Sure. The Peaceful Protests were about rioting. 
Tying the two is the biggest lie. The only equivalent would be saying Trump and his crew raided the Congressional building on that infamous January 6th.
The Peaceful protesters did not riot. That was other people. In some cases it was people trying to make it seem like they were. They all (rioters) should have been arrested and investigated. No matter what race, creed or political alliance.
Even engaging in that whole mindfu(k is a lie.
See. That's how grown ups talk. We don't make excuses for poor behavior. We don't go, "What about..."

Tying the two is the biggest lie. The only equivalent would be saying Trump and his crew raided the Congressional building on that infamous January 6th.
The Peaceful protesters did not riot. That was other people. In some cases it was people trying to make it seem like they were. They all (rioters) should have been arrested and investigated. No matter what race, creed or political alliance.
Even engaging in that whole mindfu(k is a lie.
See. That's how grown ups talk. We don't make excuses for poor behavior. We don't go, "What about..."