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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • How do you "doctor" live footage? Treason was committed on that day

    Peaceful protests are fine and as American as Apple Pie. Violence in any matter, rioting, etc... should be met with prison time. NO EXEPTIONS
    Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


    • How do you doctor live footage….ask Nick Sandmann.


      • You know, I just miss the days where Republicans said things like, Those people does not reflect my views even though they are Republican.

        Everyone in your row boat isn't going to be rowing the right way. It absolutely destroys your credibility when you start rowing backwards too and then attempt to have a civilized intelligent conversation while asking everyone to not believe their eyes. Everyone can be wrong, but everyone cannot accept being wrong.

        being stubborn is the game play from the right. Keep swinging until you can divert the truth to a defensible point or change the conversation all together. THAT is what is killing this country.
        Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


        • Originally posted by jaadam4 View Post
          I’m not sure if you guys saw the bit Russell Brand did the other day lighting up both MSNBC and Fox saying they’re all jack holes manipulating us. So I’m not jumping on any band wagon here.

          What context is there to be taken out of? That one guy that got the book thrown at him for 4 years in jail was being escorted around. What’s the context? He wasn’t in cuffs or going to be detained.

          None of this is a little concerning? Or it is but it doesn’t fit what you thought or your political views?
          Showing that idiot Shaman dude being escorted around doesn't mean the other stuff didn't happen or wasn't real. It means it was taken out of context to the entirely of his visit.

          All meant to manipulate YOU into thinking things didn't happen that actually did. I'm concerned about THAT.


          • BTW, the sides are not the same.

            If you go to a political rally and the side you're on is carrying Confederate flags, and has guys wearing t-shirts that say 6 million was not enough and there are swastika flags in the crowd, you are on the wrong fucking side.

            They are not the same
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • These conversations just go in circles and are pointless. Believe what you want, no one here is going to convince you otherwise.

              Im Okay Chicago Fire GIF by One Chicago


              • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                Also….Froot, I’ll await your apology for calling me a liar.

                I apologized when I erroneously attributed the aforementioned comment to you….which was much less of an offense than you outright calling me a “liar” and saying I made it up. I posted the quote by Cody….didn’t make it up. Not a liar.

                I know name calling comes easy to you….but also, real men admit when they’re wrong and apologize.
                I'm calling you a liar because you claimed I thought violence was OK on the left without any post. So you need to apologize for that lie or you can continue to pound sand.

                And what you posted Cody said about Wagner's contract isn't what you claimed I said. Try again.


                • And that’s the problem with narcissists….never wrong about anything. Never admit they wrong….change the subject, call names, anything they have to do.

                  I will be waiting with bated breath to see you find a post where you proactively said anything negative when police have been ambushed or hurt during the “peaceful protests”. I’m sure we all are Froot….but it’s difficult to find evidence of what doesn’t exist.

                  I’m done


                  • Originally posted by Futureshock View Post
                    How do you "doctor" live footage? Treason was committed on that day

                    Peaceful protests are fine and as American as Apple Pie. Violence in any matter, rioting, etc... should be met with prison time. NO EXEPTIONS
                    Exactly. The great civil rights movement of the 1960s was built on the concept of non-violence. It included many protests in which nothing happened. There are many great books and documentaries on the subject. The memory of those heady times is nearly only invoked on MLK day and everyone talks about the I Have a Dream speech. Most have probably never read the whole speech and only know the parts where he says, "I have a dream..."

                    In the speech, MLK talks a lot about police brutality and jails. Not once does he say to take to violence to achieve the means of equality.


                    • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                      And that’s the problem with narcissists….never wrong about anything. Never admit they wrong….change the subject, call names, anything they have to do.

                      I will be waiting with bated breath to see you find a post where you proactively said anything negative when police have been ambushed or hurt during the “peaceful protests”. I’m sure we all are Froot….but it’s difficult to find evidence of what doesn’t exist.

                      I’m done
                      You're the one who said I was OK with violence from the left (clearly I am not). You fucking lied and don't want to admit you were wrong. So be done if you have to be but next time you are arguing with someone, argue against something they said instead of making things up.


                      • Show me the evidence of you actively complaining about when cops get ambushed or hurt during peaceful protests ….you are clearly offended that police were hurt in the capitol riot, you’ve posted here about it.

                        Show me another post when you’ve complained about cops being hurt in protests which support liberal causes.

                        It’s shouldn’t be hard.


                        • No, you fucking lied when I said I was OK with violence if it was OK on the left and haven't provided any proof. Violence is bad in all forms of protest, if I was for it, you should easily be able to provide proof. It's not that hard, you are the one making the claim, the burden of proof is on you. Maybe next time you argue with someone it will be on something they said instead of strawman.

                          Is there anyone on this forum that claimed it was OK if it was from the left?


                          • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                            Show me the evidence of you actively complaining about when cops get ambushed or hurt during peaceful protests ….you are clearly offended that police were hurt in the capitol riot, you’ve posted here about it.

                            Show me another post when you’ve complained about cops being hurt in protests which support liberal causes.

                            It’s shouldn’t be hard.
                            Bootlicker says what?


                            • Oh Jesus….someone pleas help the village martyr.

                              Froot…I know you complain when cops get hurt by conservatives, but I want to see the evidence that you actually complain (and do care) when cops are hurt by protesters that you support.

                              I’m not changing the subject…I’m not calling you names….show me the fucking money asshole.

                              show me….don’t tell me….show me where you’ve ever complained here when cops get ambushed or hurt in liberal protests. That shit happens all the time. Show,e one time when you’ve said boo. One post.


                              • Again you lied, it a liar. The burden of proof is on you, please provide proof of where I said it where violence is OK. You made it up, I never said it.

