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Red Wings

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  • That will be true with whoever gets the Wings if they manage to make the playoffs (and I can not see them missing it even though they have not been consistent).
    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


    • It's definitely not a match up I'd like to see either. It's hard to watch the wings play in the 3rd period. It's like sending 6 Todd Jones' out there to protect a 2 goal lead. The only difference is Todd Jones had a much better Save percentage than the Wings have winning percentage when up by 2 goals in the 3rd.

      they really need to tighten up and dominate 2-3 games in a row before I can believe they'll make a splash in the playoffs.

      As of now, I see the final 4 being San Jose/Chicago and Pittsburgh/Washington with Washington winning over Chicago in the finals, and Hossa getting so close for the 3rd year in a Row.
      09 AAL - Bryant Johnson
      10 AAL - Mathew Stafford


      • I've heard Howard has played really well this year but every time I watch him play he just seems okay. I'm a little nervous with him in net. That said, I'm not a big Osgood fan and with the defense playing the way it is this year, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to take us very far either. I hope Howard comes up big in the playoffs.


        • San Jose always chokes...


          • Yeah, but to be fair he never had a chance on 2 of those goals - one on a redirect from his own defenseman and the other on a perfect redirect from Ladd.


            • Originally posted by Tane View Post
              Hossa getting so close for the 3rd year in a Row.
              I like Hossa after he rolled the dice on a 1 year deal with Detroit but it sure would be funny if that did happen.
              F#*K OHIO!!!

              You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


              • ORRRRRRRRRRRR

                Detroit winning the Cup like Pitt did last year after he left! I like that one much better!
                F#*K OHIO!!!

                You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                • The Hossa curse is currently that the team he plays for will lose in the Stanley Cup Final.


                  • Then we need to change the curse. I like jaadam's better.


                    • At the end of the 2nd I was sitting there thinking the rest of the West must be feeling a little on edge and maybe even like their collars are getting a little tight as the Wings continue to move up the standings. And then the 3rd period happened and they dropped right back into 9th place. They need to really start clamping down defensively. I think they still have time to turn it around but they can't afford to blow 3rd period leads like this.


                      • That's been their biggest problem so far this season.

                        They start tightening up in the third period. They don't lose their defensive ability, but they really stop pushing the action and go into a shell.

                        When you let an opponent dictate the action, eventually, they're going to score.


                        • When you let an opponent dictate the action, eventually, they're going to score.
                          dating advice from YT ??
                          The only logical explanation is:
                          I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


                          • No.

                            You can tell because there is no reference to roofies and/or chloroform.


                            • lol
                              F#*K OHIO!!!

                              You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                              • What a shitty game to lose. This team needs to add a legit top 6 forward (not Jason Williams or Bert) in the off season and some new blood on D (pref someone with grit). This team just doesn't have it. How many leads do they have to blow to figure it out?
                                F#*K OHIO!!!

                                You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.

