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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • He's doing about as good of a job as I could expect or hope for from an 80+ year old man who still wants to think of the GOP as old friends he can negotiate with rather than an obstructionist blob who only cares about imposing their Christian Conservative values on everyone from sea to shining sea and getting as big of tax breaks for the billionaire class as possible (their priorities on those two scores changing with the wind), and will do whatever it takes to do so.


    • Biden needed to be LBJ to get his domestic agenda through but he really doesn't believe in it (or much at all). Can anyone imagine LBJ putting up with Manchin and Sinema standing in the way of he wanted to do?
      2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


      • Originally posted by Whitley View Post
        Biden needed to be LBJ to get his domestic agenda through but he really doesn't believe in it (or much at all). Can anyone imagine LBJ putting up with Manchin and Sinema standing in the way of he wanted to do?
        The big problem is that Sinema is politically incoherent. She is contrary just for the sake of being contrary, it seems.

        And I don't care if it's LBJ, FDR, or George Washington. Push Manchin too hard, and he's calling up his buddy Mitch McConnell that night asking, "Hey, would you like to be Senate Majority Leader again?"

        It's distressingly common to think that a President has this Green Lantern Power Ring that can shape the nation if he's just willing to use it, but it's not true.


        • Had to google “from sea to shining sea” ….. never heard that being said before. That is a superb expression. 👌

          Edit: Could say that when the Trumpet travels from New York to LA……. Its “Orange to the shining Orange”
          "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

          Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


          • Originally posted by Marko69 View Post
            Had to google “from sea to shining sea” ….. never heard that being said before. That is a superb expression. 👌

            Edit: Could say that when the Trumpet travels from New York to LA……. Its “Orange to the shining Orange”
            F#*K OHIO!!!

            You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


            • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
              He's doing about as good of a job as I could expect or hope for from an 80+ year old man who still wants to think of the GOP as old friends he can negotiate with rather than an obstructionist blob who only cares about imposing their Christian Conservative values on everyone from sea to shining sea and getting as big of tax breaks for the billionaire class as possible (their priorities on those two scores changing with the wind), and will do whatever it takes to do so.
              I’m still completely shocked that Biden was the Democratic nomination. Watching him on Kimmel the other day was hilarious. Even when he wasn’t a walking corpse he was a terrible politician. Obama damned near said it himself.

              I grew up in a Democratic house and i remember much better leaders in that party. I was watching a video the other day where the scholar said the fall of that party was during the Clinton administration where they adopted Republican views of big business as opposed to the working class.

              He’s dead on. I don’t know when the party swapped agendas but this is now big business but it’s not business for us. It’s for the politicians. We can all sit here and point fingers against both side but neither side really cares about us until they need our votes.

              F#*K OHIO!!!

              You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


              • That's... true-ish. There's a degree that no political group or government (especially in the United States) gives a fuck what happens to its people. Here in the US, we have this pervasive attitude of hardcore individualism that tends to regard the idea that government should (or even can) be used for the benefit of society at large with no small amount of disdain, and it does reflect in our political system. Clinton realized this was especially true in the wake of Reagan, and that philosophy has governed a significant chunk of the Democratic Party, even as the electorate is (slowly) starting to reject that Reagan-ist worldview.

                But your claim really isn't any better than Nick's nihilism in one way; that "both parties are the same, man." Because it's not true, and is in fact harmful. It's the cloak radical theocratic fiends like the Evangelicals have shrouded themselves with to take over the GOP, and second to use that power to steadily impose their standards on everyone rather than just their congregations. And regardless of how you feel about the Democratic Party (which in my case is not particularly high), the GOP is the near and present danger that can't be allowed to continue their rampage.


                • Originally posted by JGSpartan View Post
                  The right thinks everything the left does is a witch hunt because the majority of what they do is a witch hunt.

                  You can swap the names and it still applies.

                  Regarding the laptop though, even if there were damning things on it and even if they were true it would be nigh impossible to prove they weren't tampered with or faked.

                  To be clear though, I give absolutely zero fucks about Joe Biden and if it is somehow actually proven then fuck him. We shouldn't be defending politicians from accountability regardless of their party or affiliation. The threat of investigating him if republicans gain control isn't something that bothers me.

                  BTW, there are some that would welcome Harris to succeed Biden.

                  Maybe someone should remind them who his VP is. Do Republicans prefer her? Or is this a childish, "you did this to us, so we're going to do it to you" thing that seems pervasive in the Republican party?

                  Also, the lack of thought on what happens next seems to miss some people. WHY? Like, hey, let's go be traitors and try and overthrow the government of hundreds of millions of people with a few thousand people. They should be shot for being traitors and dummies.
                  Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                  • M69 is on fire!
                    Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                    • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

                      The big problem is that Sinema is politically incoherent. She is contrary just for the sake of being contrary, it seems.

                      And I don't care if it's LBJ, FDR, or George Washington. Push Manchin too hard, and he's calling up his buddy Mitch McConnell that night asking, "Hey, would you like to be Senate Majority Leader again?"

                      It's distressingly common to think that a President has this Green Lantern Power Ring that can shape the nation if he's just willing to use it, but it's not true.
                      Sinema is hard to figure out but there is a lot of things you can do with Manchin.

                      Manchin owns a coal mine and makes his money (millions upon millions) selling the dirtiest coal to a local power company. As part of the contract, he gets a cut of their revenue too. That is why he is dead set against anything green.

                      Manchin's daughter back when she was the CEO Mylan worked with the CEO of Pfizer to keep Epi pen prices as high as possible since they had a monopoly on the product.

                      A new email shows Heather Bresch, then CEO of Mylan, worked with her counterpart at Pfizer to corner the market and keep costs up.

                      With Pfizer divesting from its generic Epipen product. Mylan jacked up the price from $99 to over $500 in the course of 6 years. Manchin's wife pushed for schools to stock the Epipen.

                      Now, after a year of schmoozing and wooing Manchin--he went on to sink BBB. If Biden cared at all about his domestic agenda (and he doesn't) then he would have had a meeting with Manchin and given him a choice. If he made the wrong choice, then I am sure the DOJ would have more than enough people to looking into the dealings with Mylar and the Epipen. Biden didn't because he doesn't really give a damn about helping the working class people.

                      2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                      • Originally posted by jaadam4 View Post

                        I’m still completely shocked that Biden was the Democratic nomination. Watching him on Kimmel the other day was hilarious. Even when he wasn’t a walking corpse he was a terrible politician. Obama damned near said it himself.
                        Biden was the nominee because the establishment Dems wanted anyone but Sen. Bernie Sanders as the nominee. Obama pulled strings, at five minutes to midnight, to get Mayor Pete and Amy Kloubacher to drop out of the race. Obama got involved because a Sanders presidency was distinct threat to the Obama legacy.

                        2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                        • Originally posted by Whitley View Post

                          Sinema is hard to figure out but there is a lot of things you can do with Manchin.

                          Manchin owns a coal mine and makes his money (millions upon millions) selling the dirtiest coal to a local power company. As part of the contract, he gets a cut of their revenue too. That is why he is dead set against anything green.

                          Manchin's daughter back when she was the CEO Mylan worked with the CEO of Pfizer to keep Epi pen prices as high as possible since they had a monopoly on the product.

                          A new email shows Heather Bresch, then CEO of Mylan, worked with her counterpart at Pfizer to corner the market and keep costs up.

                          With Pfizer divesting from its generic Epipen product. Mylan jacked up the price from $99 to over $500 in the course of 6 years. Manchin's wife pushed for schools to stock the Epipen.

                          Now, after a year of schmoozing and wooing Manchin--he went on to sink BBB. If Biden cared at all about his domestic agenda (and he doesn't) then he would have had a meeting with Manchin and given him a choice. If he made the wrong choice, then I am sure the DOJ would have more than enough people to looking into the dealings with Mylar and the Epipen. Biden didn't because he doesn't really give a damn about helping the working class people.

                          And those DOJ investigations give you Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Biden gets exactly none of his domestic agenda done rather than some. I know you want to believe that Biden can just force things through or pull strings behind the scene, but it's simply not true. The West Wing isn't a fucking documentary.


                          • It cracks me up when people complain about some of this crap. Who gives a crap if Trump and his kids were able to leverage billions or Hunter Biden doing the same. SO FUCKING WHAT, rich people made more money.

                            No amount of money ever bought a second of time. By which I continue to say we must put life, real life, ahead of this foolishness.

                            My country's leadership was attacked on Jan 6th and it was just that. Traitors.

                            Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                            • Originally posted by Futureshock View Post
                              It cracks me up when people complain about some of this crap. Who gives a crap if Trump and his kids were able to leverage billions or Hunter Biden doing the same. SO FUCKING WHAT, rich people made more money.

                              No amount of money ever bought a second of time. By which I continue to say we must put life, real life, ahead of this foolishness.

                              My country's leadership was attacked on Jan 6th and it was just that. Traitors.

                              I get the concern superficially. You really don't want foreign agents and governments basically buying access to your leaders, especially if they are doing it under the table. That said, none of this is particularly under the table, and there's no indication either leader (be it Trump or Biden) has changed their behavior based on who has been shoveling money to their family. I honestly don't see Trump giving a fuck about Khashoggi regardless of how much money a Saudi prince shovels to his son-in-law and Trump himself is already neck deep in Russian money before we examine who Ivanka was palling around Europe with. Likewise, I don't see how Biden's opinion of China has shifted in any way, and Shokin had drawn enough ire from a ton of people, the Obama Administration included, before Hunter Biden wedged his way onto Burisma's board of directors.

                              But it's all a fake concern anyway. Americans had decided long ago they don't give a fuck who is paying who. This is just sports-fandom style nonsense going on right now. "Our team" vs "the other guys," and that's largely the depth of thought your average American puts into politics to begin with. Because if they did, we'd have much better political options than Biden or Trump or even good ol' Bernie (this might shock some people, but there was no need to "conspire" to keep Bernie out of the nomination... he was more than capable of sabotaging his own campaign with shit like admiring Fidel Castro's "education and reading" programs, or deriding black voters in South Carolina).


                              • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

                                And those DOJ investigations give you Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Biden gets exactly none of his domestic agenda done rather than some. I know you want to believe that Biden can just force things through or pull strings behind the scene, but it's simply not true. The West Wing isn't a fucking documentary.
                                What part of Build Back Better has been enacted? I'll wait....oh that's right absolutely none of it.The reason is President Manchin and VP Sinema won't allow it.

                                Biden could tell Schumer let's put each individual piece of BBB up on a vote. He could actually show some fight for things the working and disappearing middle class want.

                                Let people vote no on higher taxes on the rich, universal Pre-K, the gov being able to negotiate lower drug prices, money to combat climate change, seniors being able to have vision and hearing covered by Medicare.

                                The Dems are going to get wasted in the midterms and they deserve to. Biden has shown no leadership on his domestic agenda. That is not surprising because he doesn't believe in any of it.

                                Instead Biden is a 3/4 zombie. This administration is exactly what I expected out of Biden. A big pile of nothing. Remember this is man that told Wall Street donors ...nothing will change. A man that has said while on the campaign trail....he had no sympathy for those struggling with student loans.

                                2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR

