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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • If they say it, it MUST be true right? Right?

    Birkett is being raked over the coals for that tweet. I don't understand why it is a liberal concept for everyone to be treated equally and or decently. Almost to a man, and women, every Republican I have spoken to have said they aren't like that and have nothing against over people.

    Dude seems like he just didn't like that Human Rights are being dismantled in England.
    Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


    • I honestly don't even know what he's trying to say with that bad grammar. Which is odd given his occupation.


      • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
        California has been ruined? If California were to secede from the United States, they would immediately become the world's sixth largest economy and one of the highest quality of life countries in the world. Does it have problems? Absolutely; their unwillingness to build more affordable housing is a big one that comes to mind right quick, but every state, city, and country is going to have problems.

        If you consider that "ruin," lemme have some of that ruin.
        Ya, Ya. Prog talking points from 10 years ago. Working folks are leaving CA as fast as they can. So are businesses. When was the last time you were in CA? I develop land out there, and I'm telling you that the homeless problem is something to see. Property rights are non-existent.

        But just by the data, employed persons are leaving the state because of the cost of living. 11.6% income tax. CA lost only one seat in this year's apportionment for the HoR, but more are coming. If you don't know anything other than what you read 15 years ago, you should do some research.

        But rather than look at micro things, how about the macro? Look at just the places where the Dems have controlled the politics for decades, and tell me where your big-government rule has produced prosperity. How about Detroit? From the richest large city in the US in the 1950s to the 672,000-person shithole it is today. What caused such a precipitous decline? NYC or State? Same thing.

        The places that have produced prosperity have been states like TX or FL or TN. They don't have any state income tax, so working people want to live and work there. Remember, only the folks who produce something and are paid for their labor care about what taxes are. Those on welfare don't. If you are homeless in SF, what do you care what the state income tax is? All you care is that your welfare check comes through. Income tax rates are not the end-all, be-all, but they do show the state's attitude about government size. FL is bigger than NY, but spends half as much.


        • Problem is, yet again... you're spouting bullshit. Workers aren't leaving California. The "exodus" is an outright myth.

          Claims that fed-up residents are leaving en masse have been widespread – but they’re a myth, researchers say

          And do you really want to talk about Texas? The state that literally can't keep the power running in any inclement weather?

          Or how about Florida. The party that wants to be left alone sure doesn't want to leave anyone else alone over there.


          • There is reality and then there is Geezer's version of reality, and never the twain shall meet.
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • Another sad day in America.

              These are starting to add up.



              • Sick to my stomach. Thomas’ assent is a nightmare (as if the ruling were bad enough).


                • They're the party that just wants to be left alone, I'm told.


                  • Fuck the Republican party. Every single person who supports this bullshit, the Trump bullshit, all of it. I don't really post in here, but want to give a quick fuck you to that party.


                    • Don't inconvenience me by asking me to wear a mask... But you..... you will risk life and well-being and give birth!!!!! Because, ma free-dumbs!!!!
                      Lions Fans.

                      Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                      • 1. Abortion is still legal for the vast majority of Americans this morning. NGOs are being set up to transport "red-state victims" to blue states so they are not inconvenienced by a baby. If the Dems can raise large sums of money to post bail for the felons of BLM and Antifa, I suspect no woman will have a transportation problem.

                        2. Almost every company has said that it will still pay for abortions, and pay travel costs. This is a straight dollars and cents issue. Abortion is much cheaper than adding a child to the company-provided health insurance.

                        3 Every post here that I have read says nothing about the rights of the child All you progs want freedom from the consequences of sexual activity. These women who now desperately need abortions have already made one bad choice. Why is it good public policy to kill an innocent person for the convenience of another who could have prevented the whole situation? It is not "freedom" to kill babies, nor has it been at any time in human history.

                        4. All you "my body, my choice.." folks had no problem cheering on the firing of federal employees who would not take an experimental vaccine. I've had four vaccine shots, so I understand the risks to old farts like me. But if a healthy 30-year-old wants to chance it, I can live with that. If you want bodily autonomy, then be consistent. And if Roe is so vital, pass bills to make it the law. Or amend the Constitution to create a right to privacy. The Pro-life folks worked through the system to achieve a goal. We will see how that works out.

                        There, that should give you "I want the government to force you to do it my way" progs something to chew on. Fire away.
                        Last edited by Da Geezer; June 25, 2022, 11:57 AM.


                        • unnamed.jpg
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                            Problem is, yet again... you're spouting bullshit. Workers aren't leaving California. The "exodus" is an outright myth.


                            And do you really want to talk about Texas? The state that literally can't keep the power running in any inclement weather?

                            Or how about Florida. The party that wants to be left alone sure doesn't want to leave anyone else alone over there.
                            As to your article, maybe when they warn you in the article that the article is outdated, you should rely on the warning. California lost a seat in the last census. Notice I specified "working people". I'm sure they are keeping their welfare recipients and those from other jurisdictions who want a drug-filled homeless life. When is the last time you visited CA?

                            I said "But rather than look at micro things, how about the macro? Look at just the places where the Dems have controlled the politics for decades, and tell me where your big-government rule has produced prosperity. How about Detroit? From the richest large city in the US in the 1950s to the 672,000-person shithole it is today. What caused such a precipitous decline? NYC or State? Same thing.

                            The places that have produced prosperity have been states like TX or FL or TN. They don't have any state income tax, so working people want to live and work there. Remember, only the folks who produce something and are paid for their labor care about what taxes are. Those on welfare don't. If you are homeless in SF, what do you care what the state income tax is? All you care is that your welfare check comes through. Income tax rates are not the end-all, be-all, but they do show the state's attitude about government size. FL is bigger than NY, but spends half as much.

                            "You're spouting bullshit" is the best rejoinder you and your ilk can come up with?. What about Detroit. From prosperity to shithole under Dem rule. Can you name me a big city run by the Dems where the quality of life has not gone down over the last 30 years? How does FL spend half as much as NY when they have relatively equal populations. There is a massive difference between Republican governance and Democrat governance.

                            I understand you and your ilk are fearful that you may lose your government check, and that gives rise to anger because you actually believe you are entitled to it. And you keep pushing for diversity, equity, and inclusion, which is just taking more money from taxpayers and giving it to non-taxpayers. Maybe that is why I believe that only taxpayers should be able to vote. Imagine how that would change the country for the better.


                            • Oooooh... they lost one representative seat in the last ten years. It had it's first population drop in its history two years ago, totaling about 350,000 in the last two years in a population of about 35 million. Yeah, that's... uh... some exodus you got there, pal.

                              Typical Geezer. Makes empty assertions, doesn't back them up with evidence, and when others do, he makes more baseless assertions to try and counter them. What a piece of work this clown is. Poor guy, no doubt used to the people around him accepting his certainty without question, and can't handle people calling him out after running his mouth.

                              Well too bad. Show your work that led you to your conclusions, you fossil.
                              Last edited by chemiclord; June 25, 2022, 12:25 PM.


                              • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                                Oooooh... they lost one representative seat in the last ten years. It had it's first population drop in its history two years ago, totaling about 350,000 in the last two years in a population of about 35 million. Yeah, that's... uh... some exodus you got there, pal.

                                Typical Geezer. Makes empty assertions, doesn't back them up with evidence, and when others do, he makes more baseless assertions to try and counter them. What a piece of work this clown is. Poor guy, no doubt used to the people around him accepting his certainty without question, and can't handle people calling him out after running his mouth.

                                Well too bad. Show your work that led you to your conclusions, you fossil.
                                You edited out the best part. Ha!

                                I had to explain to my wife why I was laughing so hard.

                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

