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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • How are you minimizing what happened that day? You are seriously calling that a protest? I don't know how anyone can view the violent footage filmed from all angles of the Capitol and come away with that conclusion.

    They planned to hang Mike Pence. They hoped to stop the election certification. There was a coordinated effort amongst extremist militia groups. That is indeed a threat to Democracy.


    • I mean, officers were attacked and if you believe there was no intent to harm politicians if they got their hands on them then I have a bridge to sell you.

      My only concern during the BLM protests was the inability to differentiate between the bad actors and the good. You can blame both the left and the right for that and January 6th is no different. I certainly don't see the Jack Del Rio's of the world giving the same energy to the 6th that they gave to BLM so the what-aboutism is what it is. Tribal bullshit gobbled up by those who subscribe.


      • 3,000 The Grand Rapids white caps avg fans per game

        3,200 people per day The Arizona Renaissance Festival avg attendance

        9,000 people come to the Rocky Mountain Oyster fry in Eagle CO…every year…to eat bulls balls

        10,000 people attend the Florbama Mullet toss

        >15,000 undocumented migrants cross every damn day

        25,000 people at “Frozen Dead Guy Day” Nederland CO

        ​30,000 is number of peasants it took to storm Versaillles (in 1789).

        800,000 people attend the Coney Island mermaid parade

        putting it in perspective….I don’t understand how anyone can possibly see what happened on Jan 6th as a threat to democracy. You’ve swallowed the hook. 2,500 people….is not even a full High School gymnasium.

        Yeah….I’m minimizing it. Actually….It would be more accurate to say liberal types are maximizing/exaggerating it. Again….nobody was prosecuted over CHAZ/CHOP (and they brought weapons to that love in) and none of you care.


        • Had to google the Flora-bama Mullet Toss. Sounds great. Pity it's in April. Could've taken in a Forum Game & a Toss in the same trip. But sack making two trips across the flat Earth.
          "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

          Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


          • OMG….I didn’t even consider Lions games

            51,000 people attend Lions home games 8 times per year. You want to talk about an unhinged group of crazies who are a threat to democracy.

            Why hasn’t anyone scheduled a congressional hearing yet?
            Last edited by Nick Pappageorgio; June 8, 2022, 03:49 PM.


            • You can post all of the numbers you want.

              What do you think those few people would have done if they got ahold of Pence. I'm sure cooler heads would have prevailed and they wouldn't have tried to hang him.

              Or if they had gotten their hands on Pelosi, or AOC or any number of those that Trump declaired the enemy.


              It was an attempt to over turn the election. It was an attempt to keep Trump in power

              Just because they didn't succeed does not mean that it was not what it was.

              I mean, who are you going to believe, Donald Trump and the Republican party (aided heavily by FOX News) or your own lying eyes?

              I would have been appalled had the left stormed the Capitol. The fucking American Capitol building, God Dammit!

              You should be outraged regardless of the political persuasion of the insurrectionists.

              That you and so many others are not makes me fear for the future of this country. We are fucked.
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Originally posted by Nick Pappageorgio View Post
                OMG….I didn’t even consider Lions games

                51,000 people attend Lions home games 8 times per year. You want to talk about an unhinged group of crazies who are a threat to democracy.

                Why hasn’t anyone scheduled a congressional hearing yet?
                Probably because there is no evidence that the fucking President of the United States intigated an attempt to over turn the election by goading those people on during game day.


                What a bunch of bullsht if you believe that any of the shit you are saying has any relevence

                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • So I can see you’re triggered here….

                  but if you really think that 2,500 unarmed protesters (even if they’re all in buffalo costumes) are a threat to democracy…..I can’t help you. I can’t talk that slow


                  • CVGT…..when you say stuff like that you sound just as bad as the alt right idiots training to fight in a Militia.

                    It’s hyperbole….and has no place in intelligent conversation.


                    • Call it what you want.

                      You should be outraged too.

                      And yes. They were a threat to democracy. To think otherwise is either naivette or ideological denial.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Let’s call it what it is…

                        You’re outraged and scared because your news and your politicians told you you should be. When the 2020 riots happened…your news and your politicians told you (despite 3 billion dollars in damages) that it was a mostly peaceful summer of love type of riot, and that you should not be outraged……so you’re not.

                        Listening to people call it insurrection (or a threat to our democracy) provokes the same type of nausea-response in me as one of the idiots who thought Obama’s birth certificate was a fake and the election should be recalled. It’s stupid hyperbolic paddler that doesn’t matter….and it’s obvious partisan bullshit.


                        • Go fuck yourself with your false equivalency. So yeah, let's call it waht it is.

                          I am outraged because it is apparent what went on and people like you downplay it. My polititians? My news media? Jesus.

                          Who you going to believe? Your lying eyes or...

                          2020 riots were bad. Period. Nobody is telling you any different, but it is false equivalency, nothing more than a strawman.
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • It is shocking Deshaun Watson 's hype man is downplaying this.


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                              It is shocking Deshaun Watson 's hype man is downplaying this.
                              Froot….I still don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about with that.


                              • I'm just laughing because this numbers argument is the absolute dumbest thing I've ever heard. President's and other political figures have been assassinated by individuals. This group of assholes didn't have to take over militaristic control of the government to have a potential disastrous impact. Assassinating Pence alone would have accomplished that.

