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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

    The compromise was already there. The thing you're describing is the very thing that the Supreme Court already fed in to the shredder. So no, the "compromise" wasn't good enough for Republicans. You can stop blaming Democrats for "forcing" the Republicans' hand any time. They did this completely on their own because they want to abolish it entirely with no exceptions.
    Correct, in fact the Dobbs decision not only overturned Roe and Casey, Clarence Thomas wrote that in the future it should go after the right to privacy. That means contraception and gay marriage is on the table at the very least.


    • All I’ll add is that I have an advanced degree in statistical analysis I’m telling you that “polls” generally say what the people who conducted them want the poll to say.

      How are these polls randomized? What ware the exact questions? How are subjective answers to objective questions scored? Have you looked into it? Has anyone on this forum ever been asked to participate in the polling? I’m 48 and no one has ever asked me yet….with as many different polls as there are and my age, you think I’d have been involved in a “representative sample” by now.

      Statistics and numbers can get people riled….but they can be skewed and presented bass-akwards to make things seems worse than they are.


      • That being said…..I am always truly amazed when I see the amount of people at Trump’s rallies.

        I tell myself pro-wrestling sells out stadiums too….but agree I might be lying to myself about how many backwards people there really are out there


        • I'm a big pro wrestling fan. Trump would not be the figure he is today without his participation in the WWE. His act is heavy on wrestling promo cues. The people who jam the rallies are more reminiscent of the old school wrestling crowds who buy the act. Heel wrestlers would often have to fend off crazed fans pissed at what the wrestler did to Ricky Morton.

          I get what Nick is saying about polls and how you can manipulate it with how you ask the question. My degree is in Political Science and I have taken many classes about polling. At this point, Roe has been asked so much by so many different groups that it's pretty clear the popularity of it nationwide.


          • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
            Maybe you're right. My perception is that the conservatives want abortion outlawed entirely or they want to make it so difficult that hardly any woman would qualify.
            Deb, you are not right about this. Most conservatives would accept 15 weeks, which was the original time period that Roe adjudicated. It is also the time frame that Dobbs upheld. The SC in 1973 and in 2022 held 15 weeks to be constitutional.

            While some right-wingers push for complete abolition of abortion, almost all would have considered it a victory if the SC had upheld the 15-week limit, except for the life of the mother. Another fallacy is that the "health" of the mother should allow any woman to get an abortion by claiming "mental" problems. I've never met a woman who was 8 months pregnant whose emotions were not heightened.

            And, what none of you progs ever consider is the rights of the baby. The mother has already made her (bad) choice, and evidently regrets it. The baby is innocent and yet he is the one being killed. Where is the justice in that?


            • Yes. She must be punished for he bad choices!


              This from my favorite satire page, but it sums up the Repubs in one post. Look in the mirror Geezer. This is you

              Screenshot 2022-11-10 11.54.22 AM.png
              Screenshot 2022-11-10 11.55.36 AM.png
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Originally posted by DaGeezer View Post

                Deb, you are not right about this. Most conservatives would accept 15 weeks, which was the original time period that Roe adjudicated. It is also the time frame that Dobbs upheld. The SC in 1973 and in 2022 held 15 weeks to be constitutional.

                While some right-wingers push for complete abolition of abortion, almost all would have considered it a victory if the SC had upheld the 15-week limit, except for the life of the mother. Another fallacy is that the "health" of the mother should allow any woman to get an abortion by claiming "mental" problems. I've never met a woman who was 8 months pregnant whose emotions were not heightened.

                And, what none of you progs ever consider is the rights of the baby. The mother has already made her (bad) choice, and evidently regrets it. The baby is innocent and yet he is the one being killed. Where is the justice in that?
                But now you are getting what you wanted, you wanted the states to be able to decide and they are deciding.


                • A large problem in all this is that you can’t trust elected officials to do what they say.
                  They are not specifically asked what their personal opinions are and are not held accountable to when they stray.
                  Politicians lie to get elected and people lie when asked for a polling question.
                  Life is full of ironies and the freedom topic for Republicans stops at the Abortion debate.
                  For Dems we saw the “My body my choice stop at the vaccine mandates.


                  • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                    Yes. She must be punished for he bad choices!


                    This from my favorite satire page, but it sums up the Repubs in one post. Look in the mirror Geezer. This is you
                    I've lost 50 IQ points from reading that. My goodness, that is unadultrated evil. His whole premise is about control. God is love. God is freedom. If not, would he have just made us obedient?
                    Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                    • Originally posted by Futureshock View Post

                      I've lost 50 IQ points from reading that. My goodness, that is unadultrated evil. His whole premise is about control. God is love. God is freedom. If not, would he have just made us obedient?
                      Dude, it's satire.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Ok. I thought it was really him. Maybe there's hope.

                        Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                        • Originally posted by wcfwtf View Post
                          A large problem in all this is that you can’t trust elected officials to do what they say.
                          They are not specifically asked what their personal opinions are and are not held accountable to when they stray.
                          Politicians lie to get elected and people lie when asked for a polling question.
                          Life is full of ironies and the freedom topic for Republicans stops at the Abortion debate.
                          For Dems we saw the “My body my choice stop at the vaccine mandates.
                          Nobody got pregnant standing next to a pregnant person.


                          • Abortions benefit society by allowing women to join the workforce and accumulate wealth. If you ban that shit, just be like some of the middle eastern countries and ban driving, schooling, and showing their face in public.


                            • The GOP wants to prevent women from having independent careers and contribute to a capitalist society, yet blame immigrants for taking the jobs from the women who have to take care of their children while leaving the workforce. The truth is young people can’t afford kids along with a mortgage. That’s reality. Daycare is a fucking racket in itself.
                              Last edited by The King; November 10, 2022, 10:28 PM.


                              • Originally posted by The King View Post
                                Abortions benefit society by allowing women to join the workforce and accumulate wealth. If you ban that shit, just be like some of the middle eastern countries and ban driving, schooling, and showing their face in public.
                                The greatest benefit is mental health. People do better, work more and harder, smarter; spend more; etc... when they have optimism. Everything is better with it. And people having a greater sense of freedom helps that optimism.

                                The greatest thing to die from conservatism is optimism. They used to talk about "consumer optimism" every night on the evening news and that's gone by way of the DODO bird.
                                Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.

