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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • I early voted on Thursday, October 15th. It was at a NBA arena (I won't say where, but I can say that I don't live in Michigan anymore), and I was done in 30 minutes, if I remember correctly.

    No long lines, everyone masked up properly, and none of this voter intimidation nonsense.

    Anyway, make sure to vote by 7 P.M. local time, so that your voice is heard!
    "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
    My friend Ken L


    • I voted in about 15 minutes. No mask issues that I recall.

      Is it legal for the township hall & fire dept building to have a drump sign in the yard?
      Lions Fans.

      Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!



        Detroit to boot orange man into the dustbin of history - make it happen!


        • It’s Biden’s to lose now.


          • Originally posted by TheLondonLion View Post
            It’s Biden’s to lose now.
            Even if he loses Trump will fight this in court for weeks or months. He knew (because he set it up to happen this way and urged his supporters to vote in person) that the Dems would urge voters to do the safe (COVID) thing and vote absentee to avoid contracting the disease. So of course "in-person" voting (which comes in first in states like Mich.) will make it look like he's winning and then he can attack the absentee votes that isn't for him anyway.

            No matter who wins I have to say as pessimistic I am in people I am 10x as much today. This country isn't split nor cracked. It's broken and each side is entrenched in their position and no amount of truth will deter the fracture. IOW, the US used to be the Packers and now it's the Lions. My fore fathers and uncles fought and died for this?
            Last edited by Futureshock; November 4, 2020, 09:10 AM.
            Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


            • I agree but I think Biden will do something to unify and calm the country. It will help without Trump ginning the whole place up every day with race baiting and culture wars.

              I believe Biden when he says he will lead a US, not red states and blue states. It won’t be easy to put the genie back into the bottle though.


              • Yeah, but he needs cooperation also.

                Plus, the PEOPLE have been turned toxic. So toxic that they will jump in bed with the country most known for Communism to win an election against their fellow country man they TRY to label as a communist.

                Yeah, the sh!t is stupid as...
                Dumpster Fire GIF by MOODMAN
                Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


                • I feel a similar despair. Wow @ people totally not caring about the people this president has KILLED with his super spreader events and lack of leadership on the pandemic. Wow @ people not caring about his white supremacy rhetoric and support. This guy really could go on the street and start shooting innocent people and his supporters would either not believe it or rationalize it as just somehow.

                  BTW, this situation is exactly why we did not vote absentee. We wanted as many election day votes against him as possible just in case he tried to suppress the absentee vote. Of course our two little votes don't matter much. ;(


                  • Every time these elections come around it makes me shake my head.

                    In the 1800's:
                    Wait 2 weeks for the mail to come from a string of pony riders scattered across the country - and a few trains.
                    Hitch a wagon up.
                    Ride 20 miles through a thunderstorm and the mud to go get your neighbor who didn't realize there was an election.
                    Help them read the ballot information - because they couldn't.
                    Ride 40 more miles back to go place your ballot.

                    in 2020:
                    Mail moves in days
                    You have air travel, mass transit, automobiles, TV, Internet, paved roads.
                    Yet people can't get their mail in votes in on time - and damn sure can't get to a polling station because it's way too much trouble.......

                    Fucking nation of excuse makers....
                    Hey!!!, we had to stop counting votes because the vote tally machine ran out of ink......

                    Cue Marko69 for an appropriate way to say this in Scottish.


                    • A certain party may have something to do with that.


                      • As far as I’m concerned, the Detroit Lions won the election. Detroit flipped Michigan and turned the tide, all based out of Ford Field.


                        • Absolutely embarrassing presser from the ratings machine DJT. Embarrassing. Like his 3 million votes by illegals in California that he established a commission to find, but couldn’t.

                          Pack your shit and go.


                          • No conspiracy theory, but you have to question why in the fuck you elected your Governor when:

                            You know you have a metric fukton of mail in votes (all your citizens had to REGISTER for a mail in ballot for fucks sake)
                            You know doing things "business as usual" in a COVID environment with that many fucking votes (which you know EXACTLY how many to expect) is going to take an eternity - since those have to be opened and vetted before they can even be counted.
                            You still wait to start counting them Election Day +1.....
                            Last edited by Fraquar; November 5, 2020, 11:21 PM.


                            • Again, that was largely due to Republican state legislatures refusing to allow early votes to be counted in advance precisely so they could create the illusion of a stolen election which they would heavily litigate.

                              The Snowflake Fuhrer has literally been telegraphing this for months, hence constantly attacking mail in ballots, saying he’s going to wait at states with lawyers to try and stop votes being counted, demanding a result on the night and saying the election will be stolen.

                              Like the 3 million votes by illegals in California denying him the popular vote in 2016 which he established a commission to investigate. They found....nothing.

                              It’s a set up.


                              • Originally posted by Fraquar View Post
                                No conspiracy theory, but you have to question why in the fuck you elected your Governor when:

                                You know you have a metric fukton of mail in votes (all your citizens had to REGISTER for a mail in ballot for fucks sake)
                                You know doing things "business as usual" in a COVID environment with that many fucking votes (which you know EXACTLY how many to expect) is going to take an eternity - since those have to be opened and vetted before they can even be counted.
                                You still wait to start counting them Election Day +1.....
                                A small thing called "IT'S THE LAW" may play a small part.
                                Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.

