Originally posted by Futureshock
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I might have posted it here but if you COULD have the following without raising taxes one cent if there was the political will.
Cut the military contingency spending by 75%, Repeal the Trump tax cuts (190 billion a year) and take the money in administrative costs saved (according to a Koch Brothers funded study) of 2 trillion over a decade. You take that pile of money and you can do the following:
1) Provide every full time college student tution (spelling?) up to 10k a year
While this would not provide free college 10k a year (and I would be fine with having to show progress to a degree/certain GPA) would go a long way to lessening the amount of loans to take out/
2) Provide $500/month UBI to all Americans that work full time AND have a side job to make ends meat (this numbers in the tens of millions).
This would not cover everyone, of course. And $500/month is not life changing but it would help pull a lot of people out of poverty and give them some breathing room so they are not paycheck to paycheck.
3) Cancel 8% of federal student loans.
So without raising one cent in taxes you have the given American people: better health care (through M4A), provided help for those going to college and provided economic relief to those Americans working hard and really struggling. Plus addressed student loan crisis a touch.
But there is not the political will do actually improve the lives of Americans that are not rich in this country.