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Red Wings

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  • Wings were robbed! Understand the whistle thing- Ducks could say that they stopped playing when they heard the whistle, which that would then be up to interpretation even though it was a bang-bang play. Wings just lose out on this one-

    This is a measurement of their character. I hope that they win the series just because of this play-


    • Just looking to MALTO MARKO to gather his fellow WING fans on this forum and share his wisdom of the game regarding the statement that sometimes you get the bounces and sometimes you don't.

      Calls are part of it as well.

      And I certainly can't get behind anyone willing to state in writing that the DUCKS, of all teams, is getting any sort of preferential treatment or lucky calls.

      The DUCKS look sideways at other players and they're rung up.

      Its only 2-1.

      Lots more hockey to go and I'm sure it is about to get even more frenetic.
      Last edited by Panoptes; May 6, 2009, 10:46 AM.
      19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


      • That is correct Rocky.

        "Wings haven't even started playing yet and are still in the series. Not worried yet!"
        -------------------------I'm glad you're not. I am. ucks are too good to beat them and the refs.

        "It doesn't matter when you hear the whistle, the moment the official wants to waive a play dead, that's when it is dead regardless of when you hear him finally blow the whistle."
        --------------------------I understand that. The problem isn't when the play was called dead the problem is why in the fuck was the play called dead. The puck was not frozen under Hiller is was loose and put in the net. The refs fucked up by calling the play dead and in so doing fucked the Wings out of the tying goal. Watch. The refs will make a cheap call against the Ducks Thursday night and consider it even but it isn't because they just fucked the Wings out of a possible victory. They had all the momentum.

        GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
        GO LIONS "24" !!


        • You would think EJ McGuire would have explained the way Gonz explained it. Watson should be gone for the rest of the playoffs. Its obvious his eyesight needs to be fixed.


          • Game 4 will be 5-2 Wings. This series is just getting started.


            • They do need to get Rafalski back.


              • Draper wouldn't hurt either.

                GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                GO LIONS "24" !!


                • Or Lilja. Te problem with bagging on Chelios is that he is really the 8th defenseman.


                  • Reminds me of '07 when Schneider was out. Need him on the PP. Can't keep dressing Chelios and not playing him. As with most series, game 4 is huge.
                    I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                    • Meech?
                      I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                      • All I know is that I now have a greater opp. to attend a game 6 at the Pond.

                        But I would be more than happy to settle for this thing to end in 5.

                        Go DUCKS!
                        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                        • Ain't happening buddy.

                          GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                          GO LIONS "24" !!


                          • I am in a foul mood today even though I Knew wings would go down last night.
                            here's how it plays out...wings win tomorrow by three goals, take game five at the joe by one and take game six in anaheim by two. Now that you know the outcome, forget watching the game and spend quality time with your family

                            Enjoy it anyway Gonz, despite the results.


                            • Sorry.....but ANA has some stats I could share with you that would give you the willies about how little chance your team really has going forward.

                              But I'll stay low key and let you folks enjoy the series with me for now.

                              Because I'm a giver like that. ;)
                              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                              • First of all, yes I am a Red Wings fan. These are my thoughts on the game last night......

                                That Stuart call was complete BS. I may be rusty on the rules but doesn't a player have possession of the puck until another player touches it? Stuart clearly hit him before his pass was touched by another Duck. In fact, I think he hit him before any other player touched the puck.

                                I did see the official wave off the goal before blowing his whistle so I would agree with the non goal. I doubt it would of made much difference anyway cause I felt throughout the game that the Ducks were outplaying the Wings regardless of the stats.

                                The Wings look slow to start before picking up the intensity when they had to.

                                Chelios should sit the rest of the playoffs. He is too slow and is making too many mistakes.

                                Hopefully the Wings come out with more fire in game four. I always believed that game four is the most important game in a seven game series
                                All emotions can be traced back to two basic and fear.

