minutes, right? Or would they call a double minor?

                I didn't think Osgood's goal was any worse than any other 5 on 5 goal. They happen.

                BTW, Chemi I love reading your takes. You do a great job of expressing the frustration I feel sometimes. I will say that since the playoffs started, I haven't much felt the need to bitch. The Wings have really stepped it up IMO.
                <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                • I really don't intend to sound frustrated. When I can slip in a positive comment that hasn't been repeated ten times, I will. If I refresh and seen it already said, I generally don't "ditto" it. I find that mildly irritating to see.

                  Again, people can think I'm negative... that's fine. It's this "wrecking the thread" shit that annoys the hell out of me. I personally find people who refuse to stay on topic and only bitch and complain about other posters derails threads more. If it irritates you that much to the point I'm ruining your enjoyment of the forum, ignore me for chrissake. If you won't, then stop crying and deal with it.


                  • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                    I caught myself doing that, and it isn't right. Whether or not you think it's a soft goal doesn't take away the fact that the guy was spectacular in a game where the Wings needed him to be spectacular.

                    All in all, he's only had one questionable game these entire playoffs (Game 4 against Columbus), and one somewhat shaky period (First period of Game 3 against Chicago, partially forgivable since the Wings were in PK mode nearly half that period). All things considered, that's a playoff performance any team would gladly take, even teams with the likes of Brodeur in net.

                    And finally the Penalty Kill locked down... helped by the fact that they didn't take any bad penalties at all; the closest was Holmstrom's trip, but even that only negated a power play rather than put the Wings down a man.

                    And in conclusion, I don't think I was out of line with my worry the defense was tired out. The players themselves acknowledged that after the game. They countered that by dominating the offensive zone and putting the game away quickly.

                    Anything else I need to address? Or can we start talking about Pittsburgh now?
                    out of line with the defense being tired? I think not ... felt the same way and was very happy they ended the game quickly.

                    out of line in saying that was a soft goal .. I think so. Sometimes the other team makes a great play. That was a great shot.
                    Forever One!


                    • Soft goals are Tommy Salo versus Khazikstan. Or Osgood letting in that long goal versus Vancouver. There are a lot of goals where a guy makes a good shot. Osgood maybe could have been in a better position but its hard to say. Kane looked like he got shot out of a cannon. He was there and yes he was down, but goalies these days tend to go down and play the percentages. Malto Marko may coach his goalies to stand up but the trend since Roy has been to go down pretty quick. More goals go in low then they do high.


                      • Here's your finals -- what's your hurry?

                        BY MITCH ALBOM • FREE PRESS COLUMNIST • May 29, 2009

                        Dear NBC and NHL:

                        I'll begin with a simple question. Do either of you actually like hockey?
                        I think I can answer for NBC (a.k.a. "Nothing But Conan"), because it is clear the network would rather break out in a deadly skin rash than show the Stanley Cup finals on a weeknight.
                        Honestly, NBC (a.k.a. "Not Bleepin' Canadians!") treats this sport like an ugly cousin it has to take to the prom. There are shotgun marriages that have more love. NBC doesn't even pay the NHL to broadcast its games. In fact, the NHL has to wait until NBC has recouped its production costs before getting a penny (and has to help sell the advertising, which is a bit like having to bake the Girl Scout cookies, then buy and eat them, too).
                        And this includes the championship round!
                        Which now begins Saturday night -- a fast three days after the Red Wings won the Western Conference finals -- with Games 1 and 2 a mere 24 hours apart, thus wiping out much of the home-ice advantage the Wings fought so hard to earn during the regular season.
                        Or at least that's the news as I write this. Until a few days ago, we all thought the finals were starting June 5. Then, suddenly, a new schedule -- as if they're arranging a play date during flu season.
                        Imagine if the NFL worked this way?
                        "You going to the Super Bowl?"
                        "Not sure. When is it?"
                        "Maybe Sunday. Maybe Wednesday."
                        "I dunno. Who else is going?"
                        Hey, this isn't a pizza party, guys. It's the Stanley Cup finals. It's the biggest stage for the greatest sport in the world -- at least to hockey lovers.
                        Which we in Detroit are.
                        And which TV -- in New York and L.A. -- is not.
                        Expected to work overtime

                        But that's no reason to punish the players. During the postgame media sessions after Detroit eliminated Chicago, coach Mike Babcock and several Wings seemed bewildered at the timing of the finals.
                        "Normally, when you win in five games, you get this little break -- normally," Babcock said. "I don't know if we're making up for lost time ... or whatever we're doing. They don't ask me these questions."

                        Of course not. Players and coaches should just shut up and do as they're told -- even though they ARE the sport. So the Wings, despite their captain Nicklas Lidstrom and superstar Pavel Datsyuk ailing with injuries, have to suck it up and be ready for Saturday night and then -- bang! -- Sunday night because NBC likely doesn't want to use a weeknight and run the risk of an overtime game that -- heaven forbid! -- might cut into Conan O'Brien's debut week on "The Tonight Show."

                        This way, by broadcasting Games 1 and 2 this weekend and Game 5 next Saturday -- Games 3 and 4 are on Versus -- NBC (a.k.a. "Never Been Checked") won't even use up a weeknight.
                        And it can pray this ends before a Game 6.
                        Better than a monologue

                        Of course, NBC always could do what it did a few years ago during a conference finals game -- just dump the overtime onto a cable channel, which it did to Buffalo and Ottawa. The reason? It had commitments to show the Preakness two-hour prerace coverage.
                        Listen, Gary Bettman, when your league counts less than horses warming up, you better wonder about the relationship.
                        Here's a question: Do you think if Sidney Crosby were nursing an injury, they would rush into these finals? Don't expect an honest answer.
                        Hey, I understand ratings, star power, advertising, revenue sharing. I just don't think they should dictate something as important as the Stanley Cup finals. Years from now, when nobody remembers what TV show was on what network, the results of this series will be in the books, part of hockey lore. That should matter. That should be protected.
                        But Bettman, desperate for league credibility, will do whatever the networks want -- even though they would laugh him out of the office if he actually asked for, you know, money in exchange one of the greatest traditions in the history of sports.
                        As Wings forward Marian Hossa said, "You get the Stanley Cup finals once a year. Why do you rush it? What if the first game goes to three or four overtimes? Then we have to start again the next night? I don't think that's smart."
                        Smart exits when you're begging for coverage. But protecting the game and its history should not. Maybe one day, this league and a network actually will find each other attractive. Till then, it's four games in six days, and lots of black coffee.
                        I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                        • Bettman is the Randy Smith of commissioners.


                          • I typically don't like to bash people who end up in powerful positions ... presumably because they were smart enough to earn it somehow ... but what the fuck? Simpleton Albom just pwned Bettman.
                            Forever One!


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                              Bettman is the Randy Smith of commissioners.
                              I was thinking the Millen, but that'll work.


                              • Funny thing is that Bettman rebuffed ESPN because he felt ESPN didn't "respect" the NHL enough in its coverage, and didn't offer enough money to carry the sport.

                                Yeah... how did that work out, Gary?

