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Celebrity Death Thread

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  • Still have my program to the '84 series as a kid, RESTORE THE ROAR in 84
    Brand New Detroit Lions


    • I loved Sparky... that was a guy that knew that managing with your gut on occasion was fine, but you also had to know what you were doing the other 90% of the time. I'm not sure there was a fellow who knew how to make a team come together better than him during his era.


      • He was also an innovator of the relief pitcher. He was given the moniker of Captain Hook because he would not leave pitchers out there for the complete game, even when they had pitched a great game. In the 70s that was not a common thing. Now, it is rare that starters ever finish a game.

        I will miss him. The 84 Tigers were a great team and a great memory for me. I hope that Gibby is able to pull off something in Arizona. That would truly be a legacy for George "Sparky" Anderson.


        • Wasn't it "Bless you Boys" or was that '87?

          RIP Spark. I still won't step on a baseline.
          To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


          • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
            Wasn't it "Bless you Boys" or was that '87?.
            It was '84.....was actually looking at my autographed copy Of the book by that title the other day.


            • Weird coincidence this afternoon.

              After filling my 'script at my local pharmacy, the lady behind the counter started talking to the young lady behind me and said, "I didn't know that "he" was your grandfather. I love baseball and I loved him as a manager for the Reds. I'm soooooo sorry."

              At which point I couldn't help myself and said to the young lady, "Sparky was your grandfather? "

              The young lady said, "Yes."

              I said, "Oh. I am so sorry for your loss. I was a big fan of his."

              She simply said, "Thank you. I appreciate that."

              And then I left the store.

              Small freaking world man.
              19.1119, NO LONGER WAITING


              • Indeed.


                • Sparky was #6 all time for wins as a manager and is the all time wins leader for the Reds AND the Tigers.... Amazing!


                  • RIP Sparky. Thank you.
                    <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                    • Drew....How could anyone RIP with that new lady of yours giving us the evil eye......Sure beats looking at PANOPTES


                      • My mom called today to tell me about Sparky, how sad!
                        I don't even know if I am ready to talk about it.....


                        • RIP Sparky.

                          Truly a class act.
                          I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.


                          • "RESTORE THE ROAR"
                            -----------------That was a Lions slogan in the 90's I believe.

                            GO LIONS "10" !!!!!!!!!!
                            GO LIONS "24" !!


                            • The Roar of '84 was what the freep called it, but that year has been called "Bless You, Boys" by most people. MAN, I hated that name... I always look for who sneezed..................


                              • RIP Sparky.

                                You were a hero of mine when I was growing up.

