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That's just Chemi. He's not really upset. He's just emphasizing things. Per se
It is because deep down he loves the Lions direction and is excited by Campbell and is having a hard time processing it. I figured it out with science and 2 kinds of math. US and metric so that iron clad proof.
What Kreton doesn't understand is that there's always a Kreton or two around here - somebody who views modest gains as change in culture/direction/cleansing of the curse and that this team is different, they are finally on the right track, and why don't you just believe, yada, yada, yada. (You may think think the "why don't you just believe" is a joke, but we literally had somebody create a thread titled "When will you assholes just believe?" or some such shit. I believe the Lions promptly went on a long losing streak after that occurred).
Maybe you didn't believe in the Schwartz regime, or Caldwell, or Quinntricia, but there were definitely Kreton-esque individuals around here who did and we went through all these same conversations. Yes there are positive signs, yes some of the young players look like they have the potential to be long term foundational pieces, yes they are playing hard and competing. But we have seen all this before. Will the endgame here be different this time? Maybe, hopefully. Most of us are firmly in the "let's not start sucking each others dicks just yet" phase and would like to see positive trends turn into actual winning and consistency.
What everyone around here definitely wants is Kreton to still be here in 2 years and crowing about how right he was and that we can all suck it as the Lions are winning playoff games and in the mix as an actual contender. Nothing would make me happier.
Then why are you getting so upset when I say what I want?
Also you seem to be getting defensive when people respond to you like it is out of the blue. It is a forum. You should see that coming. Also, I posted a quote from a Lions player and you started in on me. Telling me it didn't matter. Then someone posted the power rankings, and you started in with him saying that stuff doesn't matter.
The only one who seems to have a hard time understanding the concept of saying what they want, is you. YOU got butt hurt over the Decker quote. YOU got mad someone wanted to talk about power rankings. Then you got upset that people responded to you when you quoted them/us.
If you didn't care about what Decker said, and if you don't care about the power rankings why reply? I think deep down you do care. I think you are super excited about the power rankings and are mad at yourself. Open your heart and embrace the D. It's ok to admit you are excited.
I'm fucking not! (Well, now I am because I'm tired of your projection, but I digress)
This entire thing could have went like this.
"Taylor Decker says they aren't the Same Ol' Lions."
"Uh huh. Their record says they are."
"Fucking asshole. Anyway..."
You got bent all out of shape over my response. Not me. You pushed this thing to the redline. Not me. Now, I certainly followed you, because I can be a confrontational prick that refuses to back down (hence all the scroll wheels and yawns you see), but you got this ball rolling and got us shouting the same shit at each other repeatedly.
I'm fine with Decker believing they aren't the "Same Ol' Lions." In fact, I would hope he believes that. That team frankly needs to believe that. You know who doesn't need to buy it? Me. And I'm going to say so.
I'm also going to roll my eyes over power rankings in general. This isn't the NCAA. Top 25 in the NFL means absolutely nothing. It can be fun to debate who belongs where, but at the end of the day, it's a silly diversion that has zero impact on what actually matters at the professional level, and I will say so if directly asked (which I was).
But I think you know that, and you enjoy trolling people who disagree with you. As evidence:
It is because deep down he loves the Lions direction and is excited by Campbell and is having a hard time processing it. I figured it out with science and 2 kinds of math. US and metric so that iron clad proof.
Clearly this is utter bullshite (as Marko might say). You think stuff like this irritates me. It doesn't. I respond because (as many have noted, and as I say above) I can be a confrontational prick that refuses to back down. You haven't figured out shit, much less with any sort of empirical analysis. You know that, I know that, we don't have to pretend otherwise because we think "u mad, bro."
As for the direction of the Lions? Whether I believe or not is irrelevant. But if you actually have been here over a decade, you'd know that I've spent a good deal of the time saying the Lions needed to "fire EVERYONE." So yes, that part is something I've advocated. Not sure why you think that's a gotcha. But there's a couple problems.
1) The Lions didn't actually fire everyone. They actually left a lot of the old failed structure in place. It's not just Rod Wood; he's just the most visible symbol of the cronyism that the Lions have operated under. People like Froot will note that's not at all unique to the Lions, and he'd be right. But it's clearly a very big problem for the Lions, and it did (and I'd argue still does) need a far larger correction.
2) Burning it all down is the easy part. Getting a team from bad to mediocre is the relatively easy part of team construction. Getting a team from utter shite to bad is even easier. Not that either are objectively easy; for example every single one of us here would probably fail miserably to bring any NFL out of the basement. But they are the easier part of a rebuild; the league is actively designed to drag teams towards the middle. So yes, while Sheila, Holmes, and Campbell have done the best job of any group in the last 60 years at step one, the jury is still out on whether they will navigate the road properly the rest of the way.
The only one that has made any declaration of whether they will or not... is you.
I'm fucking not! (Well, now I am because I'm tired of your projection, but I digress)
This entire thing could have went like this.
"Taylor Decker says they aren't the Same Ol' Lions."
"Uh huh. Their record says they are."
"Fucking asshole. Anyway..."
You got bent all out of shape over my response. Not me. You pushed this thing to the redline. Not me. Now, I certainly followed you, because I can be a confrontational prick that refuses to back down (hence all the scroll wheels and yawns you see), but you got this ball rolling and got us shouting the same shit at each other repeatedly.
I'm fine with Decker believing they aren't the "Same Ol' Lions." In fact, I would hope he believes that. That team frankly needs to believe that. You know who doesn't need to buy it? Me. And I'm going to say so.
I'm also going to roll my eyes over power rankings in general. This isn't the NCAA. Top 25 in the NFL means absolutely nothing. It can be fun to debate who belongs where, but at the end of the day, it's a silly diversion that has zero impact on what actually matters at the professional level, and I will say so if directly asked (which I was).
But I think you know that, and you enjoy trolling people who disagree with you. As evidence:
Clearly this is utter bullshite (as Marko might say). You think stuff like this irritates me. It doesn't. I respond because (as many have noted, and as I say above) I can be a confrontational prick that refuses to back down. You haven't figured out shit, much less with any sort of empirical analysis. You know that, I know that, we don't have to pretend otherwise because we think "u mad, bro."
As for the direction of the Lions? Whether I believe or not is irrelevant. But if you actually have been here over a decade, you'd know that I've spent a good deal of the time saying the Lions needed to "fire EVERYONE." So yes, that part is something I've advocated. Not sure why you think that's a gotcha. But there's a couple problems.
1) The Lions didn't actually fire everyone. They actually left a lot of the old failed structure in place. It's not just Rod Wood; he's just the most visible symbol of the cronyism that the Lions have operated under. People like Froot will note that's not at all unique to the Lions, and he'd be right. But it's clearly a very big problem for the Lions, and it did (and I'd argue still does) need a far larger correction.
2) Burning it all down is the easy part. Getting a team from bad to mediocre is the relatively easy part of team construction. Getting a team from utter shite to bad is even easier. Not that either are objectively easy; for example every single one of us here would probably fail miserably to bring any NFL out of the basement. But they are the easier part of a rebuild; the league is actively designed to drag teams towards the middle. So yes, while Sheila, Holmes, and Campbell have done the best job of any group in the last 60 years at step one, the jury is still out on whether they will navigate the road properly the rest of the way.
The only one that has made any declaration of whether they will or not... is you.
I never called you an asshole at all. Never happened.
And you are excited by the Lions. You know it. I know it. The ancient Sumerians knew it.
Also once again you are calling in to question my time here or as a Lions fan or whatever. Let it go man. You seem really really focused on that. Maybe I've never liked the Lions. Maybe I invented viagra. Maybe I am a covert secret agent paid by North Korea to infiltrate forums of historically bad football teams. Who I am doesn't matter. And no matter how much you want to emphasize that you don't think I've ever seen the Lions or whatever won't change that I am right and this team is heading in the right direction.
That... wasn't my argument, man. You could have, and I wouldn't have cared, but that's not the point. I was pointing out how this discussion could have ended in two replies.
What Kreton doesn't understand is that there's always a Kreton or two around here - somebody who views modest gains as change in culture/direction/cleansing of the curse and that this team is different, they are finally on the right track, and why don't you just believe, yada, yada, yada. (You may think think the "why don't you just believe" is a joke, but we literally had somebody create a thread titled "When will you assholes just believe?" or some such shit. I believe the Lions promptly went on a long losing streak after that occurred).
Maybe you didn't believe in the Schwartz regime, or Caldwell, or Quinntricia, but there were definitely Kreton-esque individuals around here who did and we went through all these same conversations. Yes there are positive signs, yes some of the young players look like they have the potential to be long term foundational pieces, yes they are playing hard and competing. But we have seen all this before. Will the endgame here be different this time? Maybe, hopefully. Most of us are firmly in the "let's not start sucking each others dicks just yet" phase and would like to see positive trends turn into actual winning and consistency.
What everyone around here definitely wants is Kreton to still be here in 2 years and crowing about how right he was and that we can all suck it as the Lions are winning playoff games and in the mix as an actual contender. Nothing would make me happier.
Here you are with this shit. What is with you two? Literally under my name in the sexy profile pic shows how long I've been here and with thousands of posts.
Lions are looking good no matter if you guys suck each other off or not.
That... wasn't my argument, man. You could have, and I wouldn't have cared, but that's not the point. I was pointing out how this discussion could have ended in two replies.
2 replies if I posted, you replied and told me I was wrong, and I just accept your gospel? No.
But hey, keep being mad and trying to figure out super secret stuff about me. I'm going to enjoy the Lions rise.
Because you behave like you weren't here all that time. You seem utterly oblivious to how similar your posts are to other aggressive Optimigos who have flared briefly then stormed off once their great hope was dashed.
And thousands of posts really don't mean the investment you think it means. Your stats actually really only average out to a little over one post a day. And that's considering the flurry of activity you've done this last year or so. Which means you were actually engaged even less than a post a day for the majority of your time here. Maybe you were an active lurker this entire time, but your obliviousness suggests you spent the significant amount of your tenure very passively.
The Detroit Lions are about to put a close on one of the most successful Novembers in recent history. The Lions went 3-1 throughout the month and were five minutes away from their first 4-0 November in 60 years.
"Your division isn't going through Green Bay it's going through Detroit for the next five years" - Rex Ryan
Well, I was intentionally neglecting to note that the biggest reason they didn't go 4-0 in November was because of the same chronically poor game managment that has derailed more than one game this season...