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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    There is a big difference between guys policing the issues with a few fights. But the big distinction comes that these guys can play. The designated enforcer has basically been talented out of the NHL. Every time chemiclord mounts his soapbox it is normally 100 percent response to Jad or someone else perennial call for an enforcer on the team.
    Because the "designated enforcer" is an unnecessary relic whose only purpose was to take up a roster spot to fight other "designated enforcers."

    Those players didn't/don't give one-tenth of one shit about fighting. The number of goons that thought, "Oh, I'm not gonna hit this guy because I might have to fight someone later" was exactly zero. They'd make a cheap shot, fight the other team's goon one period later, then repeat the exact same shit the very next game.

    Because that was what they were paid to do. It was/is/will always be stupid.

    It's not about the fighting. I don't care if two concussed slow skaters want to trade blows. It's part of the show. It's what people want to see. Just stop insulting the fanbase's intelligence by claiming it's a deterrent for anything.


    • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
      It's not about the fighting. I don't care if two concussed slow skaters want to trade blows. It's part of the show. It's what people want to see. Just stop insulting the fanbase's intelligence by claiming it's a deterrent for anything.
      My POV does not come from the fan base and their thrill to see a fight.

      My POV comes from seeing/teaching/understanding the skills of the game from the youth level up to handing them off to the semi-pro and pro handlers.

      There have been some players that succeeded only because they could fight on skates.

      That is not todays NHL however, an ass kicking does register when delivered because liberties were taken too far.
      I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


      • Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
        My POV does not come from the fan base and their thrill to see a fight.

        My POV comes from seeing/teaching/understanding the skills of the game from the youth level up to handing them off to the semi-pro and pro handlers.

        There have been some players that succeeded only because they could fight on skates.

        That is not todays NHL however, an ass kicking does register when delivered because liberties were taken too far.
        I think I understand where you're coming from. I'm sure that still works at the youth level, where it's not their JOB to wreak havoc on the people around them. I'll concede to your experience there.

        But at the NHL level, where players are freakin' PAID to put the hurt on someone else, dropping the gloves doesn't register as a concern in the slightest. A player like Rich Clune, for example, doesn't give one hot shit that someone will try to pound his melon into gravel. Hell, he expects it, because his job in all ways but officially is to find the closest skill player and try to turn him into a smear on the ice.

        He'll be out there the very next game doing the exact same thing. Whatever he puts on the score sheet is an added bonus. Fighting isn't going to stop that, and I'd argue it's NEVER stopped that at the NHL level.

        Is that a problem? I dunno. But I see fighting in the NHL as very similar to the wrecks in NASCAR; people moan how dangerous it is, how it's not why they watch auto racing... but at the end of the day, that entire raceway's eyes all light up in glee and rubberneck the moment a vehicle slams into the wall.

        It's same sort of thing. The league pays lip service to finding fighting distasteful, fans cry out loudly every time a goon takes a run at their star player, but boy do they get all happy and cheer when THEIR goon drops the gloves and starts pounding on someone.

        It's part of the sport. It's part of the spectacle. Let's stop trying to rationalize it as more than it is, and just be honest with ourselves as people for once.
        Last edited by chemiclord; November 3, 2014, 07:15 PM.


        • Already missing Gordie.
          Keith Olbermann of ESPN offered one his own on Monday, and it was one of those outstanding monologues that Keith can still deliver when he’s not tritely sermonizing. It told Gordie stories, both personal and professional, and did well in capturing both the incredible physicality of the athlete and the warm personality of the man.
          Where are we going; and what's up with this hand basket?


          • Not really cared much for Olbermann since he and Dan Patrick left Sportscenter, but that was very heartfelt.

            Godspeed, Gordie.
            Lions free since 6/23/2020


            • Originally posted by Frank Van Dusen View Post
              Not really cared much for Olbermann since he and Dan Patrick left Sportscenter, but that was very heartfelt.

              Godspeed, Gordie.
              Completely agreed! Great message.
              F#*K OHIO!!!

              You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


              • Gordie Howe and Al Kaline cannot die. God and I have a deal.


                • Originally posted by Trickalicious View Post
                  GO LIONS "24" !!


                  • ^the tribute not Gordie's condition.
                    GO LIONS "24" !!


                    • RIP, Pat Quinn.


                      • And I hope Bryan Murray gets well soon.


                        • Well I will be the first to happily eat several helpings of crow if Weiss keeps playing well. A 2 goal game in his first game back then added another goal and assist last night. Keep it up, this team needs another vet pulling his weight.
                          F#*K OHIO!!!

                          You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                          • Although they're f'ing up sending Ollette back down. That kid is going to be a solid dman
                            F#*K OHIO!!!

                            You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                            • Originally posted by jaadam4 View Post
                              Well I will be the first to happily eat several helpings of crow if Weiss keeps playing well. A 2 goal game in his first game back then added another goal and assist last night. Keep it up, this team needs another vet pulling his weight.
                              Kinda funny. My brother went to the Griffins game last Saturday for a bachelors celebration for his oldest son who will be getting married in mid December.

                              On Monday morning he told me they were talking about Weiss all game long and thought he looked slow and was not ready to come back up but, while they were eating after the game, one of the boys remarked that he had been recalled. They all rolled their eyes.

                              Well, we have seen what has happened since he came up and just goes to show you what amateurs (and really, my brother is pretty good at evaluating hockey talent) know.
                              I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                              • Ouch. Helm just took a stick to the pornstache. Although I bet the injury report will say a bruised grassy knoll.

                                4-4 with 2:00 to go.
                                Where are we going; and what's up with this hand basket?

