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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • "It was boring. Gloriously boring."

    Thankfully gov is BORING when it works well. What a breath of fresh air.


    • Just knowing there is actual leadership, guidance and plans and that they think beyond the immediate twitter news cycle is comforting.


      • Originally posted by Futureshock View Post

        He's still lingering in the weeds though. Like dog poop.
        What annoys me is two things: One, the GOP is scared shitless about 45, and didn't even vote to impeach him (Twice!) and Two, all the voter suppression bills the GOP are working so hard to pass in the states that they control. Point 2 is actually worse for the health of this country long term. The fat bozo is 74, so he won't be around forever, but his affect on the GOP and our country could be long lasting.

        "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
        My friend Ken L


        • They try to hide voter suppression behind election security and its ridiculous.

          There's no good reason not to give bigger cities ample early voting time to get the job done. They want to cut it shoritso fewer people vote in areas that are dominantly Democrat. Small towns have no issue getting everyone in and out in one day compared to the large nightmare and amount of time a big city needs. Rural republican votes are unaffected.

          Needing ID to vote I could get behind IF they proposed it with a free to obtain option with many accessibility aids for those currently without ID. They'll never do that because it's not actually about security it's about turning away voters. Putting voting behind a pay window no matter how small is ridiculous for anyone to even think is remotely ok.

          Mail in voting isn't problematic and is far more secure than they let on. Limiting drop points again is just a means to hinder large cities in a way that has zero effect on smaller communities.

          If security was really a concern they'd want more time for early voting, not less. More time to check on any issues..

          They understand they are in the minority at about a 60-40 split on many issues and nationwide as far as voters go. Instead of rethinking their platform to gain more votes they seek to limit voting. It's disgusting. It's imo the worst thing any politicial party does. Honestly makes me sick.. I can live with conservative financial policies and ideas if the majority wants them.. Not if they get there through suppression.


          • Not to mention trying to sabotage the mail system.
            Lions Fans.

            Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


            • They don't even have a platform. They literally had nothing to run on during the last presidential election. Hell, Trump was going to release his healthcare plan AFTER the election. Healthcare plan, my ass. The only plan he had was taking the Heli down the road the instant he got a fever and some chills.

              The GOP don't have the actual votes. Their base is dead and deader by the day. So they have to prevent the other party from voting. LOL, the gig seems to be up, though. GA was pretty telling in those two senate races.

              Thankfully, the courts are there. They can try and pass whatever crap they want. At the end of the day, the courts throw out like 90% of the crap they try and jam through.


              • Originally posted by The King View Post
                They don't even have a platform. They literally had nothing to run on during the last presidential election. Hell, Trump was going to release his healthcare plan AFTER the election. Healthcare plan, my ass. The only plan he had was taking the Heli down the road the instant he got a fever and some chills.

                The GOP don't have the actual votes. Their base is dead and deader by the day. So they have to prevent the other party from voting. LOL, the gig seems to be up, though. GA was pretty telling in those two senate races.

                Thankfully, the courts are there. They can try and pass whatever crap they want. At the end of the day, the courts throw out like 90% of the crap they try and jam through.
                Don't forget Trump administration filled like 180-200 federal court openings during their time.

                2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                • Originally posted by Whitley View Post

                  Don't forget Trump administration filled like 180-200 federal court openings during their time.
                  Yeah, and even those judges appointed by Trump wanted NOTHING to do with his bullshit.


                  • Originally posted by dpatnod View Post
                    Not to mention trying to sabotage the mail system.
                    This one begs the question - how long does it take for local people to put their ballot in the box - and the Post Office to route local mail...... 5 days later they are still accepting ballots (in significant numbers mind you).

                    I'd understand that if it was 1920. It's 2020, the barriers to voting are virtually eliminated from a transport perspective.


                    • Sure, dude.

                      If you bought anything online over the holiday season you know how long shit was taking. The USPS was definitely degraded intentionally to try and fuk the election. At a time when demand would be at an all time high. My snowblower carb rebuild kit was ordered when the snow was a foot deep. It arrived days after the snow was completely gone. A good two weeks to cover 54 miles.

                      You might not know this - but there is a damn pandemic going on. The orange doofus couldn't have been any clearer about trying to slow the mail.. He says the quiet parts out loud.

                      But, sure. Enjoy your willful denial.
                      Last edited by dpatnod; March 12, 2021, 11:53 PM.
                      Lions Fans.

                      Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                      • If you've ever worked with the mail, you know why it's slow - especially at holiday time.
                        This isn't anything new - I've done business with them for nearly 20 years.
                        You want something moved during the holidays - you move with other carriers (FedEX, UPS, etc).
                        Why? During the year those carriers move a substantial amount of U.S. Mail - and that reduces to literally nothing the closer and closer you get to Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years.


                        • Are you claiming that mail service was experiencing its usual holiday slowdown and not anything more than that? Because that's a whole new world of denial, if so.


                          • The USPS is plagued by a weird fascination with it by Congress to make it pay for itself. Any of the problems of the USPS could be solved simply by restoring the funding level it used to have.

                            Last mile providers like UPS, FedEx and Amazon are having a tough time. The logistics of the delivery model is daunting.


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                              The USPS is plagued by a weird fascination with it by Congress to make it pay for itself. Any of the problems of the USPS could be solved simply by restoring the funding level it used to have.

                              Last mile providers like UPS, FedEx and Amazon are having a tough time. The logistics of the delivery model is daunting.
                              Or by saying they do not have to fund 100% of their pensions 75 years into the future.
                              2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                              • Originally posted by Whitley View Post

                                Or by saying they do not have to fund 100% of their pensions 75 years into the future.
                                It's not even pensions. THAT would at least make some sort of twisted sense.

                                They're being forced to prefund 75 years of potential medical costs, ON TOP OF the costs of medical insurance they're already paying employees.

                                And Fraq is completely full of shit. If anything, it's the OTHER WAY AROUND. FedEx, UPS, and Amazon start dumping THEIR mail on the USPS for the last mile over the holidays, because THEY can't handle the volume.
                                Last edited by chemiclord; March 14, 2021, 07:13 PM.

