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Red Wings

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  • Originally posted by GONZ View Post
    I WAS coming in just to say congratulatons to the RED WINGS team and some of their fans in here.

    IF you don't like that kind of series, you don't like hockey. I thought it was a great series and the better team won (as expected). The Ducks season came down to the final 5 minutes of game 7 on the road and they didn't create what could have been sure victory (two 5 on 3's and they did not score, r u kidding me?)

    At the end of the game we felt like the Duke Brothers when they lost their fortune at the end of Trading Places.

    I wanted to scream out, "Turn the machines back on...............turn the machines baaaaack ooooooooooon!"

    I would have been rooting for the WINGS to move on but because so many of you are just a bunch of whiny, sore winners, I'm now rooting for S. PAHLSON (former Duck) and the HAWKS.

    To MALTO MARKO, BILL C., FROOT LOOPS and DANO, congratulations on your team moving on. They deserved it.
    Who gives a flying f*&K who you root for. There's that delusion of grandeur again. It's funny that you, of all people, would allow yourself to be affected by the attitude of posters in here.

    Changing gears, The Ducks were an 8th seed only in record. They are a battle tested team that had trouble during the regular season that put them in the position they were in. To think of them as a typical eighth sead, in other words, no shot to make it, AND WOW LOOK HOW FAR THIS YOUNG UP AND COMING TEAM WENT, is disingenuous. They're not even two seasons removed from hoisting their own Cup for pisssakes. They gave the Wings all they could take, and I'll bet it was too much to beat Chicago now, or if they get past them, Pitt or Carolina.

    We'll see, but I wasn't expecting the Wings to make it out of the first round watching their perfomance down the stretch. I think they were lucky to draw Columbus. Anyone else, and I feel they would already have 2 weeks worth of golf in by this point.
    <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


    • The Ducks are a tough team no doubt and I'm glad we got by them. A couple days off will do us good, should be enough to get rested up and ready for the Hawks. I know we haven't gotten much production from Dats but as long as he keeps up the defensive play the offense come around.
      Lions free since 6/23/2020


      • I have nothing but good things to say about most of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. They were a team that could very easily have won it all. Getzlaf, Ryan, and Hiller could be the foundation for many championship teams if the Ducks can keep them together. They were a team that would not quit at any point no matter the odds. Had it been on the other foot, they would have deserved to move on just as much as the Wings.

        The only Duck that I wish ill is Chris Pronger. I have no respect for that thug that plays dirty, blatantly disregards the rules, attacks defenseless opponents with intent to injure, then has the gall to argue its just "good, ol' fashioned tough hockey." That dude could get hit by a bus and I wouldn't shed a tear. He's a thug and a generally awful and terrible human being. He's screwed over two teams with his antics and bandwagon hopping (St. Louis and Edmonton) and has no loyalty to anyone but himself.

        The day he retires or signs with someone else will be the day I love what the Ducks have done and what they will do in every way. They're a great, intense, and determined team with one regrettable asshat.


        • Quit pulling punches on pronger.


          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
            Quit pulling punches on pronger.
            Yeah, I know... I mean, Pronger's never pulled punches, especially when it's to the back of an opponent's head.


            • "They have the best defensemen (Nicklas Lidstrom) in the world."



              • OK, so I have been critical about the man in the crease calls/non calls during this series and feel compelled to give my .02 on the game winning goal.

                As I see it, the call was correct as reviewed.

                Why? What makes this different from one I complained about being a non call (that benefited the Wings by the way).

                Two factors.

                1. The puck was in the crease before the player did.

                2. The puck was loose and not being covered or smothered by the goalie.

                The rules the NHL follows are somewhat ambigious. It is written to allow players to enter the crease as long as the puck does so first but also calls for any contact with the goalies body or stick, purposefully or inadvertantly, to be called a penalty.

                They way the rule is written creates a grey area that comes down to interpertation to the on and off ice officials. It is not a black or white type of rule.

                In this case, the player was not wacking long after the puck had been saved by the goalie but rather being wacked at while it was still free in the crease. He managed to hit it and it slipped through the goalies defense. Goal.

                I am looking forward to the Chicago series because the Chicago fans really do hate Detroit and are entering the series with a smug self confidence that they are the better team.

                They have a good core of young players that are playing well and have had success playing with each other at other levels of the game. Their goaltender is capable of stealing a game or a series. They play a fast paced up and down style of hockey. I like that and it will give the Wings a chance to show their speed. It will also however, expose the Defense that has not been as strong this year as we have seen in the past. I have no problem with Detroits Goaltending. I think Ozzie has been playing very well and is also capable of stealing a game or a series.

                Aside from the fact that once again Wings can roll 4 lines that can be dangerous, Babcock has not utilized that as much as he could have so far in the playoffs. He has a tendency to play the first two lines most of the time with a sprinkle of the third line and offering a crumb once in a while to the fourth. If he would balance out the ice time a little better, he would wear his opponent down quicker and get into their heads about whether or not they can hang with the Wings.

                Should be another good series. I look forward to seeing more passing and speed although, don't think there will not be some hitting also. Both coaches know you have to get into the corners and finish your checks.
                I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                • Originally posted by GONZ View Post
                  At the end of the game we felt like the Duke Brothers when they lost their fortune at the end of Trading Places.

                  I wanted to scream out, "Turn the machines back on...............turn the machines baaaaack ooooooooooon!"

                  To MALTO MARKO, BILL C., FROOT LOOPS and DANO, congratulations on your team moving on. They deserved it.
                  HAHAHAHAHAHA.. I love the Trading Places ref.

                  I take it I'm one of the whinny punk Wings fans since I didnt get a congrats!!
                  F#*K OHIO!!!

                  You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                  • "I really hate Chicago having Bowman there right now. I dont like it one bit. He can really give them a ton of insight to our team and players."
                    --------------------Boman doesn't know anthing more about the Wings than any other team has insight too.

                    Thanks for the congrats Gonz.

                    I think we just beat the team who had the best chance to beat us. The Hawks will play right into the style the Wings play and pay dearly for it. I expect 5 really good fast paced games from the Hawks but the Wings have too much firepower.

                    GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                    GO LIONS "24" !!


                    • All in all, it was a great series, and I'm looking forward to the Wings/Hawks match-up.

                      I will have to say that the Ducks I liked watching most were Perry (Man, he played his ass off right to the bitter end!!), and Heller.
                      Sure, luck means a lot in football. Not having a good quarterback is bad luck.
                      - Don Schula


                      • My bad. Did not mean to not acknowledge the cudos from Gonz, been working a lot and had to get my thoughts in on the last goal as the controversy seemed to be all the buzz on Friday.

                        Thanks and as I said before the series started, the winner of that series will likely win the cup. Even though the Quackers came in as an 8th seed. I had them as the 3rd most likely to win.
                        I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                        • my daughter got asked to go to the Joe tomorrow for game 1.... ya shes excited
                          If you keep shootin, you can turn any piece of meat into burger


                          • By who?
                            <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                            • guy she graduated high school with seven years ago, he just got out of the Marines and is teaching in grand rapids.... good kid
                              If you keep shootin, you can turn any piece of meat into burger


                              • OK. Just running the dude through the forum screening process. We have to be looking out for one another.
                                <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<

