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Detroit Tigers

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  • Btw Froot your comment about Mike Illitch taking over team and getting it to WS in 3 years proves my point.
    An experienced business man with years of knowledge and a vision got it done.
    And I don’t believe Chris Illitch was the head of the Tigers when Illitch bought the team back in 1985.
    Get a grip.


    • Mike Ilitch didn't buy the Tigers until 1992. He was heavily involved and spent money until 1994 and he turned it over to the Ilitch Kids. Anybody who actually follows the team knows this. Chris Ilitch ran things until 2003 when they had one of the worst records in the history of baseball. The sense of shame that the Tigers were such losers convinced Mike Ilitch to take a more active role in the team and he spent money. Pudge Rodriguez was signed in the winter iof 2004. They started spending money a d they won. Chrise Ilitch took back over when Mike Ilitch's health took a turn in 2016. They started cutting payroll in 2017. They have been shit since and they always say the same thing and sals like you will come same tired defenses of this nonsense. Then you'll go away when the same old, same old strategy fails. But don't fear! Some new sap comes along and readily digests the bullshit strategy and attack guys like us pointing out how dumb the strategy is.

      It's very fucking simple, you need to spend money to win, there is no short cut to spending. They were the worst offensive team in the majors last year and they didn't make an attempt to make it better at all.


      • Originally posted by klondike View Post

        That's rich. The Tigers benefited from the deep fences by the other teams hitting them far more than they had HR's stole from them. As weak a hitting team as they are they should just go back to the original dimensions. Make this the most pitcher friendly park in baseball and maybe we can get so.e descent pitchers here.
        I think the Tigers should move the fences back to 1100 feet. Since we can't seem to hit any homers why should the visitors get to hit any, either?


        • The tigers won the World Series in 1984
          mike Illitch bought it in 1985
          i will google to confirm


          • You can Google want, you might learn something. Tom Monaghan was the pizza man who owned the Tigers in 1985.


            • Okay stand corrected but still doesn’t change my point
              a young 30 year old man is not going to be put in charge of something like a professional baseball team that is very demanding and has many layers to achieve success.
              Mike Illitch made a mistake and corrected it by taking control and fixing the situation.
              So again I think Chris Illitch needs a chance to have a hire they HE brought in and see how it goes.
              If the Tigers still suck in the next few years I’ll join you with your bitching.


              • Originally posted by wcfwtf View Post
                The tigers won the World Series in 1984
                mike Illitch bought it in 1985
                i will google to confirm
                It was Monahan's first year. Won it all..


                • For some reason I remembered Monaghan winning World Series and then selling immediately the year after.
                  Inwas wrong.


                  • Originally posted by kdk2002 View Post

                    I think the Tigers should move the fences back to 1100 feet. Since we can't seem to hit any homers why should the visitors get to hit any, either?
                    That's what I say. If you're not going to do anything in the least to get at least decent offensive hitters over the off season why on earth are you tinkering with the dimensions and fence height. As if that will do anything to help win games for us. Just go all out to make the opposition not hit. Pitching and defense if you want to be cheap.. it just shows me they don't know what they're doing.


                    • Originally posted by wcfwtf View Post
                      Okay stand corrected but still doesn’t change my point
                      a young 30 year old man is not going to be put in charge of something like a professional baseball team that is very demanding and has many layers to achieve success.
                      Mike Illitch made a mistake and corrected it by taking control and fixing the situation.
                      So again I think Chris Illitch needs a chance to have a hire they HE brought in and see how it goes.
                      If the Tigers still suck in the next few years I’ll join you with your bitching.
                      Same shit was said in 1996-2003 and 2016-2022. You are new to the Tigers, but us long time fans know.

                      Mike Ilitch's strategy when he was heavily involved with the Tigers was, "where's my checkbook?" Let's go get Pudge, Magglio and Miguel and we'll give them money. Let's draft over slot and we'll spend money.

                      What Chris Ilitch is allegedly trying to do is win with a budget of one third of the top spenders of the league. It doesn't work. But if they say enough buzzwords, guys like you will buy into it. You'll but into it so much, you will act like Chris Ilitch is new to this when he's been doing the same shit since 1995.


                      • Originally posted by klondike View Post

                        That's what I say. If you're not going to do anything in the least to get at least decent offensive hitters over the off season why on earth are you tinkering with the dimensions and fence height. As if that will do anything to help win games for us. Just go all out to make the opposition not hit. Pitching and defense if you want to be cheap.. it just shows me they don't know what they're doing.
                        The fence issue has been a pain in the ass since Comerica went in. It was way too big. But the bigger issue is they made it big and have never been able to address their farm system with the type of players need. It's one thing if you made right field huge and left field short but it's the opposite. The setup means you needed left handed power hitters and left handed pitchers and you need to find great defensive left and center fielders. Also right handed power hitters don't want to play there.

                        I'm not sure what the reason is for this newest change.


                        • So far the today the Tigers are trying to be even worse than they have been in the first two games. Getting no hits in the first 6 innings with 12 Ks. They are owning then strike zone!


                          • Springs matches his career high in strikeouts... through 4 innings.


                            • The new owners wanted a National League style of team with speed and pitching. Wrong-headed right from the beginning as they went from the home run friendly confines of Tiger Stadium to something totally the opposite. It was a terrible idea and frankly, they are still paying the piper now. As they have never had an identity as a team other than pay for the best talent in the Mike Illich years and hope to field a good team.

                              I guess the reason for moving the fence in now is because of too many complaints by players of the long distance and hindrance of hitting hr's. But it won't matter anyway, because top players won't come here no matter the dimensions. It would be nice to have a stadium and build the talent to suit it but that ain't happening to Comerica Park. It's a hopelessly nondescript park cept for the once huge centerfield. Which maybe you could get a great defensive outfield but the Tigers never really did that. They should have made the park like the old Tiger Stadium but that's milk under the bridge now. We are left with a forever tinkering monstrosity of a park now.
                              Last edited by klondike; April 2, 2023, 02:14 PM.


                              • The park is fine other than the dimensions, it really wasn't the new owners. According to legend, John McHale wrote down the dimensions on a napkin in a meeting with Radar Randy Smith. If the right field was big and left field was shorter, it's a better story because it's easier to find right handed power than lefties. But if your owner isn't going to spend money, it doesn't matter.

