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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post

    To answer this for you….many liberals don’t think anti-semitism is racism. And many liberals are hypocritical enough to think anti-semitism is justified and OK.

    Remember…..if you’re an elected Democratic official and you say overtly racist things about Jews, they put you on the cover of TIME magazine; exulting that you’re the future of the party.
    Are you referring to judaism, or Zionism? They aren't exactly the same.

    Because you're right in the sense that a lot of liberals have a problem with the idea that the land of Canaan is meant for the Jewish people alone, and justifies whatever actions they take to establish their theocratic state.


    • There are many Jews, even Orthodox who are against Zionism
      Palestine people lived in peace before England wanted to plant A Jewish flag in the land.
      Muslims, Christian’s, and Jews lived peacefully.


      • Oh, absolutely. A major part of the reason WHY we have the Middle East conundrum was because a lot of Western countries (not just England) wanted to solve their "jew problem," but weren't willing to commit the Holocaust to do it.

        That a segment of Judaism has taken this in the absolute worst possible way is a problem, and criticizing that sect isn't necessarily antisemitism. It can be (and it does occasionally go hand-in-hand), but they are not mutually required.


        • Originally posted by wcfwtf View Post
          There are many Jews, even Orthodox who are against Zionism
          Palestine people lived in peace before England wanted to plant A Jewish flag in the land.
          Muslims, Christian’s, and Jews lived peacefully.
          you look at the history of that land and see Jews, Christians, and Muslims “living peacefully”?


          • In the interim between WW1 and WW2? Yeah, Palestine was relatively peaceful. Was it always that way? Nope. Was it guaranteed to stay that way? Nope. But the West coming in, rearranging Palestine, and telling a bunch of Europeans "Here, take this land so that you're no longer in ours" was the flashpoint for the current discord. Could it have been something else? Sure! But it wasn't.


            • I believe the reason the progs generally dislike the Jewish state is that they feel Israel is oppressing the Palestinians.

              I also think that post-WWII, there was a general European feeling of guilt for the Holocaust. One could understand them giving in to the Zionists,


              • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                I believe the reason the progs generally dislike the Jewish state is that they feel Israel is oppressing the Palestinians.

                I also think that post-WWII, there was a general European feeling of guilt for the Holocaust. One could understand them giving in to the Zionists,
                To call it "guilt" would be more generous of a description than I would use. About the only thing the West disagreed with the Nazis in regards to Jewish people was the "Final Solution." They didn't want Jews in their country any more than the Germans did. The USA, for example, accepted roughly 28k refugees a year at most during the lead-up to World War 2, and froze all immigration nigh entirely once the USA joined the war.

                And the USA was arguably the kindest nation in response to the Jewish genocide.

                Despite what a lot of history books would like young Americans to believe, what Hitler was doing wasn't exactly a secret. We knew; we just didn't want those heathens in our country either.

                When the opportunity arose, the USA happily joined the rest of Europe to try and carve out a place "those people" could go that wasn't in their country, and damned to whoever was already there.


                • Israel wasn't created peacefully. It's not hard to figure out how someone could think negatively on its creation. I suspect those that believe everyone should just be pro Israel are uneducated on the history of the area around the fall of the Ottoman and World War 1.

                  It's just kinda not cool to take other people's land no matter what your race or religion is.


                  • In other news...

                    Birth Control Access Bill Blocked In Senate By Republican

                    A request to pass by unanimous consent a bill codifying federal rights to contraception was blocked by Sen. Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa. Democrats warn that some states will start restricting birth control and those measures could be held up by the currently constituted Supreme Court.

                    Why anyone would vote for any of these fucktards is beyond comprehension

                    The last time I looked about 80% of Americans think birth control is a good thing.

                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • I've been told the Plan B and even condoms are now illegal? Is that true? WTF? Maybe someone should ask them if they really want the minorities to reproduce like rabbits. Maybe that's the answer. Oh right. Deny them the right to vote at the same time.
                      Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                      • Daniel Snyder’s testimony lasts nearly 11 hours

                        Posted by Mike Florio on July 28, 2022, 7:57 PM EDT

                        Getty Images

                        It was a long day for Daniel Snyder.

                        The Commanders owner testified before staff members of the House Oversight Committee for nearly 11 hours, according to A.J. Perez of

                        A Commanders spokesperson provided a predictably self-serving comment to Perez.

                        “Mr. Snyder fully addressed all questions about workplace misconduct, described the Commanders’ dramatic two-year transformation and expressed hope for the organization’s bright future,” the statement asserted. “After concluding the memorial services for Mr. Snyder’s mother, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder look forward to returning their focus to supporting the efforts of the Commanders’ incredible employees and executive team and delivering a winning season for Commanders fans.”

                        Obviously, any changes made to the team by Snyder happened only after the situation imploded and he faced, as a practical matter, the choice of making changes on his own or getting out of the way while the next owner did so.

                        Perez writes that he omitted from his story a portion of the statement in which the team asserts that the Committee’s investigation concluded last month. The Committee disputes that claim. (Frankly, that perhaps should have been enough of a misstatement to reject the entirety of the team’s statement.)

                        It will be interesting to see whether the Committee agrees with the Commanders’ characterization of Snyder’s testimony. If it doesn’t, he could still be subpoenaed.

                        Perez reports that Snyder didn’t decline to answer any question. That doesn’t mean the Committee will find the answers provided satisfactory. One way of the other, we’ll likely know soon enough.
                        Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                        • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                          In other news...

                          Birth Control Access Bill Blocked In Senate By Republican

                          A request to pass by unanimous consent a bill codifying federal rights to contraception was blocked by Sen. Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa. Democrats warn that some states will start restricting birth control and those measures could be held up by the currently constituted Supreme Court.

                          Why anyone would vote for any of these fucktards is beyond comprehension

                          The last time I looked about 80% of Americans think birth control is a good thing.
                          The bill will pass overwhelmingly when it is brought to the Senate floor in regular order. It will be a good thing to get those opposed to birth control on the record.


                          • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                            The bill will pass overwhelmingly when it is brought to the Senate floor in regular order. It will be a good thing to get those opposed to birth control on the record.
                            You think so?

                            In the house on the bill to codify federal protections for contraception access, 195 House Republicans voted “no.”

                            Again, why anyone would vote for these fucktards is beyond comprehension
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

                              To call it "guilt" would be more generous of a description than I would use. About the only thing the West disagreed with the Nazis in regards to Jewish people was the "Final Solution." They didn't want Jews in their country any more than the Germans did. The USA, for example, accepted roughly 28k refugees a year at most during the lead-up to World War 2, and froze all immigration nigh entirely once the USA joined the war.

                              And the USA was arguably the kindest nation in response to the Jewish genocide.

                              Despite what a lot of history books would like young Americans to believe, what Hitler was doing wasn't exactly a secret. We knew; we just didn't want those heathens in our country either.

                              When the opportunity arose, the USA happily joined the rest of Europe to try and carve out a place "those people" could go that wasn't in their country, and damned to whoever was already there.
                              Well, the West does include Holland, GB, and the US. When Hitler decreed that Jews had to wear a yellow star, the Dutch non-Jews all wore the star of David. In GB, there was not a significant anti-Jewish feeling. In France, they turned over their Jews with delight and stole their possessions.

                              BTW, I have a vintage WWII French infantry rifle. Never fired. Only dropped once.


                              • Originally posted by JGSpartan View Post
                                Israel wasn't created peacefully. It's not hard to figure out how someone could think negatively on its creation. I suspect those that believe everyone should just be pro Israel are uneducated on the history of the area around the fall of the Ottoman and World War 1.

                                It's just kinda not cool to take other people's land no matter what your race or religion is.
                                lol….and if you go back more years in this history (that others are so uneducated about) you’d see the Ottoman Empire taking lands from Jews and giving it to Muslims.

                                If you look back in history and think any 1 group has the absolute claim on that land…you’re the uneducated one. The Temple of David predates the entire Muslim religion by almost 2000 years…so long before Islam decided the most holy Jewish site was the 3rd most important site to Islam. Not to mention what it means to Christians.

                                History goes back a really long way spartan

