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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Originally posted by Niffla View Post
    Anyway, why are you saying the word "was" as if he's gone? Is Gonz not around here anymore?
    Have you pm'd Panoptes, Niffla? Think i'll go do that myself. Tell him there is a Chinese couple with 16 bairns moving in next door to him and logging in to his WiFi ! That'll shake him out of the KC Chiefs prolonged hangover!

    Where are you, Dude?

    "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

    Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


    • Long ass camping trip...
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • Originally posted by Marko69 View Post

        Have you pm'd Panoptes, Niffla? Think i'll go do that myself. Tell him there is a Chinese couple with 16 bairns moving in next door to him and logging in to his WiFi !

        The Office Lol GIF by NETFLIX
        AAL: KhaDarel Hodges


        • Originally posted by Niffla View Post
          I only drop by here (this thread I mean) and skim very briefly during the offseason when there's no Lions news, so I have only read maybe one percent of this thread (maybe less) -- but just curious, do you guys just hate republicans/conservatives or are you all actual big believers & supporters of the democratic party? Of course these two things are obviously not mutually exclusive, lol.
          Meh, the Democratic Party is currently the only semi-sane(ish) party in the country at the moment (but hell if there isn't a hard left element REALLY trying to bend it to the tankie/brownshirt level crazy). The thing that I really want to stress is that the GOP isn't really a "conservative" party in any traditional sense of the definition right now. It's not particularly a "small government" party except when Democrats are holding power (in fact, the GOP loves to spend and assert their authority), and "drown government in the bathtub and kill it except for our Evangelical patrons who are hoping the rise of Israel will harken the Rapture" isn't a particularly useful or productive platform.

          I'd love true conservative thought in this country's politics. Problem is that doesn't really exist right now. You have a handful of liberal minority camps fighting skirmishes against each other, and a pseudo-fascist party that wants a low key theocracy.


          • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

            Meh, the Democratic Party is currently the only semi-sane(ish) party in the country at the moment (but hell if there isn't a hard left element REALLY trying to bend it to the tankie/brownshirt level crazy). The thing that I really want to stress is that the GOP isn't really a "conservative" party in any traditional sense of the definition right now. It's not particularly a "small government" party except when Democrats are holding power (in fact, the GOP loves to spend and assert their authority), and "drown government in the bathtub and kill it except for our Evangelical patrons who are hoping the rise of Israel will harken the Rapture" isn't a particularly useful or productive platform.

            I'd love true conservative thought in this country's politics. Problem is that doesn't really exist right now. You have a handful of liberal minority camps fighting skirmishes against each other, and a pseudo-fascist party that wants a low key theocracy.
            Thanks, Chemic.
            AAL: KhaDarel Hodges


            • Originally posted by Niffla View Post
              I only drop by here (this thread I mean) and skim very briefly during the offseason when there's no Lions news, so I have only read maybe one percent of this thread (maybe less) -- but just curious, do you guys just hate republicans/conservatives or are you all actual big believers & supporters of the democratic party? Of course these two things are obviously not mutually exclusive, lol.
              I voted for Republicans for most of my adult life. I voted for George W Bush twice, but I hate what the Republicans have become and I realized that their beliefs and mine are in no way aligned.

              Reasons why I vote for Democrats:

              I believe in a woman's right to choose.
              I believe in universal health care. It is criminal that health care is tied to employment in this country. Healthcare is a right and should be available to everyone. It should be paid for by our taxes (and contrary to what the Repub talking points, it would actually be cheaper overall than it is now)
              I believe that taxes should be raised on the rich. Churches should pay tax and the US tax system should be simplified.
              I believe that we have too many guns in this country and access to them is too easy and we should have common sense gun control laws
              I believe that gays and LGBT people should have the same rights as every other person, including marriage.
              I believe that there is systemic racism in this country, white privilege is a real thing and we must take steps to even the playing field. It is not even now.
              I believe in the principles of the BLM movement.
              I believe that we should "defund" the police in the form of police reform and training, demilitarization, and more stringent use of force policies. (nobody really wants to eliminate police forces, contrary to Republican talking points.
              I believe that the church has no business in politics or running our country.
              I believe that there is strength in diversity and we need compassionate immigration reform. We don't need a fucking wall. BTW, immigrants. whether illegal or legal cannot vote. A person must be an American Citizen to vote, so let's throw that bullshit talking point out now.
              I believe in protecting the environment through strong regulation even it it ends up costing us money.
              I believe that we need to ween ourselves from dependence on fossil fuels and we should be working at a "send a man to the moon in 10 years" pace to develop alternative energy sources.
              I believe that our public schools are the backbone of this country and should be funded and supported.
              I believe a well rounded college education is important and a four year degree should be affordable/free and available to everyone. Education, not just learning job skills should be the goal.
              I will be putting my third child through college starting this fall. All three will get their degrees with no student loans (humble brag ;) ) but I have no problem relieving student debt for those that didn't plan as well as we did or are less fortunate.
              I believe that socialism is not the bogyman that the right tries to make it out to be. Nobody is trying to turn this country into Venezuela. Nobody wants to make the US a communist country, no matter how hard the Republicans try to scare you with this line of bullshit. We have has social policies in this country for decades. We need to strengthen them. Not destroy them. There are things that the government can do better than the private sector
              I believe that we need to treat the Postal Service as the service that it is and fund it appropriately.
              I believe that we need a strong military, but I also believe that we should cut military spending significantly.
              I believe that need to clamp down on "militias" They are not "Patriots" they are havens for white supremacists and most are thinly veiled hate groups. We should treat them as such.
              I believe that the electoral college is an outdated concept and needs to go away.
              I believe that the Republicans are actively working to suppress the vote under the guise of "voter security" and it needs to be stopped.
              I believe that there was no significant voter fraud. Donald Trump was working to steal the election with 4 years of lies of voter fraud.
              Trump lost the election. Period
              I believe that Donald Trump knowingly and intentionally incited an insurrection and was (and still is) the biggest threat to our democracy in my lifetime.
              I believe that vaccines are safe and effective.
              I believe that Qanon is a crock of shit and anyone that believes that bullshit is a moron.
              Man has landed on the moon. 911 was real and not an inside job. Pizza gate is bullshit. Jewish lasers from outer space did not start the California wild fires. Bill Gates in not controlling us with vaccine microchips and 5g etc etc
              I believe that Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert are fucking idiots and so are the people who voted for them.
              I believe that The Big Lebowski is the greatest movie ever made.

              I'm sure I'll think of more reasons later, but that is a start.
              Last edited by CGVT; March 20, 2021, 09:10 AM.
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Jewish lasers from Outer Space? That is fantastic.

                Two beliefs regarding the above.

                I too believe The Big Lebowski is the greatest movie ever made

                And I believe the return key should've been hit in between every belief above........, my eyes are now fucked ya bawbag!!
                "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                • But who will protect Dr. Seuss?

                  Won't somebody think of the damn potato heads?
                  Lions Fans.

                  Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                  • Well said, CG.


                    • ....A person must be an American Citizen to vote, so let's throw that bullshit talking point out now.
                      Semantics here.
                      A person must be an American Citizen to have his/her cast vote be counted as a legal vote.

                      There is a humongous difference between those two sentences.
                      The former implies non-Citizens don't even bother to register or show up to vote - because they aren't allowed. We know that isn't the case - state governments simply aren't that smart....
                      The latter implies you better have a system in place to make sure all cast votes are properly vetted and are only legally cast votes are counted.

                      With 50 states, 50 differently run election offices and rules - I think is folly to expect that the Voter Registration process is 100% vetted before Election Day commences.


                      • Oh bullshit. The statement is fact.

                        Your statement is nothing more than unsubstantiated speculation

                        Non citizens voting is a non issue. There aren't enough who even think of voting to move the needle. It is a right wing talking point to cover their prejudice.

                        Your bullshit is invalid.

                        Carry on.
                        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                        • Well, there have been some cases of Republican voter fraud. If that's what you are talking about.

                          Just, you know, none of the bullshit talking points Republicans are always crying about.
                          Lions Fans.

                          Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                          • Most of those voter restriction arguments are continuation of Jim Crow laws that have been gussied up under some nonsense narrative that people are illegally voting. The ridiculous arguments the GOP put forth after the election were a stain on the country. Since the abhorrent Shelby decision the floodgates have been open for these awful laws. What you saw on January 6th was a desperate attempt to get the band back together and turn back time to the era before the Civil Rights Act and the VRA.
                            Last edited by froot loops; March 20, 2021, 09:53 PM.


                            • Yeah, but Hunter Biden made some bucks off his family name.

                              I mean who does that?

                              eric trump GIF by Saturday Night Live
                              Lions Fans.

                              Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                              • This course of conversation has conveniently led us all to the second best film ever made.

                                Frank: “Fletch, I need an article from you by tomorrow. And I don’t want any of these unsubstantiated charges about dope dealing cops or any of your horseshit paranoid fantasies about homicidal police chiefs. Give me something I can print!”

                                Fletch: (holds up middle finger) “Print this!”

                                "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                                Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022

