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In Memory of Ned T Elbows

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  • In Memory of Ned T Elbows

    I do not keep a calander with important dates to remember. In fact, I have a problem now days remembering important items. I would not forget if I had an important date, but it has been so long since I had a date, I have given up on it ever happening again.

    With that said. I was reflecting on the past recently, and realized that there has been no mention of one of the truest Lions fans ever. I suspect that the record of recent has him uneasy in his grave but, I truly miss the wit and wisdom that he shared with regularity. I also am still in awe on how he could put a detractor in his place with a single sentence.

    I's be wishin my fallen comrade and cyberbud wuz still amongst us.
    I long for a Lions team that is consistently competitive.

  • #2
    Nice tribute Mark. He was one of a kind.


    • #3
      Yes he was. I wish I got a chance to interact with him more.
      To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


      • #4
        Very nice Mark and a great idea. I hadn't thought about Ned in awhile.

        GO LIONS "06" !!!!!!
        GO LIONS "25" !!


        • #5
          pands--and here is to you Ned T. Elbows
          If you keep shootin, you can turn any piece of meat into burger


          • #6
            Originally posted by Malto Marko
            I truly miss the wit and wisdom that he shared with regularity.
            "To alcohol! The cause of—and solution to—all of life's problems." —Homer Simpson, 1997


            • #7
              Reading his posts reminded me of the scene in "A Christmas Story" when he gets the Little Orphan Annie decoder ring. After I made it through every sentence I felt like I decoded a secret message. He was very entertaining.

              Peace to you, Ned, and your family.


              • #8
                RIP..Ned. Every time I would come upon one of his posts, I felt like I was wrapped in a blanket next to the fireplace on a snowy cold winters night. I am sure there wasn't one post from Ned that I did not read At least twice. No one ever doubted Ned, no one ever disagreed with Ned, We simply read his wisdom and silently noded our heads in agreement.
                "Don?t worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright. - Bob Marley "


                • #9
                  You are never gone when you are still remembered. Here's to you Ned.


                  • #10
                    Pardon my ignorance but can someone fill me in?
                    F#*K OHIO!!!

                    You're not only an amazingly beautiful man, but you're the greatest football mind to ever exist. <-- Jeffy Shittypants actually posted this. I knew he was in love with me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Shark
                      Every time I would come upon one of his posts, I felt like I was wrapped in a blanket next to the fireplace on a snowy cold winters night.

                      Originally posted by Adam
                      Pardon my ignorance but can someone fill me in?
                      Ned T. Elbows was a former poster on the freep forum a few years back. His wife came on the forum one day to inform us that he had died suddenly of a stroke or brain annurism. We were all shocked. Ned was generally liked. (I guess Shark liked him more than most) He used to post in a most unusual manner, purposely using bad grammar --reminiscent of an old & wise gentle codgerly dude-- but making good points in virtually every post. Most times, one would have to read them more than once to get what he said. Several forum members had a Lions jersey made with Ned's name on the back and had it framed in tribute to him. It's nice that every now & then someone creates a thread in his memory.
                      Last edited by Drew; May 15, 2006, 04:03 AM.
                      <<< Jana Cova ...again (8 <<<


                      • #12
                        Ned was the man. Funny, and his posts were very interesting if you could figure out what he was saying. Great guy in person as well.


                        • #13
                          it took me soooooo long to figure out his posts - then he was gone....
                          Got Kneecaps?


                          • #14
                            I came to W/C after Ned had passed, so I never had the pleasure of posting with him or of meeting him in person.

                            But because of the friendships he had formed with the "old timers", I felt as if I knew him.

                            RIP Ned! I know you are missed very much every day by your family and friends.


                            • #15
                              Ned was one of the few people who was on at 3:oo/4:00am in the morning and it was always nice chatting with him when I was on midnights. I always remember the first time I met him and his two wives and the night we spent. Great guy.

                              GO LIONS "06" !!!!!!
                              GO LIONS "25" !!

