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US Politics - 2020 Presidential Election - GOP v Dem cage fight (ENTER AT YOUR PERIL)

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  • Democratic Poster Child. Not surprised


    • Sure Jerruh, Just another poor rich guy being picked on by the woke crowd and their 5G secret clan....

      Jerry Jones calls Commanders investigation “politically biased”

      Posted by Mike Florio on December 9, 2022, 1:18 PM EST

      USA TODAY Sports

      Cowboys owner Jerry Jones hadn’t said much about the Congressional investigation of the Commanders. On Friday, Jones said plenty.

      “First of all, I hope our fans see how politically biased this report is,” Jones said during his weekly Friday appearance on 105.3 The Fan in Dallas. “This report doesn’t even come out if the Republicans were in Congress.”

      He’s right, but that outcome would also be politically biased.

      “It’s that stupid,” Jones added. “My point is there is biasness all the way through. There are stories behind the stories. The facts are that Mr. Snyder’s minority partners really went out a long way to try and make him sell. He ended up buying them out. But a lot of this is that.”

      In other words, Jones believes that the three minority partners (including FedEx founder Fred Smith) instigated all of this to hurt Snyder. The truth, however, is that they had cashed out months before Congress started its investigation.

      “And a lot of the testimony I was involved first hand,” Jones said. “I was among the handful of owners that looked at all of the transcripts. That looked at all of the messages. That looked at all of the data. This attorney is trying to — is on a campaign, the woman attorney, to stop having settlements. When you have workplace settlements that’s another issue. But that’s a part of why this has the front that it has.”

      It’s unclear which attorney Jones is specifically referring to. It is clear that Jones has a bias in favor of being able to write a check to make a workplace problem go away. That’s what he did in 2015 with the voyeurism scandal that remained under wraps until earlier this year — and that inexplicably has been ignored, by pretty much everyone.

      The simple truth is that the Oversight Committee didn’t discover anything we didn’t already know. There was confirmation of various reports that had surfaced, but there was nothing that close observers didn’t already know.

      Specifically, the Commanders had a toxic and hostile workplace for years. Snyder was ultimately responsible for it. Snyder was directly accused by at least two employees of misconduct. Former team executive Bruce Allen was involved in email exchanges with Jon Gruden that were not appropriate, for a variety of reasons. The league buried the results of the Beth Wilkinson investigation.

      The Committee investigation brought extra attention to the situation. That’s something the NFL doesn’t want, whether as it relates to the Commanders or the Cowboys or any other NFL team.
      Trickalicious - I don't think it is fair that the division rivals get to play the Lions twice. The Lions NEVER get to play the Lions, let alone twice.


      • Your first bolded comment said everything. Literally everything.
        Pretty sad TBH - because it means a literal investigation to find the truth is IMPOSSIBLE.
        Because the "truth" is what whatever side in power wants to be found.

        It's literally why history is pretty much written by the winners of wars, not the losers..... Accuracy be damned.


        • NFL owners want to protect their fiefdom because the last thing they want is outside people looking in to the world that they control 100%.

          Regardless, if you’re siding with a piece of shit like Snyder, odds are you are not going to end up on the right side of anything.


          • Sigh.

            Some people want to worry about cat people.

            I think the bigger concern is people who think losers are actually somehow winners.

            Ex-NFL Coach Tony Dungy Spreads Kitty-Litter Myth And Twitter Gets Catty

            Lions Fans.

            Demanding Excellence since Pathetic Patricia Piddled the Pooch!


            • Is he talking about cat dungy?

              See what you started, Geezer!
              "I'm having much more fun in my 70s in the 20s than I did in my 20s in the 70s.”

              Joe Walsh - Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh 22nd June 2022


              • They put Santos on the wrong committees.
                Should have put him on:
                a) Ethics Committee
                b) Ways and Means Committee

                Anything else is a waste of his talents?


                • I never post in here. I generally avoid it like the plague because I find most political talk to be a waste of time but I am curious about the whole Ron DeSantis vs Disney thing. He seems to be using the power of the government to control a company and that seems to go against Republican values. Is there more to this because of that “don’t say gay” thing? Does the religious stance trump the anti big government stance? While I tend to lean right (I feel pretty close to center), this feels hypocritical but maybe I’m missing something.


                  • Originally posted by Tom View Post
                    I never post in here. I generally avoid it like the plague because I find most political talk to be a waste of time but I am curious about the whole Ron DeSantis vs Disney thing. He seems to be using the power of the government to control a company and that seems to go against Republican values. Is there more to this because of that “don’t say gay” thing? Does the religious stance trump the anti big government stance? While I tend to lean right (I feel pretty close to center), this feels hypocritical but maybe I’m missing something.
                    When Disney was building in Florida they recieved special abilities (like the ability to collect taxes to support their own EMS, build roads, permits and all that). Think like Vatcian City within Italy. An entinity unto itself. When the debate about the Don't Say Gay law was going on. Disney didn't say anything public about it until the law was passed, and THEN they came out against it (at least in public).

                    The law itself was written very vaguely. To such a degree, that school district lawyers have advised homosexual teachers to not have pictures of their significant others on their desk, because a child might ask who is that.

                    Anyways, DeSantis got all pissed about Disney coming out against it AFTER the law was passed and this was a way to get back at them. Of course, with stripping it meant that the two counties that Disney is in are now responsible for the upkeep and matinence which comes to around a billion dollars (pretty sure that is the amount). And would blow a hole in their budgets.

                    2012 Detroit Lions Draft: 1) Cordy Glenn G , 2) Brandon Taylor S, 3) Sean Spence olb, 4) Joe Adams WR/KR, 5) Matt McCants OT, 7a) B.J. Coleman QB 7b) Kewshan Martin WR


                    • The biggest fallacy in American politics is that Republicans are against big government/pro individual freedom.


                      • Using the law to make someone stop saying things you don’t like is just the grift of politics (which works both ways)….that’s not what “big government” is.

                        On the other side of that…..when Disney has been for decades on this right side of tax breaks (which the citizens of Florida pay for), I don’t feel bad for them either. This is a multi-billion dollar company that got into bed with the gov’t about 100 years ago and has been reaping the benefits…I don’t see a problem with the florida gov’t telling them to STFU.

                        And the reason: America is a fascist nation.

                        Most people have lost sight of what “fascist” means and apply it to movements they don’t approve of (mostly left accusing the right)….but that not what fascism really is. Fascism defined is a marriage/partnership between government and corporations (private entities)…and this has been in place since the early 1900s. The gov’t financially (and through other regulatory means) gives billions upon billions of dollars to already rich companies to do what they want.and on the other side of that the gov’t expects their back scratched when they need it as well.

                        I could tell you a story….it’s about a how a company that’s regulated by the government (I.e. maxed out at 11% profit) went from a market cap of 17b to a market cap of over 45b in less than 5 years. How can a company that’s maxed out at 11% profit gain an additional 28b in value in a 5-year span? The government gave them the taxpayer money to buy assets that now belong to the company…that’s how. This happened 5 years ago.

                        And that’s one example….it happens all of the time. I see the IIJA grant money available to corporations…it’s nuts.

                        On a related note: If anyone is interested in setting up a company around carbon capture technologies….you could probably keep it afloat for 10years on federal grant money alone (no need to turn a profit).
                        Last edited by Nick Pappageorgio; February 28, 2023, 09:02 AM.


                        • What’s everyone’s thoughts on the newly released Jan 6 footage? It’s pretty disturbing the way the media can paint things vice what actually happened.
                          F#*K OHIO!!!

                          You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                          • I think you nailed it, although probably unintentionally. Tucker Carlson manipulated the footage to tell a different story than what actually happened.


                            • Now you guys care about the media manipulation of news…you don’t care when it’s Hunter’s laptop, the Steele dossier, the kid with the MAGA hat standing in front of an American Indian, or CNN/MSNBC having to issue a ton of retractions.

                              It’s almost like you’re opinion of media outlets truthfulness is based on your already predisposed opinions about politics. Crazy


                              • Hey I'm one person who commented on one thing, stop making generalizations. Did you ask me about the other items you mentioned? If so, I missed it.


