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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
    Your son is 12 already?!?

    At least you are living in paradise now, hopefully he will be well-insulated from much of what may go down...
    That's actually been a consideration in my plans to stay up here. I had planned on moving back to a bigger city, but now I'm working out how to accomplish everything I'm doing from here. And I do love the outdoors here, it's how I've kept my sanity while everyone is in lockdown. I got a Honda SxS and we just escape to the forest all day.
    The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


    • My Dad is right by the trails in Cheboygan (short drive from you), I've had lots of fun 4-wheelin' there. Do you also snowmobile?



      • I have a lot of friends here Froot, from attending a dozen or so Forum Games. There's a small handful of people on the attack here, and most of them don't know me at all.

        I am not laughing at you for your own concerns.
        The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


        • Originally posted by -Deborah- View Post
          My Dad is right by the trails in Cheboygan (short drive from you), I've had lots of fun 4-wheelin' there. Do you also snowmobile?
          Yeah, I probably ride by your Dad's place several times a year! We ride the whole damn Northern Lower Peninsula.
          The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


          • Originally posted by unknown lions fan View Post

            Oh for Pete's sake, one more time...

            You have a right to your life, liberty, or property. You have the right to defend yourself and your property from aggression.

            Key: Any right you have can also be delegated.

            You have the right to defend yourself, you also have the right to contract with another to provide defense for you. You can also make a mutual defense pact with your neighbors to defend and protect one another.

            Anyway, depending how many MAGA zombies are coming for my shit, I may contact the agency and ask for a substantial back-up. That's right - my protection agency. Markets provide where there is demand. There would probably be a market for protective services.

            PS - I don't know why they're coming for my shit...I guess that's just what people do in your chaos/mayhem/mad max fantasies of the world without daddy government..they could just go to WalMart and avoid getting shot at, but I dunno... Also, I could just decide to bail and let my insurance cover it.
            What if your neighbors ARE the MAGATs? What if the agency just decided fuck the rules and kept your contract money but decides fuck the rules I ain't getting involved. Thanks for the money though.

            Why would an insurance company exist, or even cover your loss? They can't hold anyone responsible and recover any loss. Fuck rules. They decided they aren't paying. Thanks for the money, though.

            Now what?
            Lions Fans.

            Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


            • Not sure exactly what the fuck this is..... but had a couple of chuckles.

              Lions Fans.

              Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


              • The mere fact that you are drastically outnumbered in likely every conversation you have over statism should alert you to how completely unviable your philosophy is.

                You would have to assume you always have the means to overcome a superior power or that superior powers will never want what you have which also based on human behavior is not possible.

                THAT is the reality of the world we live in.

                Your island experiment ends the same way every time. Someone with more power finds your island and takes it from you. The larger scale you need to defend the more structure and inevitable decision making by the few as opposed to the many is required. Your liberty is gone and you are ruled.

                Even in examples you've given you ignore power dynamics. If you rely on a superior power you pay to protect you your liberty is still ruled by you being unable to do anything that would make them not want to protect you. You still have a ruler even if it isn't formal. They have the power and they are effectively the state whether you recognize them as it or not. Your payment means you do though. Or don't pay them and die. Your choice.

                It's just crazy how much you don't realize you contradict yourself in your own arguments.

                I'm going to leave this conversation at this because with all due respect Your philosophy requires an alternate reality of human behavior and is an absolute waste of time discussing. I've spent enough on it.


                • Ha!

                  Parler reportedly removed posts by Trump affiliate Lin Wood calling for execution of VP Mike Pence

                  Lions Fans.

                  Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                  • I'm going to leave this conversation at this because with all due respect Your philosophy requires an alternate reality of human behavior and is an absolute waste of time discussing. I've spent enough on it.
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • Originally posted by JGSpartan View Post
                      The mere fact that you are drastically outnumbered in likely every conversation you have over statism should alert you to how completely unviable your philosophy is.

                      You would have to assume you always have the means to overcome a superior power or that superior powers will never want what you have which also based on human behavior is not possible.

                      THAT is the reality of the world we live in.

                      Your island experiment ends the same way every time. Someone with more power finds your island and takes it from you. The larger scale you need to defend the more structure and inevitable decision making by the few as opposed to the many is required. Your liberty is gone and you are ruled.

                      Even in examples you've given you ignore power dynamics. If you rely on a superior power you pay to protect you your liberty is still ruled by you being unable to do anything that would make them not want to protect you. You still have a ruler even if it isn't formal. They have the power and they are effectively the state whether you recognize them as it or not. Your payment means you do though. Or don't pay them and die. Your choice.

                      It's just crazy how much you don't realize you contradict yourself in your own arguments.

                      I'm going to leave this conversation at this because with all due respect Your philosophy requires an alternate reality of human behavior and is an absolute waste of time discussing. I've spent enough on it.
                      What really gets me is that for all his "statism is evil" talk, in his alternate reality all he has actually done... is create his own state with him as the head, he just doesn't call it that, even though in every functional way it's no different than the evil states that he so despises.

                      He wants to be a king divorced from any consequences for his bullshit, and he thinks "the state" is getting in the way of that. That's his dream. He wants to be as shitty of a person as he wants without anyone having the ability to slap him down and tell him to stop being a jackass, even though pissants like him wouldn't survive two weeks if society around him were to collapse.

                      It's always funny how anarchists envision themselves as the head of the table in their new world... and not the pavement that far more powerful and charismatic people would use to drive their own personal nation-states.
                      Last edited by chemiclord; January 9, 2021, 09:42 PM.


                      • Spartan - I was thinking of preparing a post addressing your last several, because they all say the same thing over and over again. I'll see if I still find the motivation when I'm sitting at a full size keyboard next.

                        But I'm entertained by your opening statement this time. Have you never heard any caveats about your ideas being held by the majority? For my part, I'm absolutely comfortable being the minority. For you to find comfort being in the majority, and bragging about it, is ironic.
                        Last edited by unknown lions fan; January 9, 2021, 10:27 PM.
                        The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


                        • Ahh, chemi. You're a special case.

                          I know you, you know...

                          Your intellectual growth was stunted by government schools. You never made it into adulthood.

                          You internalized every philosophical contradiction they programmed into you, to the point that you no longer have any moral compass.

                          You don't have a philosophy. You don't have any principles. You don't have any basis to evaluate the difference between right and wrong.

                          You can't reason, nor process logic. You run off emotion.

                          Lacking reason, logic, morality, and principles, you're just an angry little bundle of opinions, reacting to events around you.

                          You have not once participated in this discussion as a rational adult. You create your own little stories about who I am and what I advocate, so you can be angry at the strawman you created.

                          Normally, I wouldn't expose such an intellectually stunted mind such as yourself out of pity... but you make it a easier by being such a smug fucker.
                          The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.


                          • The only thing you have demonstrated in your endless disjointed, hypocritical screeds is that you don't know SHIT, much less me.

                            You are a wholly ignorant fool who thinks repeating blase introductory level anarchist theory makes you some sort of ascended personality. I know YOU. I've lived around people just like you for half my life. You are not half as clever or as intellectual as you think you are, mostly because your response to being intellectually challenged is to stick your fingers in your ears and shout "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

                            It's why all you do is repeat the same tired shit regardless of the counter. Because you don't even really pay attention to any criticism. You don't actually take the time to internalize or even rationalize any contradictory argument or information. You are such a closed mind that you are utterly incapable of processing that it's closed. You are the Dunning-Kruger Effect personified; and we are done.
                            Last edited by chemiclord; January 9, 2021, 11:06 PM.


                            • So.... yeah.

                              I'm for Trump's twitter being taken away.
                              Lions Fans.

                              Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


                              • I have completed, or I am in the process of:

                                1) Deleted my facebook account.
                                2) Canceled my Amazon Prime account
                                3) Canceled my Amazon credit card
                                4) Deleting my Google profile
                                5) Removing Google's Android operating system from my phone, rooting, installing an open source OS
                                6) Removing all Google apps from my phone.

                                (I don't need to delete anything Apple, because I've always hated Apple and have none of their shit.)

                                I do this because these giant tech corporations have become Big Brother, determining what you can and can't see. Argue all you want about their "property" rights, they're aligned with the state, and have appointed themselves as agents of the state. I'll have nothing to do with it.

                                The Internet was never about giant mega-corporations controlling the content in the first place. It's about dynamism, interconnectedness, distributed assets. These corporations are holdovers from the past, the dinosaur of corporatism. They've made their bed with the state, let them sleep in it.

                                Censorship is not good. Giant tech corporations controlling free speech is not good. The alliance between megacorporations and the state is not good.
                                The only thing missing from that Marvin Jones touchdown reversal is that it wasn't a first round playoff game.

