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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Didn’t mean to single out you Deb….as a whole, outrage over media organizations being 1 sided and telling “a story” instead of “the story” is contained to pointing fingers at the other side.

    I don”t believe that Jan.6 was a threat to democracy….but tucker’s selective editing 2 years later is bullshit. That being said….none of you ever call out the liberal media when they fuck up. And it’s all the time….But tucker does it and it’s a threat.

    I just wish people would pick a standard and stick to it….instead of only rooting against shitty behavior when it doesn’t suit you.


    • That people will seek information that confirms their priors and resist information that doesn't isn't a particularly novel or crazy observation.

      The question is more who would you trust to give you that information? In the case of what happened on Jan. 6th, why would you trust someone who when in a court of law, admitted that no reasonable person would believe what he said on his show, and was revealed to be part of a group who willfully and nakedly lied to their viewers about the results of an election?

      It's fine to distrust whatever narrative a given news outlet is pushing. Skepticism is never a bad thing solely on its own; but you need to approach that skepticism with some sort of reasoning. In the case of the Jan. 6 footage, you'd either have to believe that a massive swath of the journalistic field decided together to push a bogus narrative without anyone in those organizations ever cracking at any point... or that one outlet, with evidence revealed in court that they not only lied but willfully lied to their viewers, is now suddenly telling the truth about this topic.

      One of these seems far more likely than the other.


      • The whole nation has Eugene Goodman for doing a trick seen in movies that saved a lot of lives. You don't bring the gallows to the capitol if you don't intend to use them.


        • How did the liberal media completely erase the meaning of the word “effigy”?

          it’s was a few 2x4s flimsily held together by framing nails…Why is symbolism completely indistinguishable by the left and it’s media?

          protesters have been burning and otherwise destroying effigies for centuries….but on Jan 6th, all of the sudden it’s a real threat to democracy.

          I understand why you guys are all clinging to this ideal….I would feel pretty stupid if I bought into that load of garbage as well.


          • So those people that Goodman led away from the Senate floor were going there to do... what exactly? Shake hands?


            • Yeah, they beat the leaving crap out of the Capitol police but they weren't going to harm the lawmakers.


              • Liberal “protesters” injure police all the time…

                Guys….FTR, I’m calling you hypocrites; not saying the q-anon idiots are right.

                When your side wants to protests and break shit it’s OK….when the other side does the same shit it’s a threat to democracy.

                If you were sitting at home on Jan 6th watching and legitimately thought >2,000 unarmed idiots (and one buffalo-man) was a threat to democracy…

                I’m not going to once words: you’re weak minded and easily duped.

                The fact that this is the largest domestic investigation and prosecution in the history of the U.S. is disgusting and and when you compare it to the Seattle insurrection (which was way worse and yielded no prosecutions or investigations) it’s really a pretty disturbing political prosecution. I know you guys don!t see it that way right now….but at some point the shoe willbe on the other foot and when it is, all we’ll hear is about “the injustice of it all”.


                • I missed the part where I thought it was OK for any violence. You are a fucking liar.


                  • I live in Metro Detroit, it's been scarred tremendously by the 67 riots, it's still trying to recover from that black mark. It's antithetical to the ethos on nonviolent protest. Please provide a post where I think rioting and looting is OK, until then fuck off even more.
                    Last edited by froot loops; March 9, 2023, 11:05 AM.


                    • I know what I saw on the day of the actual riot. It is not what Tucker showed.

                      To think that his cherry picked portrayal is anything other than fiction is stupid.

                      It amazes me at how badly people on the right, in the face of all credible evidence, want to downplay a coup attempt. The attempt to portray this as the same as other riots is false equivalency and even more stupid. They are not the same.

                      Of course, they are the same people that, again, in the face of all credible evidence, believe that there was massive voter fraud and the election was stolen.
                      Last edited by CGVT; March 9, 2023, 11:03 AM.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                        I missed the part where I thought it was OK for any violence. You are a fucking liar.
                        And I missed your active complaints about the “peaceful protests”. Again…it’s not that I think the other side is right as much as you’re hypocritical on this.

                        you care if Trump looks corrupt….but don’t care when Biden does. You complain when the right protests or does violence….but are conspicuously silent when the left does the same. You say you’re not OK with it…but only retrospectively when confronted with your own hypocrisy.

                        CGVT…I whole heartedly agree that what Tucker showed was some BS selective editing, but so was the liberal media trying to pretend this was a much bigger issue than it actually was. This was NEVER a real threat to anyone’s way of life (except maybe the buffalo-man). It was more of the media sewing fear (which happens on both sides…just the left’s turn this time)….and trying to create urgency and ratings.
                        Last edited by Nick Pappageorgio; March 9, 2023, 11:15 AM.


                        • I said then and I'm saying now anyone looting or rioting deserves to be prosecuted. It sets back the cause you are protesting for, when you accuse me of endorsing those riots I'm telling you fuck off again.


                          • The Capitol Police got the living shit kicked out of them, to say there was no threat to.anyone's way of life is just nonsense.


                            • Yeah….but I’m right.

                              For all you “care”….you’re awful quiet when the left does violence. You’ll have to show me some posts where you’ve come to complain about that. God…you just talked about the capitol police getting the shit kicked out of them…..why don’t you produce a post where you’ve come in here when a cop got ambushed or otherwise hurt/killed during “peaceful protests” and wanted to support police.

                              For that matter show me one post where you’re supporting police….except in the Capitol on Jan 6th. Just one.

                              And I don’t mean when you’re backed into a corner on the hypocrisy of it all.


                              • I have never been quiet. Violence is wrong. You are a liar, a total fucking liar who likes to assert shit that's a lie. I've been on this forum for over 20 years, I've been very clear that violence and they should be prosecuted. If you haven't got that by now, that's your problem.

