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Red Wings

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  • KCM,

    I read where someone from the NHL officials office admitted WATSON was out of position but again, nobody is perfect.

    WATSON did what he was supposed to do when he lost sight of the puck.

    I've also read where a DUCK or two has used the term "luck" on that play but I have also read some WINGS already moving past it because their coach is leading them that way.

    You can not control what is already done.

    They (the WINGS) also reiterated over and over again in my reading that they know they have to start faster instead of worrying about single plays at the end affecting where they want to go.

    The players get it....the fans, not so much.
    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


    • Fuck. Just admit it was a bad call and move on, for christ sake.

      Yeah, it's the breaks of the game, but it was still a shitty call.

      Your right move on. It's over it's not going to change, but the guy blew the call.

      Admit it and gain some semblance of credibilty for a change.
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • LOL

        Don't hold your breath waiting for me to care about gaining anything from you.

        Its a F'N sport played by humans.

        WINGS fans love to complain about officiating (NBA, MLB and NFL too) and I find it hilarious that this one really zinged their team.

        Bad call? In the Wings fans opinion.

        The NHL says it was the right call.

        That's all that matters and thats all that history will ever reflect......

        until you find you a distraught WINGS fan that wants to rehash it ad nauseam for the next millenia.

        This DUCKS fan has seen his team F'D by NHL officials so many times, its about time ANA finally had one go their way.

        I'm not sorry it happened either.
        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


        • You don't have to be sorry it happened, but it doesn't make you less of a man or your team less good if you to admit it was a bad call. It has nothing to do with how much the ducks may or may not have gotten fucked or vice versa.

          The guy blew the call. Be a man for a change and admit that your take on it is wrong.
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • Sorry I have been absent but I tried to log on this morning and my network was down. Had to be to work at 7AM and just got home. I hate holiday weeks......

            Originally posted by GONZ View Post
            I agree, GD it!

            Those damn refs!!

            There is no way the WINGS should have had a power play for ZETTS to score on because HOLMSTROM had just "accidentally" had a high flying elbow that just happened to flatten the DUCKS most active hitter and bloody him.

            Yeah, those damn refs!

            2-0 falsely turned 2-1 and some think should have eventually got to 2-2 late but from where I stand, its one of those lucky bounces that sometimes goes your way.

            Ain't that right Mark?

            I've seen plenty of strange bounces this series already with ANA favored most often.

            Still only 2-1

            Game 4 is going to be frantic.
            Agree! The bounce of the puck will make a difference in big games. Totally agree this was a lucky bounce of the puck (even though literally it was not acutally a bounce but, a call from a zebra). If you want to be angry, be angry on why the top scorers are not being effective. I can tell you why they are not, it is because the opposing coaching staff is shutting them down. The Wings coaching staff need to take advantage of their depth and did so a bit in game 3 but, it came too late, and too short.....

            Originally posted by CGVT View Post
            Wow. The wings got fucked for sure...
            Agreed it should have been a goal but, understanding what the Officials job is, maybe a quick whistle but when he makes a decision the whistle is to be blown, he controls the play.

            Originally posted by GONZ View Post
            Just looking to MALTO MARKO to gather his fellow WING fans on this forum and share his wisdom of the game regarding the statement that sometimes you get the bounces and sometimes you don't.

            Calls are part of it as well.

            And I certainly can't get behind anyone willing to state in writing that the DUCKS, of all teams, is getting any sort of preferential treatment or lucky calls.

            The DUCKS look sideways at other players and they're rung up.

            Its only 2-1.

            Lots more hockey to go and I'm sure it is about to get even more frenetic.
            Wings fans that think they were screwed need to understand that while yes, the puck did go over the goal line, the official controls the play on the ice. Did he make a bad call? Maybe, but it is not reviewable. Quick whistle. maybe? But, if he did not have sight of the puck, it is the right call for him to make.

            Sorry guys, those are the rules the Officials go by and he made the call so quit bitching about it.

            Originally posted by SnowMeiser View Post

            I did see the official wave off the goal before blowing his whistle so I would agree with the non goal. I doubt it would of made much difference anyway cause I felt throughout the game that the Ducks were outplaying the Wings regardless of the stats.
            Exactly! There was no hesitation and, he knew what his call was as most Officials do.

            .....about the outplaying thing. Wings know that this kind of a call (bounce) comes along and they should be working harder to make sure that this type of controversy is not the difference in a game.

            Originally posted by DanO View Post
            Maybe, since he was out of position, he should have swallowed the whistle until he was sure. Two wrongs don't make a right.

            GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
            Out of position? Yes. Only because the play came into his area. One ref is supposed to be low and the other high. The low ref is always has the say on the play in his end.

            Again, quick whistle? Yes. Wrong call? Only the ref can answer that.

            Originally posted by GONZ View Post

            Its a F'N sport played by humans.

            WINGS fans love to complain about officiating (NBA, MLB and NFL too) and I find it hilarious that this one really zinged their team.

            Bad call? In the Wings fans opinion.

            The NHL says it was the right call.

            That's all that matters and thats all that history will ever reflect......

            until you find you a distraught WINGS fan that wants to rehash it ad nauseam for the next millenia.

            This DUCKS fan has seen his team F'D by NHL officials so many times, its about time ANA finally had one go their way.

            I'm not sorry it happened either.
            A good team will overcome bad calls by bad officials unless, the official is so bad they do not deserve to continue working. I do not think this was the case.

            Did the Wings get robbed of a goal? Yes. However, if they were converting the many shots on goal that should not have been a problem.

            Looking forward to Game 4!
            Last edited by Malto Marko; May 6, 2009, 06:55 PM.
            I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


            • Just saw the bogus Stuart interference call on Versus. As for the call: Yes, it's human error. If he loses sight of the puck, he blows the whistle. I think what most Wings fans are saying is, "How the hell could you not see the puck laying in the open crease?" Look at my avatar. If Watson (you can see his striped sleeve) takes one stride behind the net, the puck is in plain view. So from that standpoint it was a "bad call."
              Last edited by Rocky Bleier; May 6, 2009, 07:33 PM.
              I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


              • The only logical explanation is:
                I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


                • Originally posted by Deacon Blues View Post
                  I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                  • Originally posted by Rocky Bleier View Post
                    Just saw the bogus Stuart interference call on Versus. As for the call: Yes, it's human error. If he loses sight of the puck, he blows the whistle. I think what most Wings fans are saying is, "How the hell could you not see the puck laying in the open crease?" Look at my avatar. If Watson (you can see his striped sleeve) takes one stride behind the net, the puck is in plain view. So from that standpoint it was a "bad call."
                    They call this home ice advantage.

                    The problem here is with Bettman. Three games into the series and the Officials call the games with three different decades of rules.

                    The Weasel known as Bettman needs to stop taking the Million plus from every Franchise for his salary and start giving credibility to the league. Allowing the Officiating to change from the start of the season, to the middle then the post season is unacceptable. Rules of the game (as well as the overtime procedures) should be standardized and observed the entire time the game is played.
                    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                    • Holmstrom did not put that guy (was it Wisniewski?) out of the game. He took a shot from a puck off the chest. Holmstrom did hit him with an elbow but that wouldn't have been enough to knock him out of the game like that. Holmstrom was jostling with another player and did not see him coming from behind.

                      The ref was out of position and blew the whistle too quickly. I think he was out of position because he started to skate forward assuming Niedermayer wouldn't turn it over near the net, but he did. When he lost sight of the puck he blew the whistle prematurely. He should have known from that angle he couldn't know where the puck was and that it could have been loose on the other side. Either way, it's over and time to move on.

                      I did think it was funny listening to local radio hearing fans say that there's a conspiracy against the Wings.


                      • No conspiracy, just shitty and inconsistent refereeing as is the norm for Playoff Hockey (and it's been inconsistent both ways). Bottom line, the ref blew the call with a quick whistle (which is why everyone's calling it a "quick whistle" wasn't in line with the typical time the ref takes to blow the whistle, especially during a goal mouth scramble!)


                        • Chemical Gonzi. Bravo, Deacon. Bravo.
                          I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                          • I agree it was a bad (missed) call by the ref. Not the real problem for the Wings, however. They are simply being outskated by the Ducks.
                            "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                            • Funny thing about the NHL trying to school the viewing public that the intent to blow the whistle and not the actual whistle itself has a curious CYA aspect to it. And the league has credibility issues in regards to this sort of stuff. I've watched hockey for 30 years and have never heard that explanation on a broadcast, not once. The whistle has always been emphasized. Its play to the whistle, the whistle signifies an end to the play.

                              I bring this credibility issue up because they do trot out these explanations like they are making up crap on the fly, like they did for the Brett Hull explanation on the Stanley Cup game winning goal. They claimed there was a vote before the playoffs on a rule change about possession of the puck nullifying the crease rule or some nonsense like that.

                              Sure the Wings were outplayed in the first period, but not by a whole lot. Yep, the big scorers need to do more, thats a given. But this is playoff hockey where they swallow the whistle and allow a lot of nonsense to go on. If you are expecting the big scorers to start shining, you might be disappointied. They have to get garbage goals. Start blatantly running Hiller, thats the way the playoffs roll in the NHL.


                              • It does seem to me as well that the timing of the whistle has always been the determining factor. Seattle Lions Fan mentioned the same thing.
                                I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.

