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Fuck these Fucking Fucks

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  • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
    Dr. Rick from Progressive would frown on that
    Those commercials are great. Of course, I am not a "young" homeowner, but they hit home none-the-less

    I guess maybe I should get rid of those pieces of crown molding that I have in my shed?

    When we moved, I trimmed down my, "maybe I'll need it someday" bullshit quite a bit.

    I realized that I had a farmer's garage. It was full of all kinds of shit that I "might" need, the kind of shit that would come in handy and save a long trip to town to get a minor part. Of course, I live five minutes from the hardware store, but that didn't stop me form collecting shit I might need some day. I had nuts, bolts, screws, assorted toilet parts, pieces of scrap wood, electrical sockets, plugs and assorted other crap. I had a box full of electrical cords that I had cut off old appliances and electronics, etc etc.

    Of course, when I needed something, I always knew I had it, but could never find the damn thing and usually ended up going to the hardware store anyway.

    My crowning glory was one night, the bolt that holds the toilet tank to the base of the toilet rusted through and I went out into the garage and I opened my "assorted bullshit" 3 lb Folgers coffee can and laying right on top of of all the useless nuts and bolts was a toilet tank bolt with the nut.

    Thank God! After 20+ years, my hoarding of shit paid off. Ha!

    When we moved, I threw most of it away and haven't missed any of it.

    A couple more pictures. 😉

    thumbnail_IMG_5011.jpg thumbnail_IMG_5010.jpg
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • Ha, I hadn't seen that one about letting go stuff. I'm pretty good about clearing shit out, except for scrap wood. My wife on the other hand - well that's a different story. For example she keeps gift bags so they can be reused. But we now have a giant tub full of gift bags that just keeps growing because she buys new ones or we end up getting way more than she uses.


      • I hear you brother


        • Originally posted by Mainevent View Post
          Ha, I hadn't seen that one about letting go stuff. I'm pretty good about clearing shit out, except for scrap wood. My wife on the other hand - well that's a different story. For example she keeps gift bags so they can be reused. But we now have a giant tub full of gift bags that just keeps growing because she buys new ones or we end up getting way more than she uses.
          Your wife and my wife must be sisters. But you know what's worse than hoarding her stuff? Hoarding my stuff. It's gotten to the point where if I want to throw out my clothes that are worn out, or I've never worn, or I "outgrew" (lol), I have to do it when she's not home. I've bagged stuff to bring to a donation bin and found it right back in my drawers or closet the next day. Now it goes in the bag and out of the house immediately.

          WTF is that?
          Apathetic No More.


          • Here's a great thing I learned to cut down on clothes in the closet.
            I do it every january.

            Once you use it hang it up with the hook facing away from you. If you don't use it, face the hook towards you.

            Next year, if any hook s face towards you, donate to St. Vinnies or goodwill.
            I just cleared out 1/4 of my closet (now I have room for new clothes I got at Christmas).


            • Originally posted by Dan V View Post
              Here's a great thing I learned to cut down on clothes in the closet.
              I do it every january.

              Once you use it hang it up with the hook facing away from you. If you don't use it, face the hook towards you.

              Next year, if any hook s face towards you, donate to St. Vinnies or goodwill.
              I just cleared out 1/4 of my closet (now I have room for new clothes I got at Christmas).
              I'm at the point in my life where I wear t-shirts and about two different pairs of shorts in the summer, sweats or the same couple of pairs of pants in the winter with a t-shirt and a couple of different old sweat shirts. I have a couple of suits that I seem to only wear for funerals or weddings and a couple of pairs of nice pants, shorts and a few nicer shirts. I don't have much need for much else. Things are pretty casual here so flip flops are appropriate footwear for most of the year. I purged my closet when we moved. I think I got rid of shit from 1985
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • CGVT: finding that toilet bolt in the jar? I know that feeling. Its borderline elation that only a few feel. You feel like shouting “FUUUCKIN YEEEEEESSSS!!!!” ….. but you keep a lid on it.
                Many times in my van looking for a fitting…… your brain is saying, “its a merchants trip, marky boy”…… then you see it, and its “FUUUCKIN YEEEESSS!”
                Fantastic feeling.
                "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                • Good luck with the new driveway, CG! I had a gravel driveway at my house in Ludington before we built our garage. Snow removal meant that I'd find tiny rocks all over my yard come spring time. At least you don't have to worry about that!!

                  Congrats to the guys who are letting things go!! I am working hard on my husband to do the same. He thinks he may one day use it or sell it so it's nearly impossible for him to let it go.

                  I guess this is a woman thing but I used to carry a huge purse, filled with all of the odds and ends one might need at any given time. Button fell off? I got you, here's a needle and thread. Dropped some mustard on your shirt? Here's a travel-size stain remover. And so on.

                  The pandemic cured me. I no longer even carry a purse. I carry a tiny little wallet that fits like five cards and it attaches to my keys. All of this fits in a pocket. That stuff I used to carry is sitting in my last purse and I haven't missed any of it at all! It's so freeing no longer carrying a purse!!

                  free freedom GIF


                  • I'm glad that men's clothing has pockets.

                    More driveway pictures, you fucking fucks.

                    thumbnail_IMG_5019.jpg thumbnail_IMG_5018.jpg


                    thumbnail_IMG_5025.jpg thumbnail_IMG_5026.jpg

                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • That turned out nice! Man, I would love to have that garage!


                      • Where's the fucking snow?


                        • Snow?
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                            Where's the fucking snow?

                            It s’no there. 🤷‍♂️

                            Great job 👌​

                            Did they use “the whacker” to compact all the hardcore flat? And if so, did you have a go at it?

                            Long story short, when i was an apprentice early 80s, there was one Friday when the boss hired a whacker machine to do some garden work. I was given the whacking job. Six hours of whacking.
                            You ever seen Wile E Coyote after using the road drill? That was me the entire weekend. Whole body was still “whacking” on Sunday morning!
                            "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                            Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                            • They used the whacker, I did not. I did spend all day at the end of an air chisel taking up tile one day and felt like I was using the damn thing for hours after I stopped. Ha!
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
                                Good luck with the new driveway, CG! I had a gravel driveway at my house in Ludington before we built our garage. Snow removal meant that I'd find tiny rocks all over my yard come spring time. At least you don't have to worry about that!!

                                Congrats to the guys who are letting things go!! I am working hard on my husband to do the same. He thinks he may one day use it or sell it so it's nearly impossible for him to let it go.

                                I guess this is a woman thing but I used to carry a huge purse, filled with all of the odds and ends one might need at any given time. Button fell off? I got you, here's a needle and thread. Dropped some mustard on your shirt? Here's a travel-size stain remover. And so on.

                                The pandemic cured me. I no longer even carry a purse. I carry a tiny little wallet that fits like five cards and it attaches to my keys. All of this fits in a pocket. That stuff I used to carry is sitting in my last purse and I haven't missed any of it at all! It's so freeing no longer carrying a purse!!

                                free freedom GIF
                                My wife would lose her keys with the little wallet.
                                "Your division isn't going through Green Bay it's going through Detroit for the next five years" - Rex Ryan

