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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Whatever it is that is secretly in our water..... or air...... or food..... or vaccinations....... whatever the government's secret sauce is........

    Something has made half of the country the dumbest most gullible mother fuckers imaginable.

    To commit sedition for a fucking spray painted orange whiny bitch who hasn't ever even shown interest in doing the job. Jaysus.
    Last edited by dpatnod; January 8, 2021, 01:18 AM.
    Lions Fans.

    Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


    • This was fairly straightforward, they telegraphed what they were going to do and when they were going to do it.

      As far as the police, it was inept and they are by and large very Trumpy.


      • I think the simplest answer which appears to be backed up by video evidence is that the cops let them in because they were vastly outnumbered and undergeared and underprepared. Likely due to the perception of the level of threat based on prejudices or someone in leadership not caring if it goes south or perhaps even wanting it to.

        People can drum up conspiracies of an inside job or strange motives all they want but more often than not the simple explanation is the right one.

        Media and public opinion believing something doesn't make them right or wrong. The facts are absolute regardless. We are often left to make our best (hopefully more often educated guess) and proceed accordingly.

        The problem is we as a society start taking our guesses as facts. Conspiracies rise because people desire to fill in the blanks of things that are unexplained or provide validity to an end they wish to be true. Most people live that way. I think it is best to seek answers but not be so in need of them that you are willing to forego proof in those answers. This very easily leads to settling into a wrong answer.


        • Yes when they open the gates it was a 5 against 1000 scenario. You have to pick your battles. The evidence of the Trump friendly officers were from the reports about one of the guys giving one of the rioters directions to get to Schumer's office and the one taking selfies.

          Ultimately this exposes a flaw in the system of DC. It is run by the federal government and Trump is the one who deploys the national guard or gives permission to the national guard from other states. If it is a state it is different, but DC is dependent on the Federal government for state like services and in a case like this it failed.


          • When I read through these pages, it’s reminding me of The Doc and Marty going back to Biffs “alternative” future.

            Someone get a DeLorean built a.s.a.p!
            "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

            Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


            • Originally posted by dpatnod View Post
              I don't know man. Q said so, so it's 50/50. It's on the Internet man. Look it up.
              Hmmm. You sound like a guy who needs to DO THE RESEARCH.

              Trust the process!



              • In a situation like that you still aren't trained to just open the gates, or fences as it were. Your taught and trained to fall back. You don't make it even easier.

                I don't agree with that excuse. As this plays out, you will see those officers exposed and fired.
                Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                  It could happen.

                  But the reality is that the powerful will take power. The weak will be subjugated. Some of the weak will come together (most likely under a leader) and depose the tyrant. Other tyrants will take their rightful place. My tribe will fight your tribe, being led by our leaders. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
                  Exactly. Like the guy they're talking about here. ULF's solution doesn't solve anything:

                  Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                  • I am naive as FUCK!!! I find it hard to believe that the world is riddled with real life Heath Ledger style jokers.

                    Thankfully I live in a part of the UK where a riot will ONLY break out if there’s an Irn Bru shortage.
                    And murdered if you’re wearing green in the blue end of Glasgow, but apart from that.......
                    "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

                    Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


                    • You guys are quite certain of your projected outcome. One would think you've actually seen it play out hundreds of times with the same result, over and over. Perhaps you can enlighten me with your evidence?

                      Or is it just the case that you're parroting a story you've been taught since you were a child, all that stuff about "human nature" and "chaos" and how the state protects you from all of it?

                      ...'cause we have hundreds of well documented examples of your paradigm playing itself out over and over again, with the same outcome.
                      The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


                      • Originally posted by unknown lions fan View Post
                        You guys are quite certain of your projected outcome. One would think you've actually seen it play out hundreds of times with the same result, over and over. Perhaps you can enlighten me with your evidence?

                        Or is it just the case that you're parroting a story you've been taught since you were a child, all that stuff about "human nature" and "chaos" and how the state protects you from all of it?

                        ...'cause we have hundreds of well documented examples of your paradigm playing itself out over and over again, with the same outcome.
                        Uhhh... look at ANY nation where the central government collapsed without a replacement ready to move to fill the void (think the former Congo or Somalia).

                        Hell, even WITH a replacement ready to fill the void it often devolves (Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq to a smaller degree).

                        Yeah, man. There ARE hundreds of "well documented examples" dating back to the days of fucking ROME. It's not our fault you're willfully ignorant of human history.

                        Just quit while you're still behind.


                        • So what youre saying is, life was going along peacefully in the living arms of the benevolent state, and then for some (unmentioned) reason, that utopia just disappeared <poof> and then chaos and everyone-eating-everyone ensued! Human nature was unleashed without the restraint of the benevolent state there to protect us all.

                          Nice bedtime story, try again.

                          The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


                          • Everyone knows that states collapse long after they've turned life into absolute hell for all of the subjects. All of the chaos, disorder, and violence of the dying state caused a wave of violence that affects the society for a long time after it goes away.

                            It leaves a path of destruction in its wake, but that's a consequence of too much freedom.
                            The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


                            • Originally posted by unknown lions fan View Post
                              So what youre saying is, life was going along peacefully in the living arms of the benevolent state, and then for some (unmentioned) reason, that utopia just disappeared <poof> and then chaos and everyone-eating-everyone ensued! Human nature was unleashed without the restraint of the benevolent state there to protect us all.

                              Nice bedtime story, try again.
                              No, it's that your anarchist utopia has not/does not/never will exist, and you're an imbecile for believing it ever will. Shut your idiotic, ignorant mouth on this issue. You, and ignoramous online twits like you, are part of the PROBLEM.

                              SHUT. UP.


                              • If someone wants to say "the rules of our society are mostly bullshit," ya know what? Fine. A lot of them are. That's the consequence of being in a society with a bunch of other people, and the larger it gets, the more likely something (or several somethings) will grate on your sensibilities.

                                But to make the jump from, "the rules are bullshit" to "therefore there must not be any rules" is asinine and ignores human nature from literally the beginning of recorded history.

