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Celebrity Death Thread

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  • May the rest of the aristocratic (LOFL) family of the Kennedy's all die off, sooner rather than later, to leave the rest of us the F alone.

    Save us your service.

    RIH you POS fat cat(s) who have sucked the teet of American's for far too long.
    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


    • A double dose of classy!!
      AXE 'EM!


      • The KENNEDY's are a prime example of what has always been wrong with American politics.

        F all of them.
        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


        • I dont really follow politics much....Once Ted Kennedy had his girlfriend/mistress/lover or whatever she was get killed in his car after he drove it off a cliff I lost all respect for him.... It sounded like he got away with murder.....It also seemed like he just gravy trained the Kennedy name his whole life.


          • yeap
            The only logical explanation is:
            I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


            • I don't know that he had anyone get killed. My understanding is that he was driving with a woman rumored to be his mistress. They drove off a bridge into a river below. Ted saved his own butt and left the woman to die. He then walked home and waited to call the cops. I don't think most (outside of conspiracy nutjobs like deac) actually believe he intended to kill her when they started the journey.

              And I also think if you follow politics a little closer you will determine that Ted Kennedy more than rode the coattails of his brothers in the close to 50 years he was a senator.
              To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


              • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                And I also think if you follow politics a little closer you will determine that Ted Kennedy more than rode the coattails of his brothers in the close to 50 years he was a senator.
                yeah, be kept the entire bourbon industry in business through the 70's and 80's.........

                and sorry, but when a married man choses not to save his mistress and tries not to report the fact that he was with her for hours..... he's culpable.

                not in the OJ sense, but he might as well be.
                The only logical explanation is:
                I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


                • Originally posted by GONZ View Post
                  The Bush family is a prime example of what has always been wrong with American politics.

                  F all of them.
                  I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                  • What Chappaquidick Ted did was despicable, but he's no match for GWB when it comes to killing innocent people.
                    I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                    • Originally posted by Rocky Bleier View Post
                      What Chappaquidick Ted did was despicable, but he's no match for GWB when it comes to killing innocent people.
                      This is retarded. I know we are talking about a politician that died, but lets not turn this into a political discussion. I ask the same of Gonz but at least he was discussing the person who died.


                      • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                        RIP Ted Kennedy. Say what you will, but he was one of the few people on Capitol Hill that actually got stuff done on big problems...
                        Maybe I need to be educated on how his lifes work benefited me.....
                        I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                        • Originally posted by Malto Marko View Post
                          Maybe I need to be educated on how his lifes work benefited me.....
                          He co-sponsored "No Child Left Behind" as well as HIPAA, the ADA, and more.

                          Name a piece of major legislation that has benefitted you, and he likely worked on it.
                          To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                          • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                            Name a piece of major legislation that has benefitted you, and he likely worked on it.
                            The only recent legislation that benefited me was the Bush tax cuts. Did he work on that?


                            • LOFL


                              KENNEDY showing up for the poor and colored man.

                              "I feed you benefits on the backs of hard working taxpayers, you vote for me! Thank you. Goodnight."-Any KENNEDY clan member campaign speech
                              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                              • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                                He co-sponsored "No Child Left Behind" as well as HIPAA, the ADA, and more.

                                Name a piece of major legislation that has benefitted you, and he likely worked on it.
                                Sorry but none of these bills benefited me or my family directly. I am in the same category as LB when it comes to recent (or not so recent) legislation that helped me.

                                I will however, admit he had some hand in legislation that helped with funding college educations and in that regard, I have benefited greatly and am indebted for his work on that.
                                I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.

