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Celebrity Death Thread

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  • Originally posted by Deacon Blues View Post
    fucking dumbass......... 28 and he thought life was no longer worth living...

    leaves behind a 2 yrd old who will suffer for his stupidity....

    I hate celebrity worship

    I didn't know him and I'm guessing 99.9999% of the worlds population didn't know him yet the press covers his death like the pope just died.

    Who f'n cares.

    He didn't care enough to care so why should any stranger.
    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


    • Originally posted by GONZ View Post

      I hate celebrity worship
      Then stay out of the Celebrity Death Thread???

      Um, duh?


      • [quote]
        Originally Posted by GONZ

        I hate celebrity worship

        Then stay out of the Celebrity Death Thread???

        Um, duh?
        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


        • Posting news of a CD and reading about said death differs from my statement of commenting about the loss from a personal perspective.

          Yes, I've been guilty of it in the past. But I recently came to a realization how foolish it was.

          We don't know these people, people.
          19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


          • Originally posted by GONZ View Post

            I hate celebrity worship

            I didn't know him and I'm guessing 99.9999% of the worlds population didn't know him yet the press covers his death like the pope just died.

            Who f'n cares.

            He didn't care enough to care so why should any stranger.
            I became a Lions fan because of Barry Sanders.....
            The only logical explanation is:
            I'm about to die and this is my Jacob's Ladder


            • Originally posted by Deacon Blues View Post
              I became a Lions fan because of Barry Sanders.....

              I became a fan of the Lions because of Thanksgiving games I was subjected to as a youth.

              It didn't hurt that my favorite college back was drafted by the team I adopted in totality in 1988 (and shat out in 2007) .
              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


              • Originally posted by GONZ View Post

                I didn't know him and I'm guessing 99.9999% of the worlds population didn't know him yet the press covers his death like the pope just died.
                Is it still that John Paul guy?
                I made baseball as fun as doing your taxes!


                • Originally posted by GONZ View Post
                  (and shat out in 2007) .

                  Gonz you haven't been a lions fan in years. It may have been one of the teams you followed more closely, but you've hardly been a "fan" in recent years.

                  you've been so negative and down on the team that when we actually had a winning streak going and something positive to talk disappeared like Kyser Sosa'.


                  • What winning streak, that fraudulent 1st half record I didn't fall for?

                    When I was a fan, a real fan can recognize futility. There was nothing to be excited about so why be excited.

                    Some folks are just now arriving to where I've been for the last 7 years. Hmmm, MILLIOT arrived 7 years ago didn't he?

                    Coincidence? I think not.
                    19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                    • You don't have to like millen to be a fan of the team........most everyone in here is a fan in spite of the big fella.

                      And your 20/20 hindsight (not to be confused with insight) gets old. If you knew the team was going to fall apart any second.....why not show up here and make that claim? But no, (as expected) you ran and hid only to show up after the melt-down and claim you knew it was going to happen all the time.


                      • NP,

                        I predicted the season record before it started and missed by one game.

                        While I was busy away from this forum, I PM'd another member with my takes on the teams expected weak finish before it happened.

                        You can think what you want but I have myself covered all the way around despite some who believe otherwise.
                        19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                        • Originally posted by GONZ View Post
                          You can think what you want but I have myself covered all the way around despite some who believe otherwise.

                          Nothing more

                          "I have myself covered".......I would expect nothing more from you GONZ. Another fucking qualifier (sp?).


                          • Since when is being intelligent stoopid?
                            19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


                            • hindsight and insight are not the same thing.....and never admiting when you're wrong doesn't mean you're always right.


                              • It doesn't?

                                GO LIONS "08" !!!!!!!!
                                GO LIONS "24" !!

