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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Rhonda is an evil, hateful man. Fuck that fascist fucker.
    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


    • "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
      My friend Ken L


      • Happy Halloween. Yeah, zoiks.......

        Lions Fans.

        Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


        • That guy is going to storm the capitol building this weekend in a Mystery Machine.
          "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

          Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


          • Originally posted by Marko69 View Post
            That guy is going to storm the capitol building this weekend in a Mystery Machine.
            He'd have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those kids.
            Last edited by CGVT; November 7, 2023, 05:22 PM.
            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • Biden campaign plans Lions game ad to woo middle-class voters

              The Detroit News

              President Joe Biden's reelection campaign is rushing into the annual Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Day game by airing a television ad in the Detroit market emphasizing the Democratic incumbent understands the plight of middle class Americans.

              The one-minute commercial, which the Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris campaign said Wednesday is scheduled to air Thursday during the Lions-Green Bay Packers game, comes as recent public polling has shown Biden trailing Republican former President Donald Trump in many battleground states, including Michigan.

              The commercial, titled "Never Left," revisits familiar territory by focusing on Biden's upbringing in Scranton, Pa. — "He grew up a middle-class kid in a middle-class town" — and saying that town "has never left him."

              "He knows what life is like for working people and knows middle class life is too expensive right now," according to the narrator.

              The ad touts that the Biden administration is lowering costs for families by capping insulin costs for seniors at $35 a month, empowering Medicare officials to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices and spending money on "American-made clean energy" in a bid to reduce energy costs.

              "For Joe Biden, it is about restoring the sense of security working people deserve."

              Campaign officials touted it as a "stark" contrast with the Trump campaign.

              “The 2024 election will present Americans with a clear choice: whether we continue to build an economy that centers working families or return to the same failed MAGA agenda of giving tax handouts to the ultra-wealthy," Biden-Harris 2024 campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz said in a Wednesday statement. "The difference in leadership couldn’t be more stark, and our campaign is going to make sure Michigan voters hear about it early and often.”

              The scheduled ad follows a recent New York Times/Siena poll that found Trump, the front runner for the GOP nomination, would win five out of six key states, including Michigan by 5 percentage points. The other states were Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.

              The only state Biden won in the poll, taken Oct. 22-Nov. 3, was in Wisconsin, where the Biden campaign said it is airing an ad in the Milwaukee market during the Lions-Packers game.

              The Times/Siena poll surveyed 3,662 registered voters and had a margin of error of plus-minus 1.8 percentage points. Polls that focus on likely voters are considered more reliable indicators of possible election results.

              "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
              My friend Ken L


              • I wish political zealots, candidates etc would leave us alone during holidays.

                They can have the other 355 days a year to bombard us with their bullshot
                Brand New Detroit Lions


                • If Biden wants his numbers to get better he could ....oh I don't know ...stop giving Israel carte blanche in Gaza. He very well could lose Michigan because of his cheerleading.

                  2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                  • Originally posted by Whitley View Post
                    If Biden wants his numbers to get better he could ....oh I don't know ...stop giving Israel carte blanche in Gaza. He very well could lose Michigan because of his cheerleading.

                    The big problem with that is that if he doesn't support Israel, he loses a lot of support elsewhere.

                    It's an issue where it's exceedingly difficult to find a balance in the Dem caucus. Someone is going to be pissed at him no matter what.


                    • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

                      The big problem with that is that if he doesn't support Israel, he loses a lot of support elsewhere.

                      It's an issue where it's exceedingly difficult to find a balance in the Dem caucus. Someone is going to be pissed at him no matter what.
                      The same way that Biden has to do TV ads in the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and so on, because he has to motivate those that are ambivalent or apathetic about him to support and vote for him because if he doesn't get them out to vote for him, the Orange Cheeto will probably win.

                      Also note that Biden's support among African Americans and young people is sluggish and lethargic, and he desperately needs both groups to be motivated to vote for him in large numbers next November.
                      "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
                      My friend Ken L


                      • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post

                        The big problem with that is that if he doesn't support Israel, he loses a lot of support elsewhere.

                        It's an issue where it's exceedingly difficult to find a balance in the Dem caucus. Someone is going to be pissed at him no matter what.
                        Biden's support is falling off a cliff among young people, Arab-Americans, Latinos and African-Americans. Remember this is a guy that won by like 40k votes over 4 states.

                        Young people and Arab-Americans are really pissed over the way the Biden Administration is dealing with Israel. It flabbergasts me that the Biden administration can't find the line here. How hard is it to say that what Hammas did on October 7th was absolutely wrong. It is always wrong to kill innocents. And Israel you have ever right to defend yourself but the way you are going about it is absolutely wrong. All of that money and all of those weapons that go to you without strings stops right now. Now, Israel might very well say screw you. We are going to do it our way and at which point you walk away.

                        But you also make it very very clear that if another country goes to invade Israel that we have their back in that.

                        Instead you get this cheerleading (at least publicy) while Israel is basically ethnic cleasening the enitre Gaza Strip (notice how NOW southern Gaza has all the Hamas people) trying to force of them out of Gaza and into Egypt. They have offered to write off all Egypts debt to them if they will take the Palestinians. So far Egypt has balked. You have a high ranking energy Biden offical coming into Gaza to look at what revitalization Gaza can have and are suggesting they can start drilling oil offshore of Gaza.

                        2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                        • Because (again) a massive chunk of the people he also needs aren't interested in hearing Israel was or is wrong.

                          This isn't trying to appeal to Republicans. This is a huge chunk of the left in this country too. They are quite happy to turn any question about Israel's behavior into an example of antisemitism, and they resonate strongly with any suggestion that [x] politician is embracing antisemitism.

                          Look what's happened to Tlaib, for example.

                          The needle you want him to thread arguably doesn't exist. I'd prefer if he did the right thing and said "fuck it, call me an antisemite for calling a spade a spade" myself, but I also understand why his political calculations are saying that's a terrible idea.


                          • Originally posted by chemiclord View Post
                            Because (again) a massive chunk of the people he also needs aren't interested in hearing Israel was or is wrong.

                            This isn't trying to appeal to Republicans. This is a huge chunk of the left in this country too. They are quite happy to turn any question about Israel's behavior into an example of antisemitism, and they resonate strongly with any suggestion that [x] politician is embracing antisemitism.

                            Look what's happened to Tlaib, for example.

                            The needle you want him to thread arguably doesn't exist. I'd prefer if he did the right thing and said "fuck it, call me an antisemite for calling a spade a spade" myself, but I also understand why his political calculations are saying that's a terrible idea.
                            This post is spot on.

                            Had this convo with my 21 year old yesterday. He is much less jaded than I am

                            Israel gets carte blanche because of the anti-semite card. Politically it is poison to question what they are doing. It all comes down to one word. Holocaust. The "normie voter" as my son calls them, won't or can't pick up on any nuance and with the media selling it as Arabs=Bad, Jews=good, there just isn't much hope of them seeing that it is just not that cut and dried.
                            To most Americans that is just how it is.
                            Last edited by CGVT; November 23, 2023, 08:44 PM.
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Now, I do want to say that public sentiment on Israel is shifting, and as it has shifted, President Biden has gotten a bit more willing to press Israeli leaders on their actions. Hell, I'd argue a major reason that Israel finally acquiesced to this coming ceasefire is because they finally started feeling the heat from around the world. If the rest of the world is willing to continue to press, we might have hope in the future.


                              But eventually, the reckoning for Israel has to come from within the house there (a majority of Israelis voted for this conservative-dominated coalition, I wish to remind you), and the best thing that Biden (or any president) can do is have an ear among them when or if that reckoning starts to happen.


                              • Stuart Seldowitz, who was an official in the Obama Administration, was recently arrested for harassing a halal street vendor in NYC with Islamic-phobic rants.

                                The Manhattan-based Gotham Government Relations firm said on Tuesday that it would cut all ties with Stuart Seldowitz, who worked in the US Department of State’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 1999 to 2003 and later at the national security council during the Obama administration, after he was filmed harassing an Upper East Side street vendor.

                                Stuff like this and Biden not being seen as impartial to the Middle East situation isn't going to be helpful with other parts of the Democratic Party that Biden desperately needs in huge numbers to be re-elected in '24.
                                "I hope to see the Lions in the Super Bowl before I die"
                                My friend Ken L

