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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Well, it was extremely inappropriate, especially if I'm going to chide him for making assertions without proof.


    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
      1. Abortion is still legal for the vast majority of Americans this morning. NGOs are being set up to transport "red-state victims" to blue states so they are not inconvenienced by a baby. If the Dems can raise large sums of money to post bail for the felons of BLM and Antifa, I suspect no woman will have a transportation problem.

      2. Almost every company has said that it will still pay for abortions, and pay travel costs. This is a straight dollars and cents issue. Abortion is much cheaper than adding a child to the company-provided health insurance.

      3 Every post here that I have read says nothing about the rights of the child All you progs want freedom from the consequences of sexual activity. These women who now desperately need abortions have already made one bad choice. Why is it good public policy to kill an innocent person for the convenience of another who could have prevented the whole situation? It is not "freedom" to kill babies, nor has it been at any time in human history.

      4. All you "my body, my choice.." folks had no problem cheering on the firing of federal employees who would not take an experimental vaccine. I've had four vaccine shots, so I understand the risks to old farts like me. But if a healthy 30-year-old wants to chance it, I can live with that. If you want bodily autonomy, then be consistent. And if Roe is so vital, pass bills to make it the law. Or amend the Constitution to create a right to privacy. The Pro-life folks worked through the system to achieve a goal. We will see how that works out.

      There, that should give you "I want the government to force you to do it my way" progs something to chew on. Fire away.
      1) The point is your party that just wants to be left alone isn't leaving people alone. They continue to try and impose their shitty religious views on everyone. And yes, their religion is shit; it runs nigh completely contrary to everything Christ actually calls for them to be. They are the modern day Pharisees, and it's rather ironic that if God does exist, and is like the Bible says, every one of them will burn in hell for what they have done on this Earth.

      2) I love this argument in a chagrined way; "It's not a problem that we're imposing our shitty views on the country because other people are going above and beyond the call of duty to help those in need." And you think that's a solid argument. You really and truly do.

      3) I know I'm asking you to learn something, and you're not going to want to do it, but read up on ectopic pregnancies and septic miscarriage. Eight states that had abortion ban laws that do not grant exceptions for these life threatening problems that currently can only be prevented by abortion. At the most generous, these laws are distressingly insufficient, and pose grave risks to expecting mothers. At worst, lawmakers don't give a shit; the punishment for daring to have sex is worth the lives that will be lost.

      Republicans want to claim that life begins at conception; which is a ludicrous claim that isn't even supported by their own religious text. Hell, the Bible lists several cases where abortion is acceptable (though some of them are barbaric in their own right), and Biblical law supports it up to quickening (the point where a fetus actually starts moving on its own accord). The "rights of the child" start once that child is capable of surviving on its own, which is what Roe vs. Wade actually decided.

      4) No one ever got pregnant by breathing the same air as a pregnant person. That's the difference, but you damn well know that. If you're only going to argue in bad faith, then stop arguing entirely. Your shit isn't novel, it isn't clever, and it's not particularly thoughtful.
      Last edited by chemiclord; June 25, 2022, 02:02 PM.


      • “They continue to try and impose their shitty religious views on everyone. And yes, their religion is shit”



        • I"m not religious. And I'm very pro choice. I'm not happy about the ruling.

          Most of you tjhink I.m a Trumper but the fact is I dislike him. Not as much as Biden and Hillery but close. I just wish there were people running this world that weren't fucking us over every chance they could.
          I'm progun and pro free_dumb.....I don't trust any party.

          Please give us a real choice to run the shit show.

          I want to go back to the days when we disliked people because of the way they treated their spouses, or chained up the dogs. You know, the real things.

          I don't want to love everybody. But I do want to get along. Just trying to be the best human being I can be.


          • The best you can be.... or the best you can be while doing the bare minimum?

            Can you evolve, improve? If that is what it takes to be better? Or do you already have it all figured out, and have no faults?
            Lions Fans.

            Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


            • Originally posted by dpatnod View Post
              …... or the best you can be while doing the bare minimum?
              That an option? Sign me up for that. I’m a fuckin lazy bastard.

              "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

              Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


              • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

                The point is your party that just wants to be left alone isn't leaving people alone. They continue to try and impose their shitty religious views on everyone. And yes, their religion is shit; it runs nigh completely contrary to everything Christ actually calls for them to be. They are the modern day Pharisees, and it's rather ironic that if God does exist, and is like the Bible says, every one of them will burn in hell for what they have done on this Earth.

                Republicans want to claim that life begins at conception; which is a ludicrous claim that isn't even supported by their own religious text. Hell, the Bible lists several cases where abortion is acceptable (though some of them are barbaric in their own right), and Biblical law supports it up to quickening (the point where a fetus actually starts moving on its own accord). The "rights of the child" start once that child is capable of surviving on its own, which is what Roe vs. Wade actually decided.
                I didn't figure you to be a Biblical scholar

                Could you give me chapter and verse for these "several cases where abortion is acceptable"? I've just never seen it in there.

                Always willing to learn.


                • Originally posted by foxhopper View Post
                  I"m not religious. And I'm very pro choice. I'm not happy about the ruling.

                  Most of you tjhink I.m a Trumper but the fact is I dislike him. Not as much as Biden and Hillery but close. I just wish there were people running this world that weren't fucking us over every chance they could.
                  I'm progun and pro free_dumb.....I don't trust any party.

                  Please give us a real choice to run the shit show.

                  I want to go back to the days when we disliked people because of the way they treated their spouses, or chained up the dogs. You know, the real things.

                  I don't want to love everybody. But I do want to get along. Just trying to be the best human being I can be.
                  Anyone you see out there who you could support, foxhopper?


                  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                    I didn't figure you to be a Biblical scholar

                    Could you give me chapter and verse for these "several cases where abortion is acceptable"? I've just never seen it in there.

                    Always willing to learn.
                    You might not have read it because it never uses the word "abortion" directly; but for example in 2 Kings 8:12, God instructs the Israelites to"rip up their women with child." (as I said, it's a barbaric line, and we really shouldn't be doing that either.) You might not want to read most of Isaiah 13 for that matter.

                    Exodus 21:22-25 instructs that a woman who loses a child due to a crime is only entitled to financial compensation along the lines of chattel property, suggesting that the fetus is not considered a person yet. Numbers 5 tells us that God can, and will, abort a child of adultery. Hosea 9 has a long passage where God threatens to purge the unborn children of Israel. There's some others that insinuate that unborn children are not considered people as well, but those are the ones that come to mind offhand. Basically, if you are a heathen or you have sinned before God, he'll abort your kid. How's that for consequences?

                    I will correct myself that the state of "quickening" is actually Jewish law stemming from the Pentateuch rather than in their religious texts itself. If you're willing to read a statement on the matter, it can be found here;

                    So hey, my bad. But it's pretty clear to me that the Judeo-Christian God really does not seem to consider unborn children worthy of any particular protection. For the new Testament faithful, Jesus really only mentions the unborn once, and not even all that strongly, only insinuating that unborn children and those that were born aren't the same in Matthew 24:19. So even if you look to your lord and savior for guidance, his teachings aren't going to give you much.

                    I know a lot of pro-forced birth advocates will cite Jeremiah 1:5 or Psalms 139 as evidence of life beginning at conception, but when you consider that God is supposed to be an omnipresent being that sees all time before him, not only would he "know you" in the womb, but he'd also know you from the beginning of time all the way to the last days. I'm not convinced they say what the forced birth advocates want them to say.


                    • The entire chapter of Exodus 21 is an eye opener.

                      And verse 33........, remember those pits. Get to Home Depot for some high-viz cones.

                      “These are the laws you are to set before them: Hebrew Servants - “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’
                      "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                      Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                      • Originally posted by Marko69 View Post
                        The entire chapter of Exodus 21 is an eye opener.

                        And verse 33........, remember those pits. Get to Home Depot for some high-viz cones.

                        Yeah, the Old Testament God was not a nice guy. Jesus was a lot better of a fellow, but modern Christians are really more off the tree of the Apostle Paul, and boy... that dude was a piece of work. I sometimes like to say that if you understand that modern Christians are really more Paulians, you begin to see a lot of reasons why they are the way they are.


                        • Originally posted by foxhopper View Post
                          I"m not religious. And I'm very pro choice. I'm not happy about the ruling.

                          Most of you tjhink I.m a Trumper but the fact is I dislike him. Not as much as Biden and Hillery but close. I just wish there were people running this world that weren't fucking us over every chance they could.
                          I'm progun and pro free_dumb.....I don't trust any party.

                          Please give us a real choice to run the shit show.

                          I want to go back to the days when we disliked people because of the way they treated their spouses, or chained up the dogs. You know, the real things.

                          I don't want to love everybody. But I do want to get along. Just trying to be the best human being I can be.

                          Originally posted by foxhopper View Post
                          Out drinking tonight withh the real people. The ones that work every day. Most of you guys arev going to be hanging from a tall structure within a year. The people have just about had enough.
                          You might want to work on the "best human being" part.


                          • I have to admit that I am getting a kick out of Chemiclord destroying Da Geezer with his own book. Ha!

                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Because one guy thinks he can parrot nimwits without actual fact checking. Dangerous and an act that is bound to lead one down the wrong road.

                              And the other guy that actually fact checks what is being told to him.

                              If your life was on the line to be right, which guy would you listen to?
                              Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                              • You guys are debating the Bible now? Just when you think the politics thread couldn’t sink lower.

                                Maybe you guys could debate the meaning of Nostradamus’ quatrains (and how they relate to 2022) next?

                                When everyone took their vote on what made it in the Christian bible…I really doubt the concept of a medically induced abortion (or anything in the modern medical/dental fields) really entered into it, or family planning…in the year 300 most babies died in the first year anyway, “abortions” (if needed) took place postpartum and we’re covered under the “thou shall not kill” doctrine.

