If 80% of the population is actually concentrated in the cities and suburbs... why SHOULDN'T their concerns win out?
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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)
Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
The FBI has verified that Joe is the "Big Guy". There has been testimony to that effect, and zero testimony from anyone in the email chain that says otherwise. The FBI assigned an agent to handle the case and to shut it down until after the 2020 election.
Timothy Thibault, an FBI assistant special agent in charge, was allegedly forced out after he was accused of political bias in his handling of the Hunter Biden laptop probe, according to a report.
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Originally posted by klondike View Post
Yes. If it means covering 50 states through an electoral college over the whole country instead of the majority of the votes coming from big city politics. I kind of like our system of checks and balances. You know , 3 branches of the government instead of one. When the prez or party disagrees with the Supreme Court they feels the need to intercede, basically become the Supreme ruler.
If the Rs had any brains, and they do not, they should pass into law affirming what Joe has said, that the pandemic is over. Most of his overreaches arise from the emergency powers he was given for the pandemic
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Originally posted by dpatnod View PostWho talked about destroying the nuclear family? Why do you pull this random shit out of your ass?
Why can't you Big Government types live your life and stay out of other people's lives?
I am not 'far left', you weirdo. I am very center. Most of us just want to be left alone. We don't need decisions about our religion, bodies and lives to be dictated by a minority in the country. Freedom.
Do you favor doing away with the filibuster?
Do you favor doing away with the EC?
Do you favor adding additional justices to the SC to balance out the R majority?
Do you favor DC statehood so the Ds get 2 more senators.
Do you favor forgiveness of $ 10,000 in student debt?
Do you figure CA should be requiring 25% EVs by 2026 as their law now reads?
Do you favor the teaching of CRT in elementary schools?
Do you favor the "secure" border we have that has let in a total of 2.1 million amnesty seekers and 900,000 gotaways this year?
Right, you are in the center and don't want big government.
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Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
Well, let's see.
Do you favor doing away with the filibuster?
Do you favor doing away with the EC?
Do you favor adding additional justices to the SC to balance out the R majority?
Not neccessarily, but I would support removal of a couple of the justices for replacements.
Do you favor DC statehood so the Ds get 2 more senators.
I would favor it if the citizens there wanted representation like everyone else in the country. If the RepubliCONs can't compete in the marketplace of ideas and get elected there, maybe they should do something about that.
Do you favor forgiveness of $ 10,000 in student debt?
Yep. Way more than I favor corporate bailouts and tax cuts for corporations and the wealthiest individuals.
Do you figure CA should be requiring 25% EVs by 2026 as their law now reads?
I am not a citizen of CA, so it is not my call. It is a worthy goal, though.
Do you favor the teaching of CRT in elementary schools?
That is not a thing that happens.
Do you favor the "secure" border we have that has let in a total of 2.1 million amnesty seekers and 900,000 gotaways this year?
What laws / enforcement measures are any different than when Dump was in charge? None. The situation is no different. I am fine with amnesty applicants. Are you fine with businesses and people like Dr Oz hiring illegals and being fined $95 million dollars for that? https://www.businessinsider.com/dr-o...workers-2022-6
Maybe that is central to the problem, and the fact that the people engaging in that practice are never punished?
Besides, I thought Dump was going to build a wall and solve that problem. Oh, I guess that was going to be after his big beautiful health care plan, and infrastructure accomplishments were finalized?
Right, you are in the center and don't want big government.
Correct. With the majority of the population.Lions Fans.
Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!
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Originally posted by chemiclord View PostIf 80% of the population is actually concentrated in the cities and suburbs... why SHOULDN'T their concerns win out?
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Maybe RepubliCONS should do something to appeal to more voters?
I suspect it is less that 'about half the country' in the rural areas. And you know, the whole majority has the say thing = democracy. Even if you don't like that.Lions Fans.
Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!
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Originally posted by kreton View Post
Pretty sure it, like most stories the Trumpers spread, is fake. I've never heard of a teacher who was found to put razors in halloween apples. Yet he is stating it as a fact that it happened and it was the last teacher fired. Completely absurd.
Originally posted by JGSpartan View PostAm I missing something? Are they reading to children naked? The perversion is in your mind. Not your child's. I guarantee they aren't thinking about that drag queen's dick like you are.
Progressives aren't doing what you are saying on pedophilia. One idiot criminology professor said that in an attempt to differentiate between those who have acted on pedophilia and those who have not and sought help for their physiological problem. Progressives are very much against pedophilia. Also, he was fired.
This little box rumor has been made many times about many schools and it is always false. I'm not remotely shocked you accepted it as fact. You believe what you want to regardless of sources.
Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.
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Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
First, as I said several times (it's annoying that you continue to ignore these points), she said it sarcastically because any mention of a drag queen seems to set people like you off.
Secondly, you do understand that a drag queen is simply a man who dresses in flamboyant feminine clothing, right? There is nothing wrong with doing so and I don't think a kid seeing someone play dress up will influence their gender identity nor their sexual orientation. What it might do is allow a child who one day feels like an outcast and misfit to see that they're not alone and it might allow them to have hope for their future.
Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.
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Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
Don't Know, but looking back, you were all in on the Russian Collusion Hoax. Do you feel foolish about that?
No, I don't feel foolish about that. You should, though.. Unless of course you are good with traitors and/or being a traitor..Lions Fans.
Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!
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Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
Gonna need better sources than right wing propoganda, buddy. When not even Fox News is willing to run with such a damning story, that should tell you something about its veracity.
You said:" When not even Fox News is willing to run with such a damning story, that should tell you something about its veracity
I posted the interview by Fox of Bobylinski
Were you wrong?
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If you truly believe Hunter Biden did something wrong, well I don't give two shits about Hunter Biden. If he gets indicted, good.
Why do you think that somehow vindicates Fat Orange Nixon?Lions Fans.
Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!
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