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Red Wings

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  • So part of the ducks game plan is to have fewer shots on goal than their opponent?

    Thier goalie really bailed them out. Both sides played well at times, but Detroit dominated all statistical areas. Take away the ducks powerplay and they are cooked.

    Law of averages will give Detroit the edge eventually. I dont think there is a team that can match up to all of the lines that the wings can put on the ice. The only advantage any other team may have is goaltending.

    Also, PRONGER is a douche bag.
    AAL - Glover Quinn


    • Max, time to put that avatar behind you?


      • Its about that time isnt it? I need to find a new one. Michael Gaines is gone too so I need a new adopt a lion.
        AAL - Glover Quinn


        • I find it amusing that a man who defends a blatant cross-check with intent to injure (Pronger on Lidstrom) is irate a a man charging the net, then actually minimizes the contact with the goaltender after the goal is scored.

          What Franzen did was barely anything. He wasn't even going half speed by the time contact was made. He was coasting at that point.

          Hypocrisy much?


          • We blew that game. We outplayed them from the 3rd peroid on. There was no reason to lose that one.
            F#*K OHIO!!!

            You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


            • Wings not getting much from Datsyuk, Zetterberg and Hossa. They need to produce for Wings to win. I'd like to see the team get bigger. Ducks' size present problems, especially along the boards. Horrible second period, lucky to be 3-3 at end of regulation. Wings really dominated OT, but Hiller made some great saves.
              I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


              • Great game!

                Outstanding shot by Marchant to win the game.

                Good hockey.

                Still 5 down 11 to go.
                I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                • Have to agree with Grapes here. Wings are too meek for me.

                  I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                  • Of course you agree, broken record and all.


                    • Whatever you say, Fruit boy.
                      I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                      • I would contend the opposite, Rocky. The Wings have been so intent on out-hitting the Ducks it's creating the sloppy play.


                        • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                          I would contend the opposite, Rocky. The Wings have been so intent on out-hitting the Ducks it's creating the sloppy play.
                          That is what I was intimating.

                          Btw, the Ducks always lose the "statistcal records" to the WINGS when they play each other.

                          BFD when the final score shows one more goal than the other team.

                          ROCKY BLEIER touched on an important "stat" for the Ducks. They are keeping DATS and ZETT in check (hardy, har, har). That is as important as anything for ANA.

                          MALTO MARKO,

                          You gotta love this kind of series. Only two games in and it feels like I've aged 2 years.


                          Go DUCKS!
                          19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                          • "We blew that game. We outplayed them from the 3rd peroid on. There was no reason to lose that one."
                            ----------------------Ya I thought the Wings outplayed them but the whole time I kept thinking they were going to lose. Seen it many times before. It was kinda weird because I had the TV on in the living room and the radio on in the kitchen and I walked into the kitchen to get some lemonaide and the announcer says the Ducks score and win game two. I'm like HuH. I was just watching it. The Ducks didn't score. I walk back in the living room and a few seconds later the Ducks score. That was a double bummer.

                            GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                            GO LIONS "24" !!


                            • JOE THORTON and several of his veteran SHARKS kept telling the press how they felt they were dominating the game(s), the series, yet they lost more games than won on the scoreboard.

                              ANA plays a different kind of strategy that is designed to be played out through a seven game series. It differs from the WINGS.

                              I have to believe Wing fans have noticed the strategic difference after these many years by now.

                              Btw, nice to see the DUCKS using the WINGS trampoline boards for trick passes and just some plain old fun. They seem to have finally figured out how to play those boards just like the home team.
                              Last edited by Panoptes; May 4, 2009, 11:17 AM.
                              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                              • That was all luck Gonz. Don't confuse the two.

                                GO LIONS "09" !!!!!!!!!
                                GO LIONS "24" !!

