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Red Wings

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  • I wanted to share this story with you. I have window wells for my sub-ground recreation room. Halfway through the first game of the Ducks wings series, I noticed two ducks sitting in the window well, watching my tv. I couldn't find my camera, but I swear they stayed there until the end of the game then left. They weren't around for Sunday's game until an hour after it was over....They just sat in our front yard. I took pictures then, but for some reason I am having a terrible time uploading. when I click on a file i'm told I am uploading, but a few minutes later I still have nothing. If I figure it out, I'll post one.....yes I know, you are waiting with anticipatory delight.


    • Fail. That was not the reason they lost in the playoffs.

      Fail? It must be a Brian Cook thing.

      BS, it was a big reason, the team was undisciplined, they were easily goaded into retalitory penalties and it took them out of their game. That changed once Bowman took over, this is how they approach it. You and Cherry don't like it, but 4 cups is pretty good from my point of view.

      Funny you should mention Lapointe, when he took those stupid retaliatory penalties against the Kings and started the tailspin in that series were you cheering? They lost the war but won the battle.


      • "There is a lot of luck involved with it coming off the boards at the right angle and someone being in a position to take advantage of it. However, if it is a practiced play, it is more skill than luck. The players learn how to bank it off the high boards and the glass. They also learn the touch to put it into the slot."
        ---------------------------------I understand that Malto and for the Wings I agree. For visiting teams who don't "practice" in the Joe It's mostly luck.

        "I noticed two ducks sitting in the window well, watching my tv. I couldn't find my camera, but I swear they stayed there until the end of the game then left. They weren't around for Sunday's game until an hour after it was over..."
        ----------------------Get those ducks back pronto bill.

        GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
        GO LIONS "24" !!


        • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
          Fail. That was not the reason they lost in the playoffs.

          Fail? It must be a Brian Cook thing.

          BS, it was a big reason, the team was undisciplined, they were easily goaded into retalitory penalties and it took them out of their game. That changed once Bowman took over, this is how they approach it. You and Cherry don't like it, but 4 cups is pretty good from my point of view.

          Funny you should mention Lapointe, when he took those stupid retaliatory penalties against the Kings and started the tailspin in that series were you cheering? They lost the war but won the battle.
          Who is Brian Cook?

          Demers' teams lacked overall talent. Bryan Murray built a team that was too finesse, and wilted when they were pounded by the likes of the Black Hawks. Bowman brought in the foot soldiers. Bowman's early teams didn't want to change their game. They wouldn't dump the puck, though the opposition was lined up at the blueline. Goaltending was also suspect. But, no, let's just span all those years and blame it on retaliatory penalties.

          I guess this is what is called a strawman. I say that the Wings didn't even step up to tell Mr. Brown that they didn't appreciate what he did, and you insist I am in favor of retaliatory penalties. But, I get it. If one of your teammates gets blindsided with a cheap shot, you'll be the guy looking for quarters on the ice.
          I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


          • Yeah you got me pegged, I'll be looking for quarters.

            So did you like those Lapointe penalties against the Kings? You never answered.


            • Why would I when you're just trying to change the subject?
              I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


              • Not trying to change the subject, its totally in line with the discussion.


                • Originally posted by FCRhodes View Post
                  "the premier NHL network". Good for them. Enjoy the high ratings.
                  Originally posted by FCRhodes View Post
                  "the premier NHL network". Good for them. Enjoy the high ratings.
                  The NHL has a problem with ratings because they do not do a good job in marketing their product or selling it as a major sport.

                  Ratings come from those who will watch their product instead of other products like "Dancing with the Stars".

                  So, I ask you this. If you are with your significant other and there is a dispute over which is better to watch, who would be the most likely to agree that the other is correct?

                  The biggest reason that the NHL is not popular is because it is easy to use the clicker than it is to appreciate the skills needed to play this game. Not too many will try to ice skate. When you fall down trying to skate, you lose interest. If you clicked and the channel you desired did not come on, I would guess that the result would be about the same.

                  There are a lot of people that follow Hockey and they are loyal to the Corporations that advertise to make viewing possible.

                  Originally posted by DanO View Post
                  "There is a lot of luck involved with it coming off the boards at the right angle and someone being in a position to take advantage of it. However, if it is a practiced play, it is more skill than luck. The players learn how to bank it off the high boards and the glass. They also learn the touch to put it into the slot."
                  ---------------------------------I understand that Malto and for the Wings I agree. For visiting teams who don't "practice" in the Joe It's mostly luck.

                  GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                  There is a lot of luck involved however, there are standards for the glass, and high boards. The low boards (yellow stripe on the ice) are not standardized and are different in every rink. The low boards are the passing boards and some rinks will soften them in traditional passing lanes and others will put in things that will help the bounce.

                  I will admit however, the standardizing of the upper boards and glass is only as good as the Franchise that maintains the rink.
                  I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                  • Originally posted by bill catalano View Post
                    I wanted to share this story with you. I have window wells for my sub-ground recreation room. Halfway through the first game of the Ducks wings series, I noticed two ducks sitting in the window well, watching my tv. I couldn't find my camera, but I swear they stayed there until the end of the game then left. They weren't around for Sunday's game until an hour after it was over....They just sat in our front yard. I took pictures then, but for some reason I am having a terrible time uploading. when I click on a file i'm told I am uploading, but a few minutes later I still have nothing. If I figure it out, I'll post one.....yes I know, you are waiting with anticipatory delight.
                    Lucky for you we weren't playing The Devils.


                    • Heh
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • And this is why Chelios only plays 7 minutes.


                        • I like Chelios. I dont know if it was a bad change or he got roasted. Either way it was BS.
                          AAL - Glover Quinn


                          • If there's one thing Anaheim does right it's those ice girls/cheerleaders that come out and shovel the snow and ice. Wow.


                            • Is it me or does Holmstrom not set up in front of the net like before?


                              • Anaheim is real good.... Refs steal game three. GARBAGE.
                                AAL - Glover Quinn

