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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Asking purely from an ignorant bastard perspective here........, but were those Gallows in the picture above that were taken to Capitol Hill just a symbolic thing? They don't look strong enough to hold my Auntie Maria's underpants.

    I say we take this to the "I Like Pie" DIY thread and get some decent gallows knocked up. Maybe contact Harry Boil for some 2 x fers!

    "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

    Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


    • I'm not sure how well it was constructed but they were certainly going to try to hang him if they didn't beat him to death before they got him there. If you go to the lumber store to construct one, you have gone far beyond symbolism. Pence betrayed the Republican voters by doing the one thing you cannot do, he followed the rules.


      • I had a childhood friend who did multiple stints in prison. After he served his first sentence, he deployed a strategy he learned in prison. He would go into a bank unarmed and hand the teller a note saying he was robbing the bank and to give him all the money she had. The strategy.behknd this was he couldn't be charged with armed robbery. Needless to say he was caught and sent back to prison. When you break the law, it doesn't matter how sound the strategy is, you are still on the hook for the crime.


        • It’s because I watch BOTH sides of the news… you fucking lepton.

          The reason you’re so woefully undereducated on this subject is because you only watch news that tells you what you want to hear. Your problem is that you call anyone that says anything slightly right of your comfort level and you’re screaming “fascist Trumper”…instead of listening.

          I tell you the NYT and the FBI have verified the laptop (something that’s a FACT)….and you come out gaslighting about “Trump talking points”.

          Froot…maybe you should stick with the ”hype man” name calling…because the substance of your arguments are non existent.


          • Yes, Trump shouldn't be prosecuted because... Hillary's emails.... something, something Hunter's laptop.
            Lions Fans.

            Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


            • Oh, I know EXACTLY what "both sides" are saying. But I also use this crazy thing called "critical thinking" to actually question what both sides are saying, rather than throwing my hands out disingenuously, pretending to be some sort of lost protege of Nietzsche, and saying smugly, "Who can possibly decipher the truth when both sides speak with forked tongues? It's impossible!"

              Here's going to be a shocker, I pull information from a bunch of sources too. The Wall Street Journal and The Hill (two "right" leaning mags) are among them. I include NPR, the New York Times, the Detroit Free Press, mLive, and I'll even watch CNN or Fox News. Well, the actual news programs for both. Once Rachel Maddow or Tucker Carlson come on, I turn the TV off. See, I don't need my news pre-digested.

              Hell, I even dive occasionally into Breitbart and Jacobin just to see what the extremists are all squawking about once a week.

              That's how I know you're talking bullshit. Because NO, the NYT didn't do what you said they did. They verified that it exists, and that the FBI has verified some of the content is real. The majority of it can't be verified because a lot of it doesn't have a second source for reference and there's no chain of custody because it sat unattended in a self-acknowledged Trump voters' shelf for over a year where anyone could have tampered with it. Could it be completely legitimate? Yeah! But we'll probably never know for sure. What we do know is that even if taken at it's absolute worst, it's probably nothing that can be directly tied to some sort of criminal abuse of power on the part of Joe Biden, mostly because he didn't have the authority to do what you claim he did at the time it was supposedly done.

              Trade deals aren't done at the behest of the Vice President, numbnuts. I suspect you actually know that, but it's convenient for your bullshit, so you believe it.

              After I did all that information diving; I discovered Republicans needed a cork board to explain their entire schemes of false-flag operations, conspiracies, and other assorted nonsense to tell you what your eyes are seeing aren't actually what they're seeing, and it's all a massive plot to make them look bad. Democrats have Republicans, on tape, doing everything they're accusing Republicans of doing.

              And no matter how much you want to pretend the waters are muddy and filled with alligators on both sides... it's really not. Are Democrats saints and pure of heart people that have nothing but the good of the American people at heart? Fuck no. I wouldn't piss on a good half of them if they were on fire. But they aren't some fucking death cult that line up to eat whatever spews out of Donald Trump's gaping anus. The near and present danger is exceedingly clear.

              You just don't want to see it. And I'm done entertaining your nonsense. Shut your lying mouth.


              • Chemi….I thought about taking the high road. But no.

                Fuck you you pile of shit. If you think you can call me a horrible racist a number of times (for disagreeing with you), block me for a couple of weeks and then come back and start with taking points like nothing happened….

                You’re a race-baiting, childish, gaslighting cunt. If you’ve taken me off ignore, that’s fine… but stop communicating with me. We don’t talk.

                This isn’t about anyone’s politics…’s because you’re an asshole.
                Last edited by Nick Pappageorgio; June 11, 2022, 06:38 PM.


                • I happen to think if a sitting president exhorts his followers to march in the capitol and fight like hell and those followers do fight like hell and there is coordination between high level GOP operatives and the Proud Boys to carry out the assault then it is worth an exhaustive investigation. That is a substantive argument. Both sides should have a very strong interest in prosecuting everyone involved to the fullest extent of the law.

                  When you lose an election, you should concede right away and never do what the Trumpers did. Everyone should agree on this point.


                  • Nah, man, don't you understand? These people earnestly and honestly thought the Democrats stole the election! They have a right to have their grievances aired violently! Never mind that they lack evidence or even circumstantial evidence that anything out of the ordinary occurred! Their earnest belief is just as good as facts, and therefore who can blame them for trying to overthrow the government?

                    Can't you see both sides here? How can you possibly know who is telling the truth????!!???!!11??

                    And even if you think you can, surely you can accept that Hunter Biden's scheming is just as bad, and therefore we shouldn't pursue those involved on January 6th any further!


                    • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                      For the most part the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers are about race.
                      This is another piece of evidence that rational people don't make pronouncements or decisions based on race.


                      • The Proud Boys do. So does the KKK. The Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville also about race. When people in rural Michigan fly the Confederate flag, that is about race as well.


                        • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                          Chemi….I know you don’t want to believe it. And you’ll probably deny reality here….go ahead.

                          The NYT and the FBI have verified that the stuff is REAL….there was no tampering by the computer guy (and they know this because the NYT and FBI have better computer guys than Hunter).

                          And you may not have Biden trying to instigate an investigation with a foreign nation….you do have about 10 million dollars flowing from Chinese state actors to Hunter and Joe’s brother. This has all been verified. Also verified….Joe Biden set up these chinses contacts/meetings for Hunter, and they flew to China together on (Hunter, Joe, Joe’s brother) Air Force 2.

                          Those are not disputed facts

                          Also not disputed….Joe Biden was very soft on Chinese trade during this period
                          Oh, and you have the 10% going to "the big guy.". You also have the testimony of a partner of Hunter's of his meeting with Joe and Hunter to discuss the China deal. There is actual film of Bobylinski sitting in an airport lounge talking to Hunter and Joe. This would qualify as "evidence" in a courtroom, unlike any stuff that was introduced on Thursday night production.


                          • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                            Nah, man, don't you understand? These people earnestly and honestly thought the Democrats stole the election! They have a right to have their grievances aired violently! Never mind that they lack evidence or even circumstantial evidence that anything out of the ordinary occurred! Their earnest belief is just as good as facts, and therefore who can blame them for trying to overthrow the government?

                            Can't you see both sides here? How can you possibly know who is telling the truth????!!???!!11??

                            And even if you think you can, surely you can accept that Hunter Biden's scheming is just as bad, and therefore we shouldn't pursue those involved on January 6th any further!
                            I like "They have the right to air.their grievances violently." That distills it down to it's pure essence. A few pages back Da Geezer said Liz Cheney was on the committee because she was anti-Trump. She certainly wasn't that during Trump's presidency. It was only when the violence occured on January 6th. The fact is if any politician spoke.out against Trump's behavior and the violence they are automatically ostracized from the party.

                            When you squawk more about the committee than the violence, you know the violence is very important to them or the cowardice to not speak out is very important.


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                              The Proud Boys do. So does the KKK. The Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville also about race. When people in rural Michigan fly the Confederate flag, that is about race as well.
                              And so do all the posters here who buy into critical race theory, and there are a bunch of them. That is the point I was trying to make. Idiots use race as a basis for judgments.

                              Like the Democrat Party in Congress.


                              • How many Confederate flags do you fly?

